
Showing posts from March, 2020

Trump Call to Putin Raises Russia’s Hopes of End to Costly Oil War - Bloomberg

Trump Call to Putin Raises Russia’s Hopes of End to Costly Oil War    Bloomberg

trumpist personalities are filming hospital parking lots across the country and demanding to know where the coronavirus patients are

Right-wing personalities are filming hospital parking lots across the country and demanding to know where the coronavirus patients are, in an bizarre attempt to downplay the virus's death toll. — Will Sommer (@willsommer) March 30, 2020

Confederate Group Moves Ahead with Conference Amid Covid-19 Outbreak

Neo-Confederate Group Moves Ahead with Conference Amid Covid-19 Outbreak - Southern Poverty Law Center — Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) March 30, 2020

Founder of pro-trump group Lucian Wintrich hosts ‘corona potluck’ so guests can infect each other...

Founder of pro-Trump group hosts ‘corona potluck’ so guests can infect each and build up ‘immunity’ — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) March 31, 2020 Some Trump supporters ‘delight’ in defying pandemic protocols to stick it to liberals: report | Raw Story via rawstory — The Great War & Modern Memory (@ps9714) March 30, 2020

‘The Jewish community doesn’t watch TV’: ‘Hundreds’ infected with coronavirus and five dead in Stamford Hill

‘The Jewish community doesn’t watch TV’: ‘Hundreds’ infected with coronavirus and five dead in Stamford Hill — Colby News (@colbynews) March 31, 2020 Forty-four rabbis have died as a result of #coronavirus , most of the located in the New York City metropolitan area. While the majority of the rabbis came from the #Orthodox Jewish community, there was one #Reform Jewish rabbi who also passed. — The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) March 31, 2020 Conservative billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, donates 2 million face masks to American hospitals — Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) March 30, 2020

trump Helps Putin Humiliate The US By Accepting Medical Supplies From Russia

So ridiculous In @realDonaldTrump latest lies and attempts to try to change public opinion re Putin he said Russia sent a plane of supplies Russia is confused — Olga Lautman (@olgaNYC1211) March 31, 2020 Putin is sending a message to the world that the United States is so weak under Trump that they have to take coronavirus aid from Russia. Trump Helps Putin Humiliate The US By Accepting Medical Supplies From Russia via @politicususa — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) March 31, 2020 Trump administration sent protective medical gear to China while he minimized the virus threat to US — Nikita (@NikitaKitty) March 31, 2020 Oh. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) March 31, 2020 Trump called Putin as promised. Coronavirus, situation in the oil market, and closer "cooperation" were discussed — Olga Lautman (@olgaNYC1211) March 30, 2020 Russia says the

White evangelist Jonathan Shuttlesworth, a close friend of Rodney Howard-Browne, says he intends to hold a large Woodstock-like Christian gathering in defiance of stay-at-home orders

Right-wing evangelist Jonathan Shuttlesworth, a close friend of Rodney Howard-Browne, says he intends to hold a large Woodstock-like Christian gathering in defiance of stay-at-home orders. — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) March 31, 2020 #Florida Sheriff to Arrest Rodney Howard Browne, Megachurch Pastor Who Flouted Virus Rules He has been an outspoken opponent of social distancing requirements, claiming his church has machines that can stop the coronavirus. #MOG — Michael O'Grady (@mog7546) March 30, 2020

Shapiro thinks striking workers are the same as price gougers and should be fired, saying they're striking "not because of bad worker pay, but because [they] just want more money"

Ben Shapiro thinks striking workers are the same as price gougers and should be fired, saying they're striking "not because of bad worker pay, but because [they] just want more money" — Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) March 31, 2020

Weinstein tipped off Epstein to the impending investigation in 2005

Well, it's about time. Weinstein tipped off Epstein to the impending investigation in 2005. I'd post the evidence, but it got me in twitter jail already. — random facts girl, INTROVERTING FOR HUMANITY. (@soychicka) March 31, 2020 EXCLUSIVE: Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his connections with convicted rapist and Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein to manipulate young women and gain power over them — The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) March 30, 2020 Ron Perlman Tells All About Infamous Weinstein Handshake: ‘He Knew It Was Clammy’ via @Yahoo — Colby News (@colbynews) April 7, 2020

trump, who is German, says Germany his enemy, Russia his best ally...

Trump on Russia: "They also fought World War 2. They lost 50 million people. They were on partner, in World War 2. Germany was the enemy. And Germany's like this wonderful we don't talk to Russia, we talk to Germany. I mean, look, it's fine. I want to talk to Germany" — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 30, 2020 Worst remake of the Manchurian Candidate imaginable. — reedgalen (@reedgalen) March 30, 2020 Russia says the world no longer trusts the U.S. to lead and it's time others step in — Belkiss Obadia🌊🌊🌊 (@BelkissObadia) March 30, 2020 Trump talks to Putin, Pompeo to Lavrov. Anyone talk to von der Leyen? Merkel? Macron? It’s helluva worse situation in Europe than in Russia, at least to go by what they say officially. What’s the point of talking to Russia but not the US’ allies? — toomas hendrik ilves (@IlvesToomas) March 30, 2020 Trump suggests US

GOLDMAN Sees 34% Plunge in GDP...

GOLDMAN Sees 34% Plunge in GDP... (First column, 2nd story, link ) Related stories: FED: Third of Americans will be unemployed... End of Dollar Reign? Rent strike idea gaining steam...

Trump says he'll speak with Putin on Monday | TheHill - The Hill

Trump says he'll speak with Putin on Monday | TheHill    The Hill U.S., Russia agree to oil market talks as Trump calls price war 'crazy' Trump says he will speak with Putin to discuss oil market and trade    CNN Trump To Speak With Putin About Russia's Oil Price War With Saudi Arabia    NPR Trump says Saudi Arabia, Russia 'both went crazy' on oil issue    Reuters View Full Coverage on Google News

"Death is an unavoidable part of life," says Serbo-Russian Sen. Ron Johnson

"Death is an unavoidable part of life," says GOP Sen. Ron Johnson as he calls on reopening parts of the American economy to avoid throwing it into a recession. — essenviews (@essenviews) March 30, 2020 Putin’s loyal Senator Johnson downplaying the deaths of countless Americans is pretty much in line with everything else he does against U.S. interests. The guy is a national security threat yet heads the Senate Homeland Security Committee. — Alexandra Chalupa (@AlexandraChalup) March 30, 2020

Tennessee woman gets coronavirus after bragging about not social distancing

This young woman posted a video bragging about how she was flouting coronavirus safety measures because she wouldn’t get it. A few days later, she started coughing up blood. — Fred voted for IMPEACHMENT (@FZirm) March 30, 2020

Stormy Daniels reveals trump was "unsatisfactory"

. @StormyDaniels is hilarious and this new PSA from her is both important and fantastic. cc: @realDonaldTrump #LowStaminaDon #WorstPresidentInHistory — Andrew Wortman (@AmoneyResists) March 30, 2020

Secret 'Doomsday' Ranch In Colorado Sees Spike In Interest...

Secret 'Doomsday' Ranch In Colorado Sees Spike In Interest... (Top headline, 9th story, link ) Related stories: Gov. issues stay-at-home order for South Florida -- through mid-May! Arrest warrant issued for Tampa megachurch pastor who led packed services... Video: Hundreds of cars wait in line at Pennsylvania food bank... New Yorkers who break distancing rules face fines... Record number of 911 calls... UPDATE: Field hospital set up in Central Park... Dead bodies loaded into trucks... Hamptons Houses Now Luxury Bunkers... Doctors Warn Virus Persists 8 Days After Symptoms... Giving Birth In Time Of Pandemic 'Absolutely Terrifying'... PELOSI RIPS TRUMP: 'As the President fiddles, people are dying'... Testing, testing, testing... Make-or-Break Week... Nurses Die, Doctors Fall Sick, Panic Rises on Front Lines... Megachurches Still Packing In Crowds... Elderly woman dies after smacked for not social distancing... Police Break Up Funeral In Chicago... IRS orders offic

Geffen jeers at quarantined Instagram users showing off his gigantic yacht

Thanks, David Geffen, for your thoughts. — southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) March 28, 2020 :( — southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) March 28, 2020 Locked up his account. — C2 (@mama_c2) March 28, 2020 Lifestyles of the Rich and Self-Quarantined - During a crisis, particularly one where people are being asked to make personal sacrifices for the... #celebrity #coronavirus — Commentary Magazine (@Commentary) March 30, 2020

15% of Sanders supporters will vote for trump in Nov

Poll: 15% of Sanders supporters say they’ll vote for Trump in Nov; — Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) March 29, 2020

Bannon orders: “People should understand he’s a business guy. He’s very numbers and data driven”

“People should understand he’s a business guy. He’s very numbers and data driven” — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) March 29, 2020

Kushner is demanding his tenants keep paying rent — while asking for mercy from his creditors

Jared Kushner is demanding his tenants keep paying rent — while asking for leniency from his creditors #TrumpCrimeFamily — Robert Cooper 🌊 (@RobertCooper58) March 29, 2020 Coronavirus hasn’t stopped Jared Kushner’s real estate empire from hounding tenants with debt collection, eviction lawsuits by @lhfang — Charlotte Greensit (@cgreensit) April 4, 2020

study identifies a psychological factor linked to trump supporters' vindictiveness

Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” according to the @nytimes , the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. “Trump is reaching too many people, we must stop him.” said one lunatic. See you at 5:00 P.M.! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2020 New study identifies a psychological factor linked to trump supporters' vindictiveness — Colby News (@colbynews) March 29, 2020 Don Jr posted this. What is wrong with him?? — Mystery Solvent (@MysterySolvent) March 28, 2020 In Case You Missed It.. Biographer Reveals Trump Was a Vicious Bully as a Child Who Threw Rocks at Babies via @NicoleJames — Bill Pelotte (@KLGLASS2) March 28, 2020 The RNC in Charlotte will not be canceled, Trump says | Charlotte Observer — 💙*~*DONNA*~*💙 (@Dcl_60) March 28, 2020 “She was asked what she had learned from the Holocaust,

Mnuchin insists Americans can live on $17/day during #trumpVirus pandemic

Steve Mnuchin insists Americans can live on just $17/day during pandemic — Thomas Kaine (@thomaskaine5) March 29, 2020 Mnuchin has great news, everybody! You *might* get a $1200 check, in "about three weeks." Ppl have already been home 2 weeks. *Nobody* I know could survive 5 weeks with $1200...especially at the END of the 5 weeks. And maybe no check at all. $1200 is a weekend at a Trump hotel — James Doyle (@priusjames) March 31, 2020 How much of those $$$$trillions will you and your clan be gutting? — ❄️ Snowbird (@Snowbirdsix1000) March 31, 2020

Russian trump, Brexit Queen's ally, threatens the lives of Harry and Meghan...

I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom. It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2020 Trump twtd, “I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom. It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security..” WTF IS UP? — Mystery Solvent (@MysterySolvent) March 29, 2020 Megan & Harry never asked for Secret Service protection. Next you’ll be tweeting on your TV ratings… oh wait. You’re clearly tweeting this garbage to deflect from your criminal negligence and gross incompetence in handling the US COVID19 pandemic as Thousands are sick & dying. — Trinity (@TrinityResists) March 29, 202

trump attacks Black reporters, calling them 'you people'

WATCH: Trump snaps at Black reporters calling them 'you people' during Rose Garden press conference — Raw Story (@RawStory) March 29, 2020 Trump to @Yamiche "Be nice. Don't be threatening." — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 29, 2020 Yamiche uses the President’s statements on Hannity against him which causes him to erupt — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) March 29, 2020 200,000 coronavirus deaths would be roughly four times the American death toll during the entire Vietnam War. Trump indicated today he plans to tout that figure as *an accomplishment* on the campaign trail. — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 30, 2020

Former Russia resident Dominic Cummings runs away like a lunatic from Downing Street

Boris Johnson signed contract giving Dominic Cummings 'jurisdiction' over government projects The Prime Minister has also given his assistant authority over special advisers. So this really is the Cummings government with Johnson as the figurehead. — Nick Reeves #FBPE #RuleOfLaw (@nickreeves9876) March 28, 2020 #Breaking #BreakingNews Oh my God😱 Dominic Cummings, chief advisor to Prime Minister Johnson, After hearing that the Prime Minister's Coronavirus test is positive, he runs away from Downing Street. #CoronaLockdown #coronalockdownuk #BorisJohnson #DominicGoings #CoronaLockdown — Discoverer🕊 (@discoverer_1) March 27, 2020 Dominic Cummings seen running out of the back gate from Downing Street. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for #coronavirus . Follow live updates here: — Sky News (@SkyNews) March 27, 2020 Apparently Dominic Cummings has a secr

QANON NEWS: trump was ordered by US Army Special Operations Command in Florida to appear on Alex Jones...

QANON NEWS: trump was ordered by US Army Special Operations Command in Florida to appear on Alex Jones... — Colby News (@colbynews) March 29, 2020

A panicked English regime is making contingency plans to fly in agricultural workers from Eastern Europe to harvest fruit & vegetables.

Given the abuse East Europeans have gotten in the UK since 2016 and how many have been told to leave, it will have to offer hefty salaries or some other bonuses — toomas hendrik ilves (@IlvesToomas) March 28, 2020

During the #trumpVirus catastrophe, the trump-Putin regime told the Native American Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe that their reservation will be disestablished and their land taken...

The Bureau of Indian Affairs told the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe that their reservation will be disestablished and their land taken out of trust, per an order from the secretary of the interior, the tribe's chairman has announced. @WBUR — NPR (@NPR) March 28, 2020 Mashpee tribal chair: "These are our lands, these are the lands of our ancestors, and these will be the lands of our grandchildren. This Administration has come and it will go. But we will be here, always.“ — ndnviewpoint (@mahtowin1) March 28, 2020 -the Bureau of Indian Affairs informed me that the Secy of the Interior has ordered that our reservation be disestablished & that our land be taken out of trust. Not since the termination era of the mid-20th century has a Secretary taken action to disestablish a reservation." — ndnviewpoint (@mahtowin1) March 28, 2020 BREAKING: The Bureau of Indian Affairs today told the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe that the Secretary of the Interior has orde

Mike Huckabee: ‘Smart mayors’ should tell citizens to load up on guns and ammo right NOW

Mike Huckabee: "Smart mayors would be saying if this thing continues to last, you might be prepared to protect yourself...because if people get desperate and they go to the store and they can’t buy toilet paper, they may bust into your house to get yours” — essenviews (@essenviews) March 28, 2020 Mike Huckabee: ‘Smart mayors’ should tell citizens to load up on guns and ammo right now — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) March 28, 2020

A QAnon conspiracy theorist kidnapped her kids and went on the run with a group of sovereign citizens...

A QAnon conspiracy theorist allegedly kidnapped her kids and went on the run with a group of sovereign citizens — Will Sommer (@willsommer) March 28, 2020

Russia claims it has covid-19 under control. The facade is cracking. - The Washington Post

Russia claims it has covid-19 under control. The facade is cracking.    The Washington Post

NYC Mayor to synagogues: Close or be shut down permanently...

NYC Mayor to synagogues: Close or be shut down permanently... (Second column, 9th story, link )

Counties without coronavirus mostly rural, poor...

Trump saying testing per capita thrown off by abundant farmland. — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 30, 2020 Counties without coronavirus mostly rural, poor... (Second column, 15th story, link ) Related stories: On Oklahoma plains, an island of near normality in pandemic...

Brother of Jeff Bezos' Girlfriend Sues NATIONAL ENQUIRER Publisher for Defamation...

Brother of Jeff Bezos' Girlfriend Sues NATIONAL ENQUIRER Publisher for Defamation... (Second column, 19th story, link ) Related stories: DRAMATIC PAY CUT HITS TABS...

FOX NEWS Poll Shows Biden CRUSHING Trump By 25 Points in Swing Counties...

FOX NEWS Poll Shows Biden CRUSHING Trump By 25 Points in Swing Counties... (Second column, 5th story, link )

Fiona Hill: Trump's Coronavirus Talk Sounds a Lot Like Russia's - The Daily Beast

Fiona Hill: Trump's Coronavirus Talk Sounds a Lot Like Russia's    The Daily Beast

Rhode Island Police to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge

What a time to be alive... Rhode Island Police to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge — Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) March 28, 2020

Pence begins his remarks with effusive praise of trump

You guys still parsing the foreign-owned Mob asset's propaganda ops? Taking up oxygen with that? How about looking up Felix Sater, Bayrock, Putin, Kushner, Netanyahu? Anything that *got* *us* *here*. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) March 27, 2020 "I'd like to thank Donald Trump for his bold leadership ... your leadership is uniting the American people to defeat this virus" -- Defense Secretary Mark Esper is exuding big Dear Leader energy down in Norfolk — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 28, 2020 Pence begins his remarks with effusive praise of Trump — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 27, 2020 Zoom in and all around. What do you notice? — Mystery Solvent (@MysterySolvent) March 28, 2020 Wow... now pence too. This is unbelievable. Praise me publicly or I will get rid of you too. — Fourteenstories (@TrumpMustGo9) March 27, 2020 "Mr. President, thank you very much for

trump-Putin regime officials have intensified discussions over whether to evict employees of Chinese media outlets who they say mainly act as spies

Trump administration officials have intensified discussions over whether to evict employees of Chinese media outlets who they say mainly act as spies. — Eddie Du (@Edourdoo) March 27, 2020

Schumer and Pelosi look "silly" for "trusting" Mnuchin

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats delayed the Workers Help/Stimulus Bill by over a week, trying to add real “junk” into the Bill. Got some bad things, having nothing to do with those affected by the Virus, included. Republicans need their votes until we WIN BACK THE HOUSE IN 2020! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 30, 2020 Trump says he won’t comply with key transparency measures in the coronavirus stimulus bill via @voxdotcom — Michael (@grebprog) March 29, 2020 The new Inspector General, who will be responsible for conducting oversight on the $2 trillion relief package, will be chosen by the White House and approved by the Senate. What could go wrong? — Ted (@trom771) March 28, 2020 $2 trillion could’ve given: - Every worker in America $2,000/mo for next 5 months - $250 Bln extra for health care workers - $250 Bln to domestic manufacturing efforts to produce ventilators, meds, etc. Instead, some people get $1200 & corporate America gets bailed ou

trump DELETES his PSYCHOTIC VICIOUS Twitter ASSAULT on the governor of Michigan!

Did Trump actually delete his petulant attack on Whitmer? — Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) March 28, 2020 Per @CrainsDetroit : Governor Gretchen Whitmer says the feds told vendors not to send medical supplies to Michigan. This comes after she and Trump have feuded. — Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) March 27, 2020 Are federal statutes being broken here? Lawyers? Can Trump be prosecuted for this? — Doc Greeves (@DocGreeves) March 28, 2020 31/ “Michigan governor says shipments of medical supplies 'canceled' or 'delayed' and sent to federal government - CNNPolitics” — Jennifer Cohn ✍🏻 (@jennycohn1) March 28, 2020 It seems Trump is treating Michigan and other states whose governors don’t kiss his ass the way he was impeached for treating Ukraine. He’s a serial extortionist. — Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) March 27, 2020 And now America is in total fucking chaos and thousands will die al

Kushner’s shadow coronavirus task force appears to be violating multiple laws by using private email accounts with no assurance their communications are being preserved and by meeting in secret

Jared is a menace. And donald is afraid of him. Folks must start asking why. #ReleaseTheCIFiles — Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) March 27, 2020 BREAKING: Jared Kushner’s shadow coronavirus task force appears to be violating multiple laws by using private email accounts with no assurance their communications are being preserved and by meeting in secret — Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) March 27, 2020 Exclusive: Kushner Firm Built the Coronavirus Website Trump Promised - The extent of Oscar Health’s work on coronavirus testing hasn’t been previously reported, by @yayitsrob — Wendy Siegelman (@WendySiegelman) March 31, 2020

trump's white baby Brad Parscale is attacking Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Twitter...

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is auditioning to be Joe Biden’s running mate. She’s focused more on playing politics with a global pandemic than doing a good job for the people of her state. Weeks ago, she turned her office into a de facto super PAC supporting Sleepy Joe! — Brad Parscale - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@parscale) March 27, 2020 The president has mishandled this so Fucking badly so he’s attacking a democratic woman. — Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) March 28, 2020 He holds the lives of Michiganders in his hands. But, apparently, they can go ahead and die. They hurt his feelings. — Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) March 27, 2020

Rush Limbaugh: Health experts are part of the the "Deep State"

Rush Limbaugh: Health experts are part of the the "Deep State" “We didn't elect a president to defer to a bunch of health experts that we don't know. And how do we know they're even health experts?" — Media Matters (@mmfa) March 27, 2020 Rush Limbaugh Tells America That Trump Is Way Smarter Than Any Health Expert via @politicususa #ctl #p2 — PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) March 28, 2020 Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right - The New York Times. (SHAMEFUL attacks on Dr Fauci by an orchestrated propaganda machine of DEEP IGNORANCE. What are we becoming?) — Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) March 28, 2020 In his last full show fifteen days ago, Limbaugh likened COVID-19 to the common cold. He just now said it was "pneumonia times ten." Never said he was wrong about it, either. — John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) March 30

Zuckerberg and his Chinese Bride Priscilla Chan to give $25M for Bill Gates' coronavirus research

With their combined net worth, this is the equivalent of someone making $30,000 giving $5 — District Sentinel (@TheDCSentinel) March 27, 2020

A Chinese American ER doctor who worked at a Bellingham, WA, hospital for 17 years FIRED...

An ER doctor who worked at a Washington hospital for 17 years went public with his concerns about the spread of COVID-19 at the facility. The hospital told him to take down his social media posts, but he refused. On Friday, he was fired. — Paige Cornwell (@pgcornwell) March 28, 2020 All else aside, imagine managing a hospital in Washington state right now, looking at your to-do list, and prioritizing firing one of your ER doctors because of what he posts on social media — Tom Gara (@tomgara) April 1, 2020

trump has been a CI (confidential informant) since the Cody investigations in the early 80s

donald has been a CI (confidential informant) since the Cody investigations. Early 80s at least. When Soviet intel officers+Russian mafiya bought 1st condos in TT & later used Taj to launder 💰, his two CI files (confidential inform + counter-intel) overlapped. #ReleaseTheCIFiles — Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) March 28, 2020 — weekender (@lovelifetodaypl) March 28, 2020 Former #KGB agent Putin spent decades planting #spies inside the U.S., building their cover to pass as U.S. or Canadian citizens in order to burrow deep into American society, and his foreign policy today is guided by the KGB playbook. #espionage — Robert Morton (@Robert4787) March 28, 2020

Pro-trump OAN pushes "conspiracy theory" that novel coronavirus was created in a North Carolina lab...

Pro-trump OAN pushes "conspiracy theory" that novel coronavirus was created in a North Carolina lab... — Colby News (@colbynews) March 28, 2020 Russian trump’s Favorite Cable News Network Says UNC Created the Coronavirus in a Lab — Colby News (@colbynews) March 28, 2020 An interesting adjunct is Czech Republic rejected US Baxter Labs swine flu 2019-2020, had horrible flu season but... one news clip... "Compared to other countries, the Czech Republic was not as severely affected. Up to March 2010, there were 102 deaths" — Nanotech ET man (@nanotechexec) March 28, 2020 I’m in Twitter jail for standing up to tRump and laying out facts. BS. — THE ACCOUNTANT (@LinkedHD) March 27, 2020

Louisiana pastor Tony Spell: "The virus, we believe, is politically motivated"

“The virus, we believe, is politically motivated." - Pastor Tony Spell — scott immordino (@ScottImmordino) March 28, 2020 WH faith adviser: coronavirus is due to God’s wrath over homosexuality, environmentalism “Drollinger...leads a wkly Bible study for Trump’s Cabinet. Housing Sec Carson & HHS Sec Azar, both covid-19 Task Force members, regularly attend it, as does Pompeo.” — blmohr (@blmohr) March 28, 2020 The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals. God help us. — chaplinlives (@chaplinlives) March 27, 2020 "Satan and a virus will not stop us," Some Christian pastors plan showdown with coronavirus this Easter. "We are not afraid. We are called by God to stand against the Antichrist creeping into America’s borders," says megachurch pastor Tony Spell. — Essenviews - Demand The Truth (@essenviews) April 10, 2020 Pastor says his worshippers would ra

Alabama Gov. Refuses To Issue Shelter In Place Order: ‘We Are Not California’

Alabama Gov. Refuses To Issue Shelter In Place Order: ‘We Are Not California’ — Talking Points Memo (@TPM) March 27, 2020 They’re so “pro-life” in Alabama they’re gonna let some people die. — Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) March 28, 2020 It’s amazing how Republicans went from Terri Schiavo to “sorry ‘bout that ventilator shortage but hey, sometimes people die and who are we to try to stop it?” — Caroline Orr (@RVAwonk) March 28, 2020 An Alabama correctional officer tells me 5 times recently he's reported to work at a max security prison & no one has taken his temp. He also said 2 officers with temps above 100 were let in because of short staffing and the device they're using to check temps isn't working. 1/2 — Beth Shelburne (@bshelburne) April 6, 2020

Mnuchin 'one of most powerful Cabinet members in modern history'...

Trump, whose admin stopped an inspector general from telling Congress about Ukraine whistleblower complaint, says he can override the new law requiring IG for the $500 billion virus corporate relief fund from disclosing if Mnuchin blocks info about the $$$ — Charlie Savage (@charlie_savage) March 28, 2020 Mnuchin 'one of most powerful Cabinet members in modern history'... (Second column, 9th story, link ) Related stories: Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet Tops $5 Trillion for First Time... Bailout scheme merges Fed and Treasury into one organization! BlackRock will do the trades...