
Showing posts from April, 2020

White armed gunmen storm Michigan’s State House!

These armed intruders should have been arrested immediately. And in almost any other circumstance (and if they were any other race), they would have been. — Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) April 30, 2020 At the MI Capitol — Anna Liz Nichols (@annaliznichols) April 30, 2020 Directly above me, men with rifles yelling at us. Some of my colleagues who own bullet proof vests are wearing them. I have never appreciated our Sergeants-at-Arms more than today. #mileg — Senator Dayna Polehanki (@SenPolehanki) April 30, 2020 Multiple armed gunmen storm Michigan’s State House, State police are protecting @GovWhitmer and blocking the gunmen from gaining access to the house floor. This is America in the age of Trump. — Rob Gill (@vote4robgill) April 30, 2020 Armed white men are showing up again today at the Michigan statehouse to silence the opposition and threaten the lives of lawmakers. #

Refugee from post-Apartheid South Africa Elon Musk, pictured with Ghislaine Maxwell, says shelter-in-place orders during COVID-19 are "fascist"

Stop trying to torpedo the Democratic candidate for president with bs propaganda from the loony far right. You’re as bad as any Trumper, wanting hundreds of thousands of Americans and hopeful asylum-seekers to suffer and die. #FireChrisHayes — Helen Noble (@BoobPunchTina) April 30, 2020 i think this guy might simply be bad — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 29, 2020 Elon Musk is an idiot and an asshole. — Xeni Jardin 😷🏠 (@xeni) April 29, 2020

Steve Scalise Doesn’t Want To Bail Out Liberal States With Taxpayer Money That’s Mostly Theirs

Steve Scalise Doesn’t Want To Bail Out Liberal States With Taxpayer Money That’s Mostly Theirs by @SER1897 — Wonkette (@Wonkette) April 30, 2020

Why are white supremacists protesting to "reopen" the U.S. economy?

Why are white supremacists protesting to "reopen" the U.S. economy? — Salon (@Salon) April 30, 2020 People need to be vigilant bec Russia is conducting several ops as we speak aimed at Americans, elections, our standing. Judging from Twitter people are falling into the trap. People need to be careful not to fall into spreading Russ propaganda meant to divide/finish America off — Olga Lautman (@olgaNYC1211) April 29, 2020

Almost Thirty Percent Of All U.S. Circuit Judges Are Now trump Appointees

Almost Thirty Percent Of All U.S. Circuit Judges Are Now trump Appointees — Colby News (@colbynews) April 30, 2020 Taking all the precautions I can as I fly back to D.C. today. Mitch McConnell is calling us back so he can force through more Trump nominees while no one is watching. I want to come back to fix the mess this Admin has made rolling out aid to Americans in crisis. — Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) May 3, 2020

Idaho Whites Surround Cop's Home Who Arrested Mom In Front of Children

Idaho Whites Surround Cop's Home Who Arrested Mom In Front of Children via @prepforthat1 — Colby News (@colbynews) April 30, 2020

Tribal governments were supposed to get $8 billion in emergency COVID-19 aid from the CARES Act. More than a month later, they still haven't gotten any

Tribal governments were supposed to get $8 billion in emergency COVID-19 aid from the CARES Act. More than a month later, they still haven't gotten any. via @HuffPostPol — Joe R. (@JoeRandazzo_Sr) April 30, 2020 Nice try wise guy. — Barbara Malmet (@B52Malmet) April 30, 2020

Tara Reid's ties to Russia, Putin and trump

I want @MSNBC @CNN and other networks to issue a formal apology to Joe Biden. — Sam J Biden (@sam2jav1) May 2, 2020 Operation Tara Reade has crashed and burned. Six more months of Russian Active Measures. Remember this pattern: 1. Dredged up by Bernie’s “Russiagate Skeptics” ( @kthalps , @ryangrim ) 2. Amplified by Useful Idiots and plants within mainstream media, like Chris Hayes. — Uncle Blazer (@blakesmustache) May 3, 2020 Russian attacker Tara Reade 'not sure' what complaint she filed with Senate via @nbcnews — Colby News (@colbynews) May 3, 2020 Accusing Biden is her biggest grift yet. And this time she has Kremlin's entire propaganda machine behind her. — James Farro (@JF991) May 3, 2020 It seems @chrislhayes covered Tara Reade’s bogus accusations against Biden last night without mentioning that her story is riddled with holes and she has sketchy connections to Bernie and Putin. I am blocking @chrislhayes and bo

Brexit Queen Elizabeth Sent a Private Message to Boris Johnson About His Bastard Son

Brexit Queen Elizabeth Sent a Private Message to Boris Johnson About His Bastard Son — Colby News (@colbynews) April 30, 2020

trump is directing Pentagon budget planners to defer $545 million worth of construction projects — many in Europe meant to counter Russian aggression— to pay for trump's border wall

Defense Secretary Mark Esper is directing Pentagon budget planners to defer $545 million worth of construction projects — many in Europe meant to counter Russian aggression— to pay for Trump's border wall. — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) April 29, 2020

"Roger, Hello from Jerusalem, Any progress? He is going to be defeated unless we intervene"

9 days after Joel Zamel meets Trump Jr, George Nader, and Erik Prince in Trump Tower. They discuss election interference plans by Psy Group, the company based in Petah Tikva, Israel. — Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) April 29, 2020 BREAKING NEWS: Major Israeli Media Outlet Picks Up News of Pre-election Trump-Israeli Collusion Plot Detailed in Proof of Conspiracy, Raising Odds That Last Night's Bombshell Report on New Roger Stone Documents Finally Hits U.S. Media After a 12-Hour Delay — Seth Abramson (@🏠) (@SethAbramson) April 29, 2020

Dan Crenshaw: Do you really think that trump's this evil person?

Rep. Dan Crenshaw: "Encourage your Democrat friends to look into it more. Say, 'Hey do you really think that the President actually means this or do you think maybe that's what the media wants you to think that he means? Do you really think that he's this evil person?'" — The Hill (@thehill) April 28, 2020 This is devastating. — Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) April 29, 2020

‘Take me to jail!’ White Reopen protester in Raleigh pesters black police officer — Califgal49 (@Califgal49) April 28, 2020

video shows a police officer in Rancho Cordova, California, slamming a 14-year-old child's face and body into the pavement, then punching him in the head repeatedly, after accusing him of smoking marijuana

CW: Police Violence Cell phone video shows a police officer in Rancho Cordova, California, slamming a 14-year-old child's face and body into the pavement, then punching him in the head repeatedly, after accusing him of smoking marijuana, yesterday. — Rebecca Kavanagh (@DrRJKavanagh) April 28, 2020 WARNING: This video of a @RanchoCordovaPD officer beating a 14-year-old is sickening, and demands immediate action. How many of these videos must we see before we do something about police violence in this country? — Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) April 28, 2020

trump blackmails blue states: says he wants them to give him "sanctuary-city adjustments" in exchange for federal financial relief

Trump on funds for "Democrat states". "If we do that we're going to have to get something for it." — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 30, 2020 Trump says he wants blue states to give him "sanctuary-city adjustments" in exchange for federal financial relief — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 28, 2020 This is the kind of blackmail that got Trump impeached, except in this case he proposes threatening American citizens with unemployment, sickness, and death. — Rep. Don Beyer (@RepDonBeyer) April 28, 2020 Trump suggests any relief for states hit hard by COVID will require ending "sanctuary city" policies and turning residents over to ICE. — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 28, 2020 Trump adviser: coronavirus relief aid threat to ‘sanctuary cities’ could happen — The Guardian (@guardian) May 3, 2020

Barr Is Neck-Deep in Extremist Catholic Institutions

An enlightening read about Barr’s true agenda. Please everyone, vote in November. @thenation — Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) April 28, 2020

Roger Stone’s search warrant docs drop today

Reminder: Roger Stone’s search warrant docs drop today 😈 — Jon HOT LYSOL INJECTION Badalamenti (@jbadomics) April 28, 2020 Since the Roger Stone search warrant material didn't get unsealed last night, what time do you think it will happen today? — Hunter Cullen (@HunterJCullen) April 28, 2020 The guy on the left is Roger Stone’s “faith advisor” who helped him “find Jesus” to pray for a “miracle” of a pardon to be granted by “The Chosen One” puppet of the guy on the right so he can escape being held accountable for his crimes and avoid prison. Got it. — Alexandra Chalupa (@AlexandraChalup) April 26, 2020 Roger Stone says he's found Jesus. — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) April 24, 2020 How many people do you think will be exposed in the Roger Stone search warrant material? — Hunter Cullen (@HunterJCullen) April 28, 2020

Why does the Confederate leader McConnell want Blue States to declare bankruptcy?

To understand why McConnell wants Blue States to declare bankruptcy, it's important to understand not only McConnell, but also "bankruptcy." My latest in @TheAtlantic — David Frum (@davidfrum) April 26, 2020 Portrait of a totally unworthy man, corrupt to the core: a perfect Trump enabler — Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) April 28, 2020 It sounds like the President might try to withhold bailout money for states if they don’t make any concessions on Sanctuary Cities — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) April 28, 2020

CIA ANALYST: A reverse coup is much more likely should we have a Dem victory in November where the military intervenes to maintain trump in office

A reverse coup is much more likely should we have a Dem victory in November where the military intervenes to maintain Trump in office. I’m concerned due to the significant pro-Trump attitudes in the military particularly in the senior officer & NCO ranks. — Douglas Wise (@DHWise007) April 27, 2020 Given Trump’s uniquely American atrocity, I believe we need both Nuremberg-style criminal trials AND a South African-style Truth & Reconcilliation Commission. W/so much Trump crime & corruption now coupled w/needless deaths, healing will require both formal and informal justice. — Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) April 26, 2020 Turko/Russian spy to be exonerated... — Colby News (@colbynews) April 27, 2020 Wherein @DevinNunes (R-Moscow c/o Istanbul) calls the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment of the Russian attack on the 2016 election and the Mueller Report a "joke." cc @thespybrief https:

Meghan and Harry are writing a "bombshell" book

There are concerns the "bombshell" book will open royal wounds — Evening Standard (@standardnews) April 27, 2020 Meghan says changes would've been made if Brexit Kate was bashed via @MailOnline — Colby News (@colbynews) April 28, 2020

Brexit Queen now has only 22 slaves!

Brexit Queen now has only 22 slaves! via @MailOnline — Colby News (@colbynews) April 27, 2020

Prague Mayor Under Police Protection Because trump ally Russia tried to Poison Him

Czech media reports a #Kremlin assassination plot (involving a suitcase full of ricin) might be afoot. The mayor of Prague, where the square with the Russian embassy building has been renamed after a murdered Russian politician, is under police protection. — Free Russia (@4freerussia_org) April 27, 2020 Prague Mayor Under Police Protection Amid Report Of Possible Russian Poisoning Plot — Colby News (@colbynews) April 27, 2020 THREAD: Three weeks ago, a Russian intelligence operative flew to Prague. He was driven directly from the Prague airport by a Russia diplomatic car to the Russian Embassy in Prague, carrying a suitcase with „ricin“ poison,according to Czech intelligence sources, @okundra reports — Jakub Janda (@_JakubJanda) April 26, 2020 Western leaders should boycott any contact with Putin. — John Sipher (@john_sipher) April 26, 2020 Prague's mayor, a critic of trump ally Russia, is under police pr

11% of veterans with Covid-19 died when they received standard care — but the death rate rose to 28% when they were also given hydroxychloroquine, the malaria drug touted by trump

A new analysis found that 11% of veterans with Covid-19 died when they received standard care — but the death rate rose to 28% when they were also given hydroxychloroquine, the malaria drug touted by Trump. — Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) April 21, 2020 in a recent study death rates rose for covid-19 patients when treated with hydroxychloroquine. Here's Fox News pushing it as a treatment — Bon Iverson (@JohnnyHeatWave) April 21, 2020

A Dozen Americans at the WHO—Which trump Has Lied Kept Him in the Dark—in Fact Were Keeping Him Apprised since 2019...

MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Evidence That Trump Knew All About the Coronavirus in 2019 and Is Lying to America Mounts; A Dozen Americans at the World Health Organization—Which Trump Has Falsely Said Kept Him in the Dark—in Fact Were Keeping Him Apprised All Along — Seth Abramson (@🏠) (@SethAbramson) April 20, 2020 Trump made a deal with Xi in January and the global economy collapsed. Trump made a deal with Putin in April and #OilPrices collapsed. But Trump can’t make a deal with manufacturers to get PPE to nursing homes or a deal with Congress to get cash to small businesses? 🤔 — The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) April 20, 2020

Maggie Haberman’s mom is Nancy Haberman, an executive at Rubenstein, a PR firm that helps “shape what the world says about” the Trump Org, Epstein and Kushner Companies

! @sarahkendzior : "Epstein ... chose the same publicist as the Trump and Kushner families: Howard Rubenstein ... This apparatus was pioneered by Roy Cohn and polished by Rubenstein, who had represented other Trump and Epstein colleagues like Rupert Murdoch and Adnan Khashoggi" — Colby News (@colbynews) April 30, 2020 Maggie Haberman’s mom is Nancy Haberman, an EVP at Rubenstein, a PR firm that helps “shape what the world says about” its clients, like the Trump Org and Kushner Companies. Some day, the FBI is going to want to know whether Maggie was on the take. — Uncle Blazer (@blakesmustache) April 20, 2020 . @maggieNYT is quoting the text written by @nytimes article authors Nicholas Fandos and Julian E. Barnes. She is making it look like some kind of official statement. — Tim Hogan (@TimInHonolulu) April 21, 2020

Flight records expose trump's lies to Comey about the 2013 Moscow trip...

Flight records undercut trump's lies to @Comey about the espionage 2013 Moscow trip — Colby News (@colbynews) April 19, 2020 Kind of weird that the "COVID19 leaked from a Chinese lab" narrative started flooding the right-wing media on March 30, isn't it? — random facts girl, INTROVERTING FOR HUMANITY. (@soychicka) April 18, 2020

Australia supposedly "sick" of Murdoch and his military grade political propaganda machine...

There is mounting evidence that Australia is sick of Rupert Murdoch and the political propaganda machine he runs in the guise of a news organisation. — Karol Cummins (@karolcummins) April 18, 2020

trump retweeted today a Jewess who resigned for racist comments like "the black race" has "a lax of morality" and that black women think "breeding is a form of government employment"

The president just retweeted today a former administration official who resigned for racist comments like "the black race" has "a lax of morality" and that black women think "breeding is a form of government employment." The RT is supporting the bid of an anti-Muslim candidate. — andrew kaczynski🤔 (@KFILE) April 19, 2020 This is the idiot that Trump just tweeted about! She can even catch an Uber! 😂😂😂 — PhillyFlopp (@flopp2024) April 19, 2020 She’s a conspiracy theorist — Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) April 19, 2020 Mnuchin says it was his idea to put Trump's name on stimulus checks — Kenny_ANTI_gop (@Hope012015) April 20, 2020

A Republican state lawmaker says Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R) stay-at-home orders ‘no different’ than sending Jews to extermination camps

Idaho GOPer says stay-at-home orders ‘no different’ than sending Jews to extermination camps — Raw Story (@RawStory) April 19, 2020

If a group of African-American men had shown up at a State Capitol, and were carrying firearms like this, they’d all be dead

If a group of African-American men had shown up at a State Capitol to support the Black Lives Matter movement, and were carrying firearms like this, they’d all be dead. — David Hoffman (@atDavidHoffman) April 17, 2020 Stephen Moore says the right-wing activists protesting stay-at-home orders are — I’m not joking — “modern-day Rosa Parks” — Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) April 18, 2020 We know the answer... — Scoot (@ImpeachmentHour) April 21, 2020 This is from one of the “open up the country” protests. You think I should wear this to the next Black Lives Matter rally? I’m sure everything would be fine, right? — michaelharriot (@michaelharriot) April 26, 2020 Do you honestly think black folks can show up to protest anything looking like this? — Not Me, America. (@EthanObama) April 26, 2020

Putin leverages coronavirus chaos to make a direct play to Trump - CNN

Putin leverages coronavirus chaos to make a direct play to Trump    CNN Russia will accept Trump’s ventilator offer for coronavirus patients if needed    New York Post Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin had four phone calls in the past two weeks    Daily Mail With Trump as President, Russia Finds Opportunities in Latin America View Full Coverage on Google News

RECKLESS Whites outside the Governor of Minnesota's House chanting "Open UP"

RECKLESS Protestors outside the Governor of Minnesota's House chanting, "Open UP". This in on YOU Trump. #COVID19 — Peter Morley (@morethanmySLE) April 17, 2020

Russia Scandal Figure Who Decried “Ukraine Hoax” Will Aid Trump's Coronavirus Messaging - Mother Jones

Russia Scandal Figure Who Decried “Ukraine Hoax” Will Aid Trump's Coronavirus Messaging    Mother Jones

BREAKING: Far-right Netherlands politician Baudet who initiated the 2016 Dutch referendum against EU-Ukraine association agreement admits in apps that he got paid by a Russian propagandist who "works for Putin"

It’s very difficult to expose the Kremlin’s dark money operations, particularly when they involve funding for right-wing political movements in Europe. But in the Netherlands a secret recording has emerged that does exactly that. — Michael Carpenter (@mikercarpenter) April 16, 2020 He is nervous — Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) April 26, 2020

Editor at The Economist: ‘Something fishy’ about Boris’s intensive care stay...

Editor at The Economist: ‘Something fishy’ about Boris’s intensive care stay... — Colby News (@colbynews) April 14, 2020

800-page internal report showed how anti-Semitism was weaponised by Jewish operatives to sabotage Corbyn

The 800-page internal report showed how anti-Semitism was weaponised to sabotage Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party. We uncovered the hand of the Israeli Embassy in managing the party machinery. #LabourLeaks — Al Jazeera Investigations (@AJIunit) April 13, 2020

21 yo Tennessee woman who bragged about NOT Physical Distancing catches #coronavirus and now warns people to #StayHome

⚠️ 21 yo woman who bragged about NOT #PhysicalDistancing catches #coronavirus and now warns people to #StayHome : “It feels like someone is sitting on my chest at all times. It’s really hard to breathe. I’ve coughed until my throat has bled.” #COVID19 — Dr. Dena Grayson (@DrDenaGrayson) April 14, 2020

Meghan Markle 'clashed' with royal staff who asked 'who do you think you are?'

Meghan Markle 'clashed' with royal staff who asked 'who do you think you are?' — Colby News (@colbynews) April 14, 2020

Pompeo Is Using His Official Government Role As Secretary Of State To Evangelize To World Leaders: "My First Calling Is To My Savior"

Report Claims Pompeo Is Using His Official Government Role As Secretary Of State To Evangelize To World Leaders: "My First Calling Is To My Savior" via @dc_tribune — Joanie Reb - Nevertheless, We Persist 🆘 (@JoanieReb) April 14, 2020 ‘My first calling is to my savior’: Pompeo brags he is using role of Secretary of State to evangelize world leaders — #BlueWave2020 🌊🇺🇸🗽#VoteBlue2020 #Resist⚖️🇺🇸 (@TekStol) April 14, 2020

trump's chief adviser Roger Stone returns: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people

Roger Stone, unofficial spokesman for QAnon, presents: — Jay McKenzie (@JamesFourM) April 15, 2020 Putin’s loyal American operative should stay in prison. He’s been operational while incarcerated, conspiring with Giuliani via his lawyers to promote Kremlin propaganda about 2016, target the 2020 election, and weaken Ukraine for Putin. He’s a national security threat. — Alexandra Chalupa (@AlexandraChalup) April 14, 2020 Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, is asking to be released from prison early and serve the remainder of his 7-and-a-half year sentence at home due to the #coronavirus pandemic. — Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) April 14, 2020

MI6 soldier Paul McCartney blames 'medieval' Chinese markets for coronavirus

MI6 soldier Paul McCartney blames 'medieval' Chinese markets for coronavirus — Colby News (@colbynews) April 15, 2020 Emmanuel Macron gets ready to scare Fiona Bruce when she turns around. — Ira Rainey (@IraRainey) April 13, 2020

White "Evangelicals" See Trump As 'Honest' And 'Morally Upstanding'

Supporters pray as President Donald Trump speaks during an "Evangelicals for Trump" campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on Jan. 03, 2020 in Miami Survey: White Evangelicals See Trump As 'Honest' And 'Morally Upstanding' — Colby News (@colbynews) April 15, 2020 How does 'Keep America Great' work as a campaign slogan, when America has gone to hell? — Karen Chestney (@KarenChestney) April 14, 2020

Epstein & his Co-Conspirators are still being protected by the courts

BREAKING: Despite calling the Jeffrey Epstein case "a national disgrace," a federal appeals court has ruled against Epstein's victims, saying that his plea deal, which included immunity for his co-conspirators, was legally executed. 1) — julie k. brown (@jkbjournalist) April 14, 2020 #JeffreyEpstein & his Co-Conspirators are still being protected by the courts. I have so many many names that need to & will be outed- with or without the courts help. We need an uprising- only a corrupt country would protect pedo’s 🦋 — Virginia Giuffre (@VRSVirginia) April 15, 2020 This April 27 '20 NYT story by @MattGoldstein26 & @SteveEder about how Darren Indyke & Richard David Kahn, executors of Jeffrey Epstein's estate, are stonewalling the courts & Epstein's victims has some juicy details re Epstein's finances.... — mrs panstreppon (@mrspanstreppon) April 28, 2020 Prin

Turkey Hunter Shot in the Face

Turkey Hunter Shot in the Face — Colby News (@colbynews) April 15, 2020

"People have been starved for content ... we're watching, like, reruns from the early 2000s," Bad Boy DeSantis says of his bizarre decision to classify live pro wrestling shows as an "essential service"

"People have been starved for content ... we're watching, like, reruns from the early 2000s," Gov. Ron DeSantis says of his bizarre decision to classify live pro wrestling shows as an "essential service" during a deadly pandemic — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 14, 2020 W H Y DeSantis deems pro wrestling ‘essential business’ amid statewide stay-at-home order — Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) April 14, 2020

Barr Refuses to Release 9/11 Documents to Families of the Victims because trump is "too beholden to the Saudis”

“I think the 9/11 families have lost all hope that the president is going to step up and do the right thing. He’s too beholden to the Saudis.” — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) April 15, 2020 Meet William Barr, the new deputy Pope of the Trump Church State. — Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) April 14, 2020

FBI agents just arrested a man trying to plant a bomb at a Jewish assisted living residence

#BREAKING FBI agents just arrested a man trying to plant a bomb at a Jewish assisted living residence. The residence, according to the Bureau, had been discussed on “white supremacist online platforms.” — Naveed Jamali (@NaveedAJamali) April 15, 2020

A Philadelphia woman found a groundhog outside of her home munching on a piece of pizza for over an hour, completely unfazed by her two dogs

Move over, pizza rat. 🍕 A Philadelphia woman found a groundhog outside of her home munching on a piece of pizza for over an hour, completely unfazed by her two dogs. — ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) April 15, 2020 Pizza groundhog is the hero that none of us deserve — Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) April 16, 2020 Bobby Bandito—a.k.a. Matthew McConaughey—is here to teach you how to make a face mask out of your best bandana Cowboy hat face 01 #WednsdayWisdom — Tomthunkit™ (@TomthunkitsMind) April 15, 2020 A group of racoons is called a ? — THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE PODCAST (@thehumanxp) April 15, 2020

Rhode Island, Florida and Texas, set up border checkpoints to stop nonresidents who might be carrying the virus

Rhode Island, Florida and Texas, took the step of setting up border checkpoints to stop nonresidents who might be carrying the virus. — Colby News (@colbynews) April 15, 2020

Russian trump threatens to adjourn U.S. Congress over 'scam' preventing appointments

Russian trump: “If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress” via @Yahoo — Colby News (@colbynews) April 16, 2020 OH MY GOD. The president is threatening to adjourn both houses of Congress. He admits it has never been done before. Tell me the difference between him and Maduro or any other dictator. This is honestly horrifying. — HawaiiDelilah™ (@HawaiiDelilah) April 15, 2020 Democrats are scrambling to stop the president from replacing independent government watchdogs after he quickly pushed aside the leader of coronavirus bailout oversight. — ProPublica (@propublica) April 15, 2020 They will try and cancel or delay the election and whoop there goes our democracy. We become The United States of Russia? - is it that predictable 🤔✍🏼 — Theresa Lastovich (@Lastovich1) April 16, 2020 Russian trump threatens to adjourn U.S. Congress over 'scam' p

California mayor forced to resign after correctly comparing trump supporters with KKK

'We’re all a little flawed': California mayor to resign after comparing trump supporters with KKK — Colby News (@colbynews) April 16, 2020 Alec Baldwin bashes millions of Americans, says only 'mentally ill' will vote for Trump - Washington Times — Mark Hultmark 🌈 (@hultmark_mark) April 14, 2020

Jimmy John’s founder who entertains himself by killing endangered animals wants your tax dollars to bail him out so he can continue to kill endangered animals

Jimmy John’s founder who entertains himself by killing endangered animals wants your tax dollars to bail him out so he can continue to kill endangered animals. Are you okay with this? — BLUEDOG (@trumpanhator2) April 16, 2020 Is he really an idiot or he is just doing the propaganda for Trump? — Anti-TrumpVirus Agent (@ColoradoDavidSu) April 15, 2020 Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus says Trump didn’t act early enough because he was distracted by “impeachment nonsense” — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) April 15, 2020

trump installs Putin's mouthpiece Caputo at the health department’s top communications position

The appointment of Caputo, an actual Putin spokesman, as a senior USG official, is why every responsible American must reject the Trump WH. Period. No exceptions. Time to be counted. Well, actually on 03 NOV, to be precise. — John Schindler (@20committee) April 16, 2020 Trump is installing literal agent of Russia Michael Caputo as Health and Human Services spokesman. Masks are off, peeps. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) April 16, 2020 Omg this corrupt regime. Caputo was Putin's guy who worked to improve his image a few decades ago and then went to work for one of Putins Ukrainian politicians suspected of beheading a journalist. This is nuts! Mafia state — Olga Lautman (@olgaNYC1211) April 16, 2020 Caputo used to work in Moscow for Putin. He also lied under oath to Congress and got caught. He also used his own daughters to grift for money in a gofundme for himself & Roger Stone by claiming he had to cash in their college funds to