
Showing posts from December, 2019

Putin Instructs: Nullify Government Tyranny: In 2020, Harness The Power Of Your Discontent

Nullify Government Tyranny: In 2020, Harness The Power Of Your Discontent Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything.  We are the government .” - John Lennon Twenty years into the 21st century, and what do we have to show for it? Government corruption, tyranny and abuse have propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, and pay-to-play politicians have become the new normal. Here’s just a small sampling of the laundry list of abuses—cruel, b

Russia says Putin thanked Trump for helping fight a terrorist plot but offers few details - USA TODAY

Russia says Putin thanked Trump for helping fight a terrorist plot but offers few details    USA TODAY Putin and Trump spoke by phone to discuss counter-terrorism efforts    CNN Trump's latest call with Putin raises more questions than it answers    CNN Trump, Putin discussed Russia attack, arms control, relations: White House    Reuters Putin Thanks Trump for Helping Russia Thwart Terrorist Attack    The New York Times View full coverage on Google News

Make Europe Relevant Again

Make Europe Relevant Again Authored by Sigmar Gabriel via Project Syndicate, It is increasingly clear that the European Union was not built to be a global actor. The EU is a strictly European idea, designed to bring peace and prosperity to a region ravaged by centuries of incessant war. It was meant to mind its own business, leaving matters of global import to the two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Britain and France. Under this arrangement, the EU achieved stability for its neighborhood. While other countries have pursued global political and economic strategies, we Europeans have relied on our shared history, democratic traditions, and moral compass in the service of fitful regional integration . But these strengths will not ensure Europe’s continued relevance. Economic change and technological advances (online platforms, artificial intelligence, automation, data monopolies, zero-marginal-cost distribution) are reshaping the global economy, upending longsta

KGB: 2020: The Final Combat Of Western Hegemonism

2020: The Final Combat Of Western Hegemonism Authored by Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog The world situation is changing very fast and one needs to make an effort in order to keep pace with the events. The end of a year is a welcome opportunity for an assessment of the current situation. I shall concentrate on two main subjects... 2019: The West has lost the supremacy in the Middle East I think that this was the most important change in the year drawing to a close. Iran has successfully and creatively defended herself against the „maximal pressure“ from the USA and has kept her distance with the West European countries. Economically, the country has suffered from the US-sanctions, but she has now passed the biggest crisis. The country took the imposed problems as a motivation to improve the economical governance and to diminish the dependance from petrol. While in June, say, there was a more or less real danger of an aggressive war against Iran, now, this treat haas faded in

Putin Thanks Trump for Helping Russia Thwart Terrorist Attack - The New York Times

Putin Thanks Trump for Helping Russia Thwart Terrorist Attack    The New York Times Putin thanks Trump for tip Russia says foiled attacks    Reuters Putin thanks Trump for foiling new year attacks    BBC News View full coverage on Google News

'Mass Stabbing' At Jewish Hannukah Celebration In New York, At Least 5 Injured

'Mass Stabbing' At Jewish Hannukah Celebration In New York, At Least 5 Injured At least 5 people have been stabbed after a black male entered Rabbi Rottenburg’s Shul, located in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, New York, and pulled out a machete. Notably, today is the last day of Hannukah. As reports , the alleged assailant pulled off the cover and stabbed at least 5 people. One of the victims was stabbed in the chest. Two of the victims of the attack were taken into hospital as critical. One of the victims was stabbed at least 6 times. The fifth/least severe case had a cut in his hand. The perpetrator then ran out and escaped in a vehicle. His plates were spotted before he left (HPT-5757 per the person who saw it and we confirmed it with him directly - a Gray Nissan Sentra), and the police are currently searching for him. Videos of the stabbing attack began disseminating on social media. Horrifying!!! #nycstabbing — Mark Kenned

Former Federal Prosecutor Says Donald Trump Is 'Outsourcing Our Nation's Security to Putin' - Newsweek

Former Federal Prosecutor Says Donald Trump Is 'Outsourcing Our Nation's Security to Putin'    Newsweek

Britain's Security Services Granted License To Kill in Preparation for War with Europe

Britain's Security Services Granted License To Kill Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation, In a landmark ruling last week, a panel of five senior British judges ruled that a secret government policy of granting immunity to its state security service was “legal” . Below is an interview with one of the human rights groups which challenged the murky policy demanding that it be banned. First though, some background to the issue. British government policy holds implicitly that agents or informants operating for the state’s security service, MI5, are permitted to commit crimes without fear of prosecution if those crimes are committed in the line of duty to protect national security. This is tantamount to the British state granting its agents and proxies a “license to kill”. The judges in the panel of the so-called Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) have formally  recognized  this hitherto secret government policy as “legal”. The panel voted by 3 to 2 in favo

KGB: Washington's Unmasked Imperialism Towards Europe And Russia

Washington's Unmasked Imperialism Towards Europe And Russia Via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Washington must think the rest of the world is as stupid as many of its own politicians are. Its passing into law – signed by President Trump this week – of sanctions to halt the Nord Stream-2 and Turk Stream gas supply projects is a naked imperialist move to bludgeon the European energy market for its own economic advantage. US sanctions are planned to hit European companies involved with Russia’s Gazprom in the construction of the 1,225-kilometer pipeline under the Baltic Sea which will deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany and elsewhere across the European Union. The €9.5 billion ($11bn) project is 80 per cent complete and is due to be finished early next year. It is quite clear – because US politicians have openly acknowledged it – that Washington’s aim is to oust Russia as the main natural gas exporter to the giant EU market, and to replace with more expensive American-produc

KGB organ ZeroHedge: trump Will Easily Be Reelected: There's Been No Repudiation Of What He Represents and There Won't Be

Donald Trump Will Easily Be Reelected: There's Been No Repudiation Of What He Represents and There Won't Be Authored by Anis Shivani via, I  predicted well before the last election that Donald Trump would be elected , having felt that way once he rode down that golden escalator with his rapist invective. Ever since he was elected, I’ve also believed he’ll be reelected, more easily this time. An illustrative personal anecdote, one of many over the last three years: A creative writing PhD with tons of debt, whose wife happens to be an undocumented Filipina, became mighty angered by the promise of student debt cancelation. What about those who have paid their dues by taking out debt? No doubt he would refuse a blanket amnesty for “illegals” too. His DACA wife paid her dues. The  columnists at the  New York Times  are all angry  at the possibility of decriminalization of border crossings, health care for the undocumented, and abolition of private insurance. They d