
Showing posts from February, 2020

Not happy with only Facebook, Russian Jews are seizing Twitter RIGHT NOW...

Amazing how every...single...time I post something negative about @BernieSanders the replies are filled with BOTS. No name, no history, 1-20 followers. Who the FUCK do you think is running those bots? — Don Winslow (@donwinslow) March 1, 2020 Trump pal, billionaire Paul Singer, buys substantial amount of Twitter to "make changes." Between he and Rupert Murdoch, conservatives will control most press. This is a step to "state run" media. — Elise Flynn (@TashaMahal) February 29, 2020 TWITTER being BOUGHT OUT for #MAGA Billionaire Republican BUYS MAJOR TWITTER STAKE, may oust CEO amid GOP concerns of bias #PaulSinger ’s #ElliottManagementCorp . has already nominated four directors to #Twitter 's board... #MOG #BlueWave2020 — Michael O'Grady (@mog7546) March 1, 2020 So Twitter will be run by Neo-conservative pro-Trump billionaire Paul Singer? Oh. Very subtle. 😂 — Eric Garland (@ericgar

Trump pushing for three-way arms control with Russia, China - ABC News

Trump pushing for three-way arms control with Russia, China    ABC News Trump willing to meet leaders of Russia, China, Britain, France on arms control    Reuters Donald Trump 'prepared to hold' historic arms control talks with Russia and China    The Telegraph Trump ready to meet with leaders of Russia, China, Britain, France to discuss arms control    Trend News Agency US President Donald Trump pushing for three-way arms control with Russia, China - Republic World    Republic World View Full Coverage on Google News

Romney receives standing ovation in Denver for impeachment vote...

Romney receives standing ovation in Denver for impeachment vote... (First column, 4th story, link )

How the EU Can Survive in a Geopolitical Age - Carnegie Europe

How the EU Can Survive in a Geopolitical Age    Carnegie Europe

Murdoch's dog Hannity seems like he is about to cry amid corona virus...

For some reason, it almost seems like Hannity is about to cry — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) February 28, 2020 Donald Trump Jr. rants Democrats ‘hope coronavirus comes here and kills millions’ to end president’s ‘streak of winning’ — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) February 28, 2020 Here's Mike Mulvaney at CPAC characterizing coronavirus coverage as "an attempt to bring down the president" and blaming the media for the stock market stump — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 28, 2020

NPR describes trump raving at his klan rally as a “wide-ranging speech” mentioning "specific topics like Iran and impeachment"

When are reporters going to their jobs? Repeating Trump's dangerous words, without adding context is not journalism. Trump is talking about fascism, an installation of authoritarian government. Reporters ignored Hitler's & Mussolini's words as well, then it was too late. — RJ Gadz (@RalfusJ) February 29, 2020 Listening to NPR this morning, where they described it as a “wide-ranging” speech and mentioned specific topics like Iran and impeachment but carefully omit the insane stuff. This is one way the media strives to present Trump as a normal President. — Tomthunkit™ (@TomthunkitsMind) February 28, 2020 "You don't get any water!" -- POTUS transitions from complaining about dishwashers to complaining about sinks, toilets, and showers. He then starts bragging about his hair. — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 15, 2020 “You go around Pennsylvania and you see Trump signs everywhere. Th

Mike Huckabee rants that trump "could personally suck the virus out of every one of the 60,000 people in the world, suck it out of their lungs"

Mike Huckabee says Trump "could personally sick the virus out of every one of the 60,000 people in the world, suck it out of their lungs, swim to the bottom of the ocean and spit it out, and he would be accused of pollution for messing up the ocean." — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) February 28, 2020

Turkey threatens to assault Europe AGAIN with refugees it and Russia created after 33 Turks murdered by RUSSIA

Turkey threatens to assault Europe AGAIN with refugees it and Russia created after 33 Turks murdered by RUSSIA! Cc @guyverhofstadt @MollyMcKew via @Yahoo — Colby News (@colbynews) February 28, 2020 Putinist propagandists/leaders jumping on news that Erdogan will no longer stop flow of refugees toward Europe — ❄️ Snowbird (@Snowbirdsix1000) February 28, 2020 March 2016: — K. Louise Neufeld (@ninaandtito) February 28, 2020 As predicted, here comes a new wave of Syrian refugees into Europe — fleeing Russian bombing of civilians, and then allowed by Turkey to continue on — just in time for already escalating fears ... — Molly McKew (@MollyMcKew) February 28, 2020 Fundamentally misleading: the refugees being transited to Turkey's borders are *not* those seeking sanctuary in Idlib. Underlining that @TRT is really just a propaganda arm of Turkey's public diplomacy and *not* an ac

Russia is militarily assaulting the 2020 campaign to help trump, intelligence officials say - The Verge

Russia is meddling in 2020 campaign to help Trump, intelligence officials say    The Verge Trump security adviser slammed for 'politicizing intelligence' on Russian meddling    The Guardian America's Russia nightmare is back    CNN Intelligence officials warn that Russia is again meddling to aid Trump    Los Angeles Times Trump Dismisses Warning of Russian 2020 Meddling as a Democratic ‘Hoax’    The New York Times View Full Coverage on Google News

Air Force changes service anthem to gender-neutral lyrics...

Air Force changes service anthem to gender-neutral lyrics... (Third column, 4th story, link )

KGB ponders: What Is The Deep State?

What Is The Deep State? Via, A new focus on the Deep State in undermining the national interests has become a serious thought for many citizens. Not known to many, the Deep State has its origin in the British Empire and how the Round Table infiltrated former British colonies (including India) through America. Last year, fuel was added to this fire when internal memos were leaked from the  British-run  Integrity Initiative  featuring a startling account of the techniques deployed by the anti-Russian British operation to infiltrate American intelligence institutions, think tanks and media. The Integrity Initiative For those who may not know,  The  Integrity Initiative  is an anti-Russian propaganda outfit funded to the tune of $140 million by the British Foreign office. Throughout 2019, leaks have been released featuring documents dated to the early period of Trump’s election, demonstrating that this organization, already active across Europe promoting anti-Russian PR

Sanders calls Netanyahu a 'reactionary racist'

Democrats are working hard to destroy the name and reputation of Crazy Bernie Sanders, and take the nomination away from him! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 1, 2020 Amazing how every...single...time I post something negative about @BernieSanders the replies are filled with BOTS. No name, no history, 1-20 followers. Who the FUCK do you think is running those bots? — Don Winslow (@donwinslow) March 1, 2020 So voters are actually considering a choice between a Russia-loving candidate who ignores the dictatorship, deprivation, terror, & murder of millions killed by Soviet butchers & a candidate who’s Russia-loving BECAUSE of it? I’m #RidinWithBiden @JoeBiden — Bryan Dawson (@BryanDawsonUSA) February 29, 2020 In his own words and actions over his lifetime, socialist Bernie Sanders makes clear his love for communism and his antisemitic disdain for Israel. Video of the Day: Bernie Sanders' lifelong history of pro-communism and antisemit

Sir David Attenborough offers solution: 'We could shoot trump'

'We could shoot trump': Sir David Attenborough's shock solution — Colby News (@colbynews) February 27, 2020

Charlie Kirk raves candidates like Sanders are succeeding in the primaries because college campuses have taught students to hate America

Charlie Kirk says candidates like Sanders are succeeding in the primaries bc college campuses have taught students to hate America — Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) February 27, 2020 We should totally and completely shut off our borders until the CoronaVirus is contained This is a national security and economic security issue Time to get smart and tough and secure our country The media is using this as a disgusting way to attack Trump Close the borders. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 27, 2020

trump's Football Stud Johnny McEntee called in White House liaisons from cabinet agencies in which he asked them to identify political appointees across the US government who are anti-trump...

McEntee, shown with White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, walks on the South Lawn of the White House Jan. 9. Johnny McEntee called in White House liaisons from cabinet agencies for an introductory meeting Thursday, in which he asked them to identify political appointees across the US government who are believed to be anti-Trump, per 3 sources familiar w meeting. — Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) February 21, 2020 I’m surprised he didn’t start with throwing black hoods on them and taking them to undisclosed locations. That’s next I guess — Stefanie Iris Weiss 🔥 (@EcoSexuality) February 21, 2020

Russian citizen Steven Seagal agrees to pay the SEC $314,000 for failing to disclose that he was being paid to advertise a cryptocurrency offering

Russia's Steven Seagal agrees to pay the SEC $314,000 for failing to disclose that he was being paid to advertise a cryptocurrency offering. — X Soviet (@XSovietNews) February 27, 2020 Actor Steven Seagal charged with unlawfully touting digital asset offering — SEC_News (@SEC_News) February 27, 2020

WATCH: Wagging his manly finger, Charlie Kirk urges the CPAC audience to boo when he mentions Mitt Romney: "Every time his name is mentioned, you should respond that way"

Charlie Kirk praises the CPAC audience for booing when he mentioned Mitt Romney: "Every time his name is mentioned, you should respond that way." — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) February 27, 2020 He’s got @BernieSanders finger wagging down pretty good but he’s a little weak in the whole Bernie bros posture no? If he were really a Bernie bro he would demand folks stalk Romney’s house with a megaphone like the bros do. I know It’s CPAC but you can see the tactical crossover — Chris #NeverBernie Carnahan 🇺🇸 (@xtrixcyclex) February 27, 2020 I'm sorry but I have to respect Charlie Kirk as a fellow gamer — Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) February 28, 2020 Keep Charlie Number One. Great Book! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2020

CPAC speaker terrifies audience: ‘Socialized medicine killed Princess Diana’

CPAC speaker terrifies audience about medicare for all: ‘Socialized medicine killed Princess Diana’ — Raw Story (@RawStory) February 27, 2020 "Socialized medicine killed Princess Diana." -Peter Pitts #CPAC2020 — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) February 27, 2020

Police was called this weekend when several Bernie supporters came to the home of Nevada Dem party chair to bullhorn

Scoop w/ @hollyotterbein NV Dem party chair & CA SoS called the police this wknd after svrl Bernie supporters came to their homes w/ bullhorns late at night to warn abt elections/2016 They FB live’d it Jeff Weaver condemned the tactics — Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) February 27, 2020 Why are Berners afraid of Elizabeth Warren, so they're promoting #PrimaryWarren ? Her record is better than his. She's accomplished more than he has. She has concrete plans where he doesn't. She's gaining momentum. So they're willing to burn it all down. #PresidentElizabethWarren — Daphne Time For #PresidentWarren Shepherd (@antifashyst) February 27, 2020 On @msnbc , former adviser to @BarackObama @AntonJGunn says the quiet part out loud. The elites of the Democratic Party decide the nominee--not voters "The party decides its nominee. The public doesn't really decide the nominee...superdelegates are very influential in t

Lubov Chernukhin, on Tuesday paid £45,000 to "play tennis" with #Boris, Chernukhin has given £1.6m to the Conservatives to "play tennis" and is the wife of #Putin's former deputy economics minister and the ex-head of VEB bank

Our profile of Moscow-connected Lubov Chernukhin, who on Tuesday paid £45,000 to play tennis with Boris #Johnson . Chernukhin has given £1.6m to the Conservatives and is the wife of ... #Putin 's former deputy economics minister and the ex-head of VEB bank — Luke Harding (@lukeharding1968) February 27, 2020 Again! The old tennis-with-an-oligarch play. Boris Johnson sells himself out for Russian cash on move again. Meanwhile, the Russia report on political interference still missing in action... — Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) February 27, 2020 Did she get her blond Borises confused? — Steve Harvey 🇬🇧🇨🇦 (@steveharvey2001) February 27, 2020

Scottish ministers urged to seek an Unexplained Wealth Order targeting trump's Scottish resorts amid claims there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that he is connected to grave crimes

The Scottish Government has been urged to apply for an unexplained wealth order to investigate Trump’s deals to acquire his Scottish properties - a UWO is tool to target suspected foreign officials who may have laundered stolen $ in the UK, by @MartynMcL — Wendy Siegelman (@WendySiegelman) February 27, 2020 Scottish Lawmaker: Reasonable Grounds to Suspect Trump or His Associates 'Have Been Involved in Serious Crime' — Rico... “Presidents Are Not Kings” #Mike2020 (@Pulsa48) February 27, 2020 If “a suspected corrupt foreign official, or their family, cannot show a legitimate source for their riches,” the Scottish government can seize properties Spanky’s gonna blow a gasket. The Scots are able to investigate what Congress can’t. Sad #OneVoice1 — Jaq (@LadyJYYC) February 27, 2020 NEW: Scottish ministers have been urged to seek an Unexplained Wealth Order targeting @realDonaldTrump 's Scottish resorts am

A 10-year-old boy was accidentally shot by his babysitter when she was taking selfies while holding a gun, a Texas sheriff's office said

A 10-year-old boy was accidentally shot by his babysitter when she was taking selfies while holding a gun, a Texas sheriff's office said — CNN (@CNN) February 27, 2020

the 4 assholes that voted against the Anti-Lynching Bill are Gohmert, Massie, Yoho and Amash

These are the 4 assholes that voted against the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Bill: Republicans: Louie Gohmert TX Thomas Massie KY Ted Yoho FL Independent: Justin Amash MI — 🌊🧜‍♀️ⓣ🌞ⓝⓘ🧚🏻‍♀️🌊 (@thatgirlinsb) February 27, 2020 Are you kidding me? You all are willing to stick your noses in my VAGINA, but outlawing lynching is freaking "government overreach"??? My head just exploded. Four Lawmakers Vote Against Bill to Outlaw Lynching, Cite Gov Overreach — Wise PaxCat (Remove Impeached Occupant 45) (@WisePaxCat) February 27, 2020

Alabama blocked a man from voting because he owed $4

RACISM IN #ALABAMA They blocked a man from voting because he owed $4 Their policy dates back to the turn of the 20th century... openly seeking to PRESERVE WHITE SUPREMACY, stripped anyone convicted of a crime of “moral turpitude”, right to vote #MOG — Michael O'Grady (@mog7546) February 27, 2020

Panicked passengers get family kicked off flight over coughing daughter...

Panicked passengers get family kicked off flight over coughing daughter... (Top headline, 11th story, link ) Related stories: First case of UNKNOWN ORIGIN confirmed in Northern California... WAS NOT TESTED FOR DAYS... Medical staff exposed? Experts: Should be prepared to see overnight boom... REPORT: COSTCO Sells Out of Emergency Kits... Empty shelves hit Hawaii... Masks Run Short... Drug shortages loom? How Daily Life Could Change in USA... Virus threatening to end air-travel boom... WHO official slams Trump's 'ignorant and incoherent' response... Pence Picks Top AIDS Official for Response...

Mini Mike already airs more ads than Hillary in all of '16...

Mike already airs more ads than Hillary in all of '16... (First column, 9th story, link ) Related stories: Bloomberg releases new heart info; Calls on Sanders to do same... Bernie's New Coalition Put to Test in SCarolina... Dem Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Him... Angst over keeping House control... Floated VP slot to Yang...

North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead

North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead To loosely quote Stalin, "No Patient Zero, No Problem." For weeks, the outside world has speculated about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in North Korea. And the entire time, North Korea has persisted in insisting that it doesn't have a coronavirus problem, even growing furious at a public offer of assistance from the State Department. For all we know about the North Korean virus response, the government might have simply brainwashed the North Korean people into believing that loyalty to the Workers Party and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un grants immunity to the virus. However, there have been whispers. A few weeks ago, there were whispers that one of the first coronavirus patients in the country was brutally killed by the regime after escaping from a (probably unimaginably brutal) quarantine. Moreover, according to the rumor, he was executed via the traditional North Korean punishment of extirpating cri

VIDEO: Two climb over border wall with makeshift ladder...

VIDEO: Two climb over border wall with makeshift ladder... (First column, 2nd story, link ) Related stories: ICE has run facial-recognition searches on millions of Maryland drivers...

NIGEL FARAGE was forced out of Edinburgh, after he was swarmed by angry Scots demanding that he "go home to England"

Well done Scotland. NIGEL FARAGE was forced out of Edinburgh, after he was swarmed by angry Scottish nationalists and socialists demanding that he "go home to England", unearthed reports reveal. — BremainInSpain #FBPE #CitizensRights (@BremainInSpain) February 25, 2020

Eight "Democrat" elected officials announce party switch, join Mississippi Republican Party

Looks like Mississippi Democrats got duped Fucking Republicans are always cheating — WTFGOP? #BlueNoMatterWho (@DogginTrump) February 26, 2020

trump sues New York Times for libel over Russia story - The Guardian

Trump campaign sues New York Times for libel over Russia story    The Guardian President Trump's campaign says it's suing the New York Times for libel over Russia op-ed    Business Insider The Trump campaign is suing The New York Times over an op-ed about Russian election interference    The Verge Trump campaign files libel lawsuit against The New York Times over 2019 opinion piece on Russia    CNN Trump Campaign Sues New York Times Co. Over Russia Op-Ed    Seattle Times View Full Coverage on Google News

trump CRASHES the Economy...

So electing a day trading, conspiracy believing, anti-science, racist, cowardly, ignorant, tax cheating reality tv producer was not a good idea? — John Weaver (@jwgop) March 12, 2020 Remember when Republicans, who destroyed our economy and ushered in the Great Recession, wanted to let US automakers go bankrupt? I do. I also reminder Obama / @JoeBiden not only saving the auto industry, but earning us 9 billion on our investment! @UAW — Bryan Dawson (@BryanDawsonUSA) March 8, 2020 Trump has pushed the deficit to over $1 trillion, a 74% increase in just four years and we have nothing to show for it. No new infrastructure, no great social programs and virtually no CDC to protect us from the Coronavirus epdemic. Trump has gutted us for nothing. — Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) February 27, 2020 #MAGA disaster — The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 26, 2020 RUSSIANS TOLD TO REFRAIN FROM ITALY, IRAN, S.KOREA TRAVEL: IFX — Russian

Brexit will have soon cost the UK more than all its payments to the EU over the past 47 years put together

Brexit will have soon cost the UK more than all its payments to the EU over the past 47 years put together — Colby News (@colbynews) February 26, 2020 Has Boris Johnson just announced no-deal Brexit for January 2021? — Colby News (@colbynews) February 27, 2020 Russian criminal Gove threatens Europe... — Colby News (@colbynews) February 27, 2020 JUST LOOK AT THIS BREITBART FILTH! — Colby News (@colbynews) February 27, 2020

Feds: Goodbye “immigration sanctuaries”. They’re slapping Oregon police departments with subpoenas

Feds: Goodbye “immigration sanctuaries”. They’re slapping Oregon police departments with subpoenas. — Colby News (@colbynews) February 26, 2020 Well this is horrifying... — Centrism Fan Acct 🔹 (@Wilson__Valdez) February 26, 2020 Justice Department creates office to strip citizenship from some naturalized immigrants 😡😡😡😡😡 — 🌊💙Melissa 🌼🐱🐕🐾🌍🌸 (@MelissaGaydos) February 27, 2020