
Showing posts from November, 2018

Susan Collins husband represented Russia in Alaska…

<THREAD> You want to talk Sen. Susan Collins' vote on #Kavanaugh ? Let's talk about her husband, lobbyist Thomas Daffron. And a whole bunch of Russia connections. You need to hear this, because the media is going to yell about abortion to cover this up. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) September 9, 2018 Her husband represented the Russian homeland in Alaska and employed a registered foreign agent. Put a reporter on it. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) October 5, 2018 Where Two Men Normally Sit, Two Women Flank Sen. Susan Collins During Kavanaugh Speech. Just in case anyone was under the illusion that this speech wasn’t stage managed well in advance. How transparent can you get? — Steve Redmond (@sjredmond) October 6, 2018 A scene from GOP senators fist bumping and Trumworld popping champagne over their victory over liberals and anti sexual assault activists in the Kavanaugh battle. Featuring: Tom Co

Russian trump calls Congressman "Adam Schitt"

So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 18, 2018 Acting AG must be confirmed because he reports directly to the president. Bob Mueller doesn't report directly to the president. You might be confused because he reports to a guy who defrauds people out of millions, sells phony products and doesn't pay his bills, but it's not you. — Facts Do Matter (@WilDonnelly) November 18, 2018

Thief Rick Scott Steals Florida Senate Seat

Does anyone in Florida remember that Rick Scot took the 5th. Seventy five times in the Medicare fraud case? — Mary Helen Laidman (@Bigsplashnani) September 24, 2018 Rick Scot already oversaw the biggest Medicare fraud in history and he’s trying to outdo himself — Killjoy 🤔🏆 (@KilljoyGSW) September 7, 2018 Rick Scot running for congress. He was the CEO of HCA, now defunct. He pled the 5th 75 times and was fined $1.7 Billion for Medicare Fraud. Then he became Governor of FLORIDA. Now he wants to join the GOP crooks in Congress - probably to figure out how to help SCREW US again — Joe Bishoff 🌊🌊🌊🌊 (@JABaloney) August 17, 2018 FINALLY: Senator Scott! Posted November 18, 2018 8:24 pm by  holby  Category:  TRUMP HYSTERICS (DRUDGE...)  Tags:  Drudge FINALLY: Senator Scott! (First column, 1st story,  link ) The Florida results are finally in. Scott keeps a tight but clear lead over Nelson. Nelson is expected to concede today, though

Hailey Baldwin appears to confirm marriage to Justin Bieber on Instagram

Hailey Baldwin appears to confirm marriage to Justin Bieber on Instagram — Independent US (@IndyUSA) November 17, 2018

'He can kiss my red ass': California fire evacuees give Russian trump visit short shrift

'He can kiss my red ass': California fire evacuees give Trump visit short shrift — Watchdog Progressive (@Watchdogsniffer) November 17, 2018 Trump blames the victims. Yet, it was Trump who cut federal funds for forest management. They got out. But they can't go back. via @HuffPost — Dr. Robert Fortuna (@psychdr100) November 17, 2018

SHITLER says ‘This would be a very good time to do a shutdown,’

Here's the reality on Trump shutting down the government before Christmas: - he's not that dumb - he is that vindictive - he is that reckless - he is that hurtful - he is deceitful enough to lie about it - he is that desperate - he is that impulsive — John Oberlin (@OMGno2trump) November 17, 2018

How this teenage high school dropout became a bitcoin millionaire

How this teenage high school dropout became a bitcoin millionaire. — CNBC (@CNBC) November 17, 2018

Republicans want fewer children receiving food stamps

Republicans want fewer children receiving food stamps. Food stamps are a vital part of our social safety net and the value is greater than the cost! — Renee Hoagenson 🌊 (@ReneeHoagenson) November 17, 2018

'We the People’ rally on Independence Mall...

The competing rallies featured only sporadic confrontations, and there was no indication of attendance by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, or members of hate groups such as the Proud Boys or Three Percenters, as had been predicted on various online sites. Philly rally confirms: The Proud Boys are a pathetic hateful fraternity of losers...Pro tip: when your group has more tats than W-2 forms or years of education, you really need to pack it in... via @phillydotcom — Tim Wise (@timjacobwise) November 17, 2018 Gritty, the Pepe of the left. #ProudBoys rally near Philadelphia's Independence Hall vastly outnumbered by counter-protesters holding signs featuring the Flyers' mascot — Julie Laumann #StrongerThanHate 🌎 (@Otpor17) November 17, 2018

Arron Banks was offered "gold & diamond deals" by Russian ambassador named in Mueller indictments

Peter Lilley on BBC News Channel says that Theresa May is Neville Chamberlain, Europe is akin to Nazi Germany and a second referendum would be a surrender to our enemies. And all without foaming at the mouth. — David Aaronovitch (@DAaronovitch) November 17, 2018 But THIS caught my eye. November 18. The day LeaveEU launched its press campaign. The same day @arron_banks & @andywigmore went to Russian embassy & were intro-ed to gold & diamond deals. Did Bannon know? He's on the email about donors & "presentations". What else did he know? — Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) November 17, 2018 Britain: Steve Bannon is not just the man the @bbc invites to its special conferences. And this is not just an email. He's the close associate of @nigel_farage . He was the man behind Trump. He's been interviewed by Mueller "at least" 3 times — Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) November 17, 201

Ivanka praises Saudi prince MBS for "flawless execution"

Whatever you do don’t retweet this video where Ivanka thanks "the Deputy Crown Prince for his vision, his hard work, and for the flawless execution of two amazing days here in Saudi Arabia. Hopefully the first of many many visits to come." Blood money. — Scott Dworkin (@funder) November 17, 2018 Pro tip: don’t think a top Saudi Royal for his “flawless execution.” 😬 — Isaac Stone Fish (@isaacstonefish) November 17, 2018

Trump is handing another ambassadorship to a member of his Mar-a-Lago resort that costs $200k. Lana Marks is 4th Mar-a-Lago member Trump has made an ambassador

This man is using public office for personal profit --> Trump is handing another ambassadorship to a member of his Mar-a-Lago resort that costs $200k. Lana Marks is 4th Mar-a-Lago member Trump has tapped for an ambassadorship. You read that right. FOURTH. — The Hummingbird 🐦 (@SaysHummingbird) November 15, 2018

Arkansas has now dropped 12,000 from Medicaid who don’t comply with state reporting of their activities

BREAKING: Arkansas has now dropped 12,000 from Medicaid who don’t comply with state reporting of their activities. 6000 more at risk to come next month. These are low income people struggling to do their part. I urge Arkansas to pause and review before going further. — Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) November 15, 2018

Mitch McConnell overheard talking about Trump and alluding to "staging a play" after saying "we are heading to a constitutional crisis."

Mitch McConnell overheard talking about Trump and alluding to "staging a play" after saying "we are heading to a constitutional crisis." ... so, yep. EVERYTHING IS FINE. — Caroline Orr (@RVAwonk) November 15, 2018

Putin's AG Matt Whitaker on gay marriage: "I do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman"

NEW: Video we found of Matt Whitaker on gay marriage: "I do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I really am concerned as to how the government has become involved in marriage at all ... the institution of marriage to me is a purely state issue." Wow. Just, wow. — Scott Dworkin (@funder) November 15, 2018

Russian Troll Bots ARE Amplifying Seth Moulton and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Seth Moulton has been running an anti-Pelosi campaign since Democrats won the House. Seth has also been working with Roger Stone camp member Matt Gaetz. — Patrick (@TrickFreee) November 16, 2018 . @sethmoulton It's your career and it's your call but I just wanted you to know that many Russian Troll Bots are amplifying you. I have been reporting on Russian propaganda since 2014 Maidan when the Russians attacked Ukraine. Your being used like @SenSanders was in 2016. Tim — Tim Hogan (@TimInHonolulu) November 15, 2018 No. When you fail to acknowledge and downplay the immediate priority for this country is repelling the attacks by both Russia, China,and their surrogates against our Republic, you’re being divisive. We are at war with these nations. Start acting like it. — Andrew C Laufer, Esq (@lauferlaw) November 15, 2018

Matthew Whitaker sat on the board of a company that offered one million dollar to anyone that could provide evidence that Bigfoot was real

Matthew Whitaker, the acting Attorney General, apparently sat on the board of a company that offered a one million dollar reward to anyone that could provide evidence that Bigfoot was real — New York Magazine (@NYMag) November 15, 2018

MAGABOMBER is the only follower of “Kill George Soros“ Facebook page, A Russian troll page

🚨Mail bomb suspect is the only follower of “Kill George Soros“ Facebook page. Is it his page? A Russian troll page? Remember, the demonization of Soros is of Russian propaganda origin. Putin blames him (and Hillary) for Russians wanting democracy instead of kleptocracy in Russia — Paula Chertok🗽 (@PaulaChertok) October 26, 2018

Matthew Whitaker lent his name and status as an ex-US attorney to a toilet for the “well-endowed.”

"Matthew Whitaker lent his name and status as an ex-US attorney to a firm touting time travel cryptocurrency and a toilet for the “well-endowed.”" — Moorer 🏳️‍🌈 (@knownforms) November 14, 2018 "A masculine toilet"? What? I don't even know if I'm allowed to talk about this Matt Whitaker story on TV. I don't even know if I have the capability to *ask* about covering this story on TV without getting in trouble with HR. — Rachel Maddow MSNBC (@maddow) November 14, 2018

Michigan man sentenced to 4 to 10 years in prison for shooting at black teen asking directions

File is under, "Right On" Michigan man sentenced to 4 to 10 years in prison for shooting at teen asking directions — 🖕🏻Aunt Crabby calls Bullshit 🖕🏻 (@DearAuntCrabby) November 14, 2018


the First Lady. weighed in on a Deputy National Security Advisor. Melania Trump. Former model. Soft porn extra. Safari cosplay enthusiast. weighed in on a Deputy National Security Advisor. Can we add Roger-Moore-as-James-Bond-007 nemesis? — rick_ames (@Rick_Ames) November 13, 2018 A White House official just told reporters the WSJ story is not accurate. Says Mira Ricardel has not been fired or escorted off the grounds and is at her desk and still works at the WH now. — Eamon Javers (@EamonJavers) November 13, 2018 NEW: John Bolton’s No. 2, Mira Ricardel, was escorted from the White House moments ago, an administration officials tell ⁦ @WSJ ⁩. Ricardel was standing just a few feet from President Trump earlier this afternoon. — Michael C. Bender (@MichaelCBender) November 13, 2018 "It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that (Ricardel) no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House," first lady's comm director Stephanie


Trump’s Tax Cut Was Supposed to Change Corporate Behavior. Here’s What Happened. WAGES HAVE NOT IMPROVED!! JUST ANOTHER GOP TAXSCAM FOR THE WEALTHY! — SNOWFLAKE (@jawja100) November 13, 2018   JPMorgan Chase analysts estimate that in the first half of 2018, about $270 billion in corporate profits previously held overseas were repatriated to the United States and spent as a result of changes to the tax code. Some 46 percent of that, JPMorgan Chase analysts said, was spent on $124 billion in stock buybacks...

Jeff Bezos is making the City of Arlington pay $23 million in hotel tax revenues directly to his company

Jeff Bezos, who is worth $100 BILLION, is making the City of Arlington pay $23 million in hotel tax revenues directly to his company. There is no reason for this. He is doing it because he can. — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) November 13, 2018 Amazon is naming its headquarters near DC "National Landing"? Life is getting just a little bit more like Game of Thrones every day. — JRehling (@JRehling) November 13, 2018

McGahn introduced Whitaker to Trump! McGahn also introduced Kavanaugh to Trump!

McGahn introduced Whitaker to Trump! McGahn also introduced Kavanaugh to Trump. McGahn and McConnell seen to be Trump's number 1 enablers! Don't count on ethics. — Susan Cetrano (@CetranoSusan) November 13, 2018 This is who Trump picked as his acting US Attorney General. Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker Once Said Jews, Muslims and Atheists Should Not Be Federal Judges — Chris A (@ChrisA3030911) November 13, 2018

USA Not Really

Image In case you didn’t know, USA Really is a Russian propaganda site which can’t decide if it wants to pretend to be American-made or if it’s Russian but “that doesn’t matter.” The site is of such poor quality and tone it makes you suspect that for many people associated with the Internet Research Agency (AKA “Not the cool IRA“), the trolling industry is nothing but a big grift. Laziness doesn’t even begin to describe USA Really’s problems. For example, the site just had an overhaul and yet look at its search page: Type an “epic” there? Are you sure I can fit the entire  Mahabharata  into that search bar? Washington should stop persecuting Russian journalists. @FBI detained and interrogated Alexander Malkevich about his journalistic activities ➡️ 👈 @FreedomofPress @PressClubDC @pressfreedom @statedeptspox p

Jerome Corsi, the original champion of the birther movement and alleged backchannel to WikiLeaks in 2016, will be indicted

Yes, Italy seems significant. It’s also where Papadopoulos met Joseph Mifsud in 2016. — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) November 12, 2018 MORE: Corsi described his experience with investigation as “a horror show” and “a nightmare,” telling @ABC special counsel’s probe, “Is an inquisition worthy of the KGB or the Gestapo. I feel like I've been through an interrogation session in North Korea” — Ali Dukakis (@ajdukakis) November 12, 2018 BREAKING: Jerome Corsi, the original champion of the birther movement and alleged backchannel to WikiLeaks in 2016, will be indicted. — Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) November 12, 2018 Here is "Birther" creator Jerome Corsi on Thursday on his Corsi Nation YouTube broadcast perhaps after he received notice he's about to be indicted. — Tim Hogan (@TimInHonolulu) November 12, 2018 A reminder: Jerome Corsi (who works for Infowars) was

Crazed And Frenzied Russian Operative Matt Whitaker Plotted to remove Rosenstein

Jeff Sessions’s departure, and his replacement with Mark Whitaker, is Trump’s plan to corrupt the Department of Justice. It's the most dire threat to the republic since Trump’s election itself, writes @jonathanchait — Intelligencer (@intelligencer) November 11, 2018 FBI Probing “Scam Company” Where Acting AG Matt Whitaker Once Served via @democracynow — William G Iannaccone (@iannaccone_g) November 12, 2018 Trump pick Whitaker rose through ranks as partisan targeting Democrats || Via Guardian — SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) November 12, 2018 Matt Whitaker's Role in the Trump Campaign Gives Him Every Reason to Recuse — TrumpFirehose (@TrumpFirehose) November 12, 2018 With Cohen in d.c. today and reports that trump is “sullen” I’d say mueller has one for Donny jr., too and I also think Whitaker is reviewing all of mueller’s evidence and running straight to trump. https://

Mitch McConnell received $3,500,000 from Vladimir Putin...

Mitch McConnell received $3,500,000 from a Ukrainian-born oligarch with ties that lead to Russia’s Vladimir Putin. — The Hummingbird 🐦 (@SaysHummingbird) November 12, 2018   Len Blavatnik donated $3.5 million to Mitch McConnell's PAC from 2015 to 2017. Ukrainian-born billionaire Len Blavatnik, who holds dual U.S.-U.K. citizenship, used to be a fairly run-of-the-mill campaign contributor, donating relatively modest amounts in a bipartisan fashion — and then the 2016 election cycle hit. Beginning in 2015, Blavatnik lavished contributions on Republicans, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell alone on the receiving end of $3.5 million between 2015 and 2017. Via Dallas News : Blavatnik contributed a total of  $3.5 million  to a PAC associated with Senate Majority Leader  Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.  Blavatnik contributed  $1.5 million  to the GOP Senate Leadership Fund PAC in the name of Access Industries and another  $1 million  in the name of AI-Altep Holdin

France calls for Europe to become a powerful new 'empire' to rival USA, China...

France calls for Europe to become a powerful new 'empire' to rival USA... — DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) November 12, 2018

White Women on trump: “I don’t care if he sprouts a third dick up there.”

. @svdate went to a Trump rally and asked his supporters if they care whether he lies all the time. One woman’s response: "I don’t care if he sprouts a third dick up there.” — Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) November 5, 2018 Inside the Alternative Universe of the Trump Rallies: "The president warns of radical, far-left Democrats and immigrant thugs in terms that bear little or no resemblance to the truth. His voters can’t get enough." — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) November 6, 2018 Profile of a woman who loves Trump: Blonde from a bottle ✔️ Bored with husband ✔️ High School Education or lower ✔️ Loves crafting ✔️ Reads romance novels ✔️ Sells Mary Kay ✔️ Bakes a mean tuna casserole ✔️ Severe menopause ✔️ DELUSIONAL ✔️✔️ — Mr. Dolce FIERCE RESISTER 🦁💙🌊CATivist💙🌊💙🦁 (@mrdolcethecat) November 6, 2018

Whites Haven’t Voted For A Democrat Since 1976...

White Vote percentage for Democrats in Presidential elections from 1976 to 2012 & 2016 - always less than 50% — Ralf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@Ralfoo7) June 2, 2017 Half of white women continue to vote Republican. What's wrong with them? | Moira Donegan — seekerwisdom (@seekerwisdom1) November 10, 2018 Three of these people cover the White House news and one has disparaged Donald Trump openly. Guess which one Trump has not insulted. Do you see with your eyes why Trump criticized three and not the fourth? . @AprilDRyan @abbydphillip @Yamiche @Eminem — JRehling (@JRehling) November 10, 2018