
Showing posts from June, 2020

Icelandic "Teen Volunteer" to Russia's Assange Dug Dirt and Wooed Bieber, McCartney...

Teen Volunteer to WIKILEAKS' Assange Dug Dirt and Wooed Bieber, McCartney... (Second column, 10th story, link ) Icelandic Teen Volunteer to Russia’s Assange Dug Dirt and Wooed Bieber, McCartney... — Colby News (@colbynews) July 1, 2020

Trump Denies Briefing On Russian Bounties Reportedly Placed On U.S. Troops - NPR

Trump Denies Briefing On Russian Bounties Reportedly Placed On U.S. Troops    NPR Trump: I was not told about 'Russian bounties' plot because it was not credible    The Guardian Pelosi condemns Trump response to reported Russia bounty on US troops    USA TODAY Trump denies being briefed on Russian bounty intelligence    CNN Trump: Intelligence didn't find Russian bounties on U.S. troops claim credible    Axios View Full Coverage on Google News


'WHITE POWER' (Main headline, 2nd story, link ) Related stories: TRUMP TWEET DISASTER

Breaking down Bolton's account of a White House in turmoil - CNN

Breaking down Bolton's account of a White House in turmoil    CNN

Russian mafia oligarch Dmitry Firtash paid trump lawyers Toensing and diGenova at least $1.2 million in what Lev Parnas has said publicly was with effort to dig up kompromat on Democrats with Barr in the loop to quash Firtash’s indictment...

Russian mafia oligarch Dmitry Firtash paid Trump lawyers Toensing and diGenova at least $1.2 million in what @levparnas has said publicly was with effort to dig up dirt on Democrats with Barr in the loop to quash Firtash’s indictment. Bill Barr is worried about his own exposure. — Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) June 26, 2020

Zuckerberg has hosted Shapiro at his home. According to a source who has spoken with Shapiro, Zuckerberg and Shapiro remain in direct communication...

😐 "Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a relationship with Shapiro, who Zuckerberg has hosted at his home. According to a source who has spoken with Shapiro, Zuckerberg and Shapiro remain in direct communication." — Eric Hananoki (@ehananoki) June 25, 2020 Conservative Ben Shapiro working to game facebook with a business partner Mad World News using multiple sites posting the exact same daily wire content at the exact same time at least 10x a day? Is White supremacist friendly tech oligarch Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg OK with that? — Pete Quily (@pqpolitics) June 25, 2020 4. @benshapiro has partnered w/Mad World News to game Facebook. Each day five large pages controlled by Mad World News, some with 2M+ followers, posts at least 10 articles from The Daily Wire These pages post the EXACT SAME CONTENT at the EXACT SAME TIME — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) June 25, 2020

VIDEO: Brexit Queen with Epstein's Bride's Father "Maxwell"


Barr immediately started covering for the Russian Mob (trump) as soon as he became AG...

Barr immediately started covering for the Russian Mob as soon as he became AG. Impeach and arrest him. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) June 26, 2020 Absolutely outrageous: Barr tried to get SDNY to un-do the part of the Michael Cohen conviction that implicated the President, per NYT. But the SDNY resisted. Which helps explain last weekend’s attempted takeover. — Elie Honig (@eliehonig) June 25, 2020 I’m still bitter about the well-fed charlatans who assured us all during Barr’s confirmation that he was some sort of even-handed institutionalist, contrary to his record at the time. — southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) June 26, 2020 “We are talking about a president who uses DOJ as a political tool, an attorney general who enables it, and a department that tolerates it.” ⁦ @BarbMcQuade ⁩ ⁦ @JoyceWhiteVance ⁩ — Mimi Rocah (@Mimirocah1) June 25, 2020

dirty secret behind the extraordinary "success" of Shapiro on Facebook. The Daily Wire has an undisclosed relationship with Facebook pages owned by Mad World News — a notorious site that exploits Facebook's algorithm with racism & violence

1. There's a dirty secret behind the extraordinary success of @benshapiro on Facebook The Daily Wire has an undisclosed relationship with Facebook pages owned by Mad World News — a notorious site that exploits Facebook's algorithm w/racism & violence — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) June 25, 2020 4. @benshapiro has partnered w/Mad World News to game Facebook. Each day five large pages controlled by Mad World News, some with 2M+ followers, posts at least 10 articles from The Daily Wire These pages post the EXACT SAME CONTENT at the EXACT SAME TIME — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) June 25, 2020

trump judge Neomi Rao, who is trying to set Flynn free, said women should drink less if they want to avoid getting raped

The Flynn decision was written by Judge Neomi Rao. She is one of Trump’s most controversial judicial appointees and was forced to apologize for her past writings on sexual assault, where she said women should drink less if they want to avoid getting raped. — Marshall Cohen (@MarshallCohen) June 24, 2020 The 2-1 decision in the Michael Flynn case was written by Judge Neomi Rao, a former Trump aide appointed to the DC Circuit after Brett Kavanaugh, and joined by Bush appointee Judge Karen Henderson. Judge Robert Wilkins, an Obama appointee, dissented. — Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) June 24, 2020 A note: Judges often give extra latitude when one side is doomed to weaken chances on appeal. 😎 — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) June 24, 2020 I'm not going to freak out because of this debacle with Flynn. This charge was actually light compared to the 'real' story here. Treason is coming!!! Barr is now knee-deep

Polish officials look amused as a White House official *SCREAMS* at reporters to leave the room

Polish officials look amused as a White House official *screams* at reporters to leave the room. — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 24, 2020 "We have a very good relationship with Russia" says POTUS, who isn't sure what day it is. — Molly McKew (@MollyMcKew) June 24, 2020 In case you doubted the purpose of today’s Trump-Duda meeting, Trump opens the press conference with an explicit reference to Poland’s elections this weekend and says he expects Duda to be “very successful”. No major deliverables; just an endorsement disguised as a meeting. — Molly Montgomery (@MollyMontgomery) June 24, 2020

Democrat who defeated the Kremlin's candidate, Dana Rohrabacher, now faces a Republican implicated in a "pay to play" scheme with Chinese Communist Party leaders

In 2018, I defeated the Kremlin's candidate, Dana Rohrabacher. Yesterday, the @WSJ reported that my opponent's husband was implicated in a "pay to play" scheme with Chinese Communist Party leaders. I'll keep fighting to represent Orange County — not a hostile foreign nation. — Harley Rouda (@HarleyRouda) June 24, 2020 One of Trump’s attacks on Biden just died as the Chinese have donated massive sums of money to help Donald Trump get reelected in 2020. via @politicususa — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) June 24, 2020

Russia had 'hold' over Donald Trump, former British spy Steele says - Business Insider - Business Insider

Russia had 'hold' over Donald Trump, former British spy Steele says - Business Insider    Business Insider

EMERGENCY: trump judges set Russo-Turkish spy flynn free!!!

Yes, the majority ruling by the DC Court of Appeals that will ultimately free Flynn was political and goes against everything a jurist is taught and knows. That really just happened. — Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) June 24, 2020 WIN in General Flynn’s case. DC Circuit has ruled 2-1, instructing Judge Sullivan to grant DOJ’s motion to dismiss the case. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 — Kerri Kupec DOJ (@KerriKupecDOJ) June 24, 2020 Great! Appeals Court Upholds Justice Departments Request To Drop Criminal Case Against General Michael Flynn! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 24, 2020 Led by the D.C. Circuit Court's Federalist Society Clarence Thomas-clerk Scalia-fan Judge Rao, they've granted a Writ of Anyone In Trouble With Trump Can Go Now, Especially Mike Flynn. Is that so? 😈 — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) June 24, 2020 I’m confused. After all this the DC court of Appeals told Judge Sullivan to pound sand??? But Flynn lied. He made plans to kidnap for

Maggie HABERMAN shrieked on Twitter in 2012: "Roger Stone for President"

Maggie Haberman of the @nytimes , 8 years ago. WTF? ht @wokyleeks — Xeni Jardin (@xeni) June 23, 2020 Why did @maggieNYT of the @nytimes tweet this to Roger Stone in 2012? It’s a little weird, right? — Xeni Jardin (@xeni) June 23, 2020 Boop. (psst... not the only intimate exchange between them. i’m going with Roger as her handler on all the @HillaryClinton email cr*p in 2016. how about you?). — Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) June 23, 2020 aaaand Stone's prison date gets pushed back again — Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) June 23, 2020

Students for Trump, a property of Charlie Kirk's Turning Point Action, gave QAnon conspiracy theorist Brenden Dilley VIP credentials to a Trump speech, he said trump must execute his political enemies

MAGA life coach Brenden Dilley can empathize with how frustrating it must be for a genius like Trump to have to be president for a country "full of fucking stupid people" and "thankless twats." — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) July 9, 2020 Students for Trump, a property of Charlie Kirk's Turning Point Action, gave QAnon conspiracy theorist Brenden Dilley VIP credentials to a Trump speech at its convention in Arizona today. — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) June 23, 2020 Remember when Trump withdrew from the WHO because he said it failed to warn us about COVID? Let’s judge him by his own standard. He’s now actively encouraging the spread of a deadly virus against all available date and science. This is insane.👇 — Brett McGurk (@brett_mcgurk) June 24, 2020 Ummm...Aunt Jemima was a fictional character first created for a minstrel show by Chris Rutt, a popular racist from the la

Haberman, a Kushner, trump and Epstein associate, just raved on CNN that Biden is a flawed candidate running a flawed campaign...

Maggie Haberman just called Biden a flawed candidate running a flawed campaign. Fuck that shit. — Jason Delecto (@jason_delecto) June 23, 2020 Here is the @maggieNYT "Biden is a flawed candidate" clip, and it is much worse than you thought it was. cc @neeratanden — Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) June 23, 2020 BTW, these are the reporters JASON MILLER leaks to the most: Swin (Daily Beast) Alex Isenstadt / Nancy Cook (Politico) Maggie Haberman (NYT) (hon mention: Jon Lemire) Ashley Parker / Josh Dawsey (WaPo) (hon mention: Phil Rucker) Gabriel Shearman (VF) Shannon Pettypiece (NBC) — A.J. Delgado (@AJDelgado13) June 23, 2020 Maggie Haberman’s mom is Nancy Haberman, an executive at Rubenstein, a PR firm that helps “shape what the world says about” the Trump Org, Epstein and Kushner Companies MAGGIE HABERMAN was MICHAEL COHEN’S MEDIA CONTACT Maggie Haberman’s sources in latest trump-Epstein article: Alan Dershowitz, Roger Stone, Sam N

trump accuses President Obama of “treason” and threatens him with the "Justice Department" and 50 years in prison...

trump has finally crossed a line. He has openly accused a former president of the United States of treason. This cannot stand. He must be taken to task, by Congress. Immediately. There is no justification for his behavior and he must be censored now. — American Veteran (@amvetsupport) June 23, 2020 In @DavidBrodyCBN interview, President Trump, without evidence, accuses President Obama of “treason” and says he’s looking forward to seeing what the Justice Department pursues in the coming months. — Robert Costa (@costareports) June 22, 2020 “I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been.” — Schooley (@Rschooley) June 23, 2020

Johnson and May IGNORED claims Russia had 'likely hold' over trump, ex-spy alleges - The Guardian

Since these two GRU agents were so sloppy how come the UK gave them visas to enter the country under false names? — X Soviet (@XSovietNews) June 23, 2020 Evidence of Russia's 'likely hold' over Trump was covered up by the UK government... via @businessinsider — Colby News (@colbynews) June 24, 2020 Johnson and May IGNORED claims Russia had 'likely hold' over trump, ex-spy alleges — Colby News (@colbynews) June 23, 2020 Four years ago today. — Tom Harwood (@tomhfh) June 23, 2020 Steve Hilton on @BBCr4today 🤮 — Rupert Myers (@RupertMyers) June 23, 2020 Johnson and May ignored claims Russia had 'likely hold' over Trump, ex-spy alleges    The Guardian

Soros conspiracy theories surge...

Soros conspiracy theories surge... (First column, 12th story, link ) Related stories: Protesters tear down statues of Ulysses S. Grant, Francis Scott Key... NASCAR Confederate Flag Ban Faces Test in Alabama... Search for answers after deputies kill brother of black man found hanging from tree... Vehicle Attacks Rise As Extremists Target Protesters... Amid wave of cultural change, Trump tries to stir backlash... Broken windows, Molotov cocktail: DOJ finds creative ways into local rioting cases...

Trump's fourth NSC Russia director is leaving the White House - Axios

Trump's fourth NSC Russia director is leaving the White House    Axios

Finns aghast that Trump could think their country is part of Russia - The Guardian

Finns aghast that Trump could think their country is part of Russia    The Guardian Russia. Ukraine. China. Bolton account highlights pattern of Trump welcoming foreign political help.    The Washington Post Trump Once Asked If Finland Is Part Of Russia, Bolton Book Says    Forbes Bolton book says Trump asked if Finland was part of Russia: NYT    Business Insider Trump asked if Finland was part of Russia, new book claims    YLE News View Full Coverage on Google News

trump adviser Peter Navarro shrieks “revenge porn” 4 times in 16 seconds. “This is deep swamp revenge porn on the part of John Bolton”

Trump adviser Peter Navarro says “revenge porn” 4 times in 16 seconds. “This is deep swamp revenge porn on the part of John Bolton” — Peter Wade 🤦‍♂️ (@brooklynmutt) June 18, 2020

$10 TRILLION Fed Budget More than Spent on 4 U.S. Wars COMBINED...

$10 TRILLION Fed Budget More than Spent on 4 U.S. Wars COMBINED... (Top headline, 1st story, link ) Related stories: New bailout package could include $4,000 vacation credit... Beijing residents rush virus test clinics as emergency rules expand... Heavy traces in seafood, meat sections of food market... Florida next epicenter? POLL: Americans not buying White House spin... Pro-Trump activist booted from flight for not wearing mask... Sheriff vowed not to enforce AZ lockdown. Now he's positive... LONG ROAD AHEAD... FAUCI: Football may not happen this year...

Fox Shill Gutfeld thinks Steven Crowder @Scrowder is GAY and should "marry his personal trainer"

Here's the weird musical thing that made Gutfeld cry for Crowder's family. 😬 @Scrowder — Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) June 15, 2020 I normally would never release conversations like this, but with what Gutfeld does every day, shilling for Donald Trump & the GOP's hateful policies and working with white supremacists at Fox News, fuck em. — Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) June 15, 2020 Here’s Greg Gutfeld telling me how much he hates Steven Crowder. @Scrowder @greggutfeld — Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) June 15, 2020

Barr has authorized federal executions to resume & has already scheduled 4, one on Aug 28—the day Emmett Till was lynched

Barr has authorized federal executions to resume & has already scheduled 4, one on Aug 28—the day Emmett Till was lynched. Bastards. #TrumpIsaRacistThug 😡 #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare Federal Executions Set To Resume After Nearly 2-Decade Hiatus — murray b - BlackLivesMatter (@murrayb560sl) June 16, 2020

Democrats warned against "ex" GOP operatives Rick Wilson and KellyAnne's Asian husband taking a leading role in the opposition to trump

Maybe letting the husband of Kelly Ann Conway and ex GOP operative Rick Wilson take a leading role in the opposition to Trump will be viewed in hindsight as a mistake. — Benjamin Franklin🆘11/4 (@benFranklin2018) June 16, 2020

Seattle Times Wonders if GOP is a hate group

🔥Is the GOP a hate group? You Betcha. — Venture Capital (@kelly2277) June 17, 2020

trump planned to burn America at least since 2014...

For anyone watching America burn, Trump stated his desires before even his candidacy. Burning it all down has always been his goal. All the credit to Sarah Kendzior who has been predicting this from the beginning. Share this disgusting rhetoric widely 02 — Tomthunkit™ (@TomthunkitsMind) June 18, 2020

Erdogan handed trump a memo claiming innocence for a Turkish firm under investigation by SDNY for violating Iranian sanctions. "Trump then told Erdogan he would take care of things, explaining that the Southern District prosecutors were not his people"

In May 2018, Bolton says, Erdogan handed Trump a memo claiming innocence for a Turkish firm under investigation by SDNY for violating Iranian sanctions. "Trump then told Erdogan he would take care of things, explaining that the Southern District prosecutors were not his people." — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) June 17, 2020 Erdogan tried a similar gambit with VP Joe Biden in a meeting at the UNGA in September 2016. Biden said, sorry, the White House can’t intervene in a criminal matter. #Protip : Right answer. — Brett McGurk (@brett_mcgurk) June 17, 2020 Bolton confirmed what we already know. Trump is running a criminal empire and the American People are paying the price. And isn't it treason against America if a President asks 3 different countries to interfere in elections? #LockHimUp — Ϯ♅ꂅ ცᏒᎥϮᎥᏕ♅ ᏒꂅᏕᎥᏕϮᕱภ꒝ꂅ🌊🇪🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧 (@Unruly_Brit) June 18, 2020

Murdoch's son is on the board of Tesla

It's rarely mentioned that Rupert Murdoch's son is on the board of Tesla, is it? That'll make more sense soon. 🤨 — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) June 18, 2020

Matt Gaetz, a single man of 40, adopted & has been secretly “raising” for 6+ years a 19 year old CUBAN teen named Nestor in his home

Why was Matt Gaetz the ONLY member of Congress to vote against a major anti-sex trafficking bill? — Grant Stern (@grantstern) March 31, 2021 Remember when this happened and we were all like...WTF⁉️ Now we know. #MattGaetz — Christopher 🇺🇸 Proud Dem (@cwebbonline) March 31, 2021 Republican Scumbag Congressman Matt Gaetz is one of the most vile politicians currently in office & a consistent kisser of Trump's butt. He just announced that as a single man he adopted & has been secretly "raising" a 19 year old Cuban teen named Nestor in his home. #FreeNestor — Stone (@stonecold2050) June 18, 2020 It's very hard to imagine that, logistically, there's no Epstein factor here. Bringing a non-related 12yo across borders to live with you—with parental consent? was there a legal adoption?—raises flags. — Virginia Heffernan (@page88) June 18, 2020 BREAKING:

trump begged Xi, like a dog, to help him win reelection, grovelled that Xi is the greatest president...

Pleaded. Like a dog. — Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) June 17, 2020 According to Bolton, "Xi said he wanted to work with Trump for six more years, and Trump replied that people were saying that the two-term constitutional limit on presidents should be repealed for him." — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) June 17, 2020 Pleaded. Like a dog. — Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) June 17, 2020 Trump's tough talk on China is all 🐂💩 He and his daughter are in their pocket. Everything he does is a quid pro quo to benefit himself personally. He doesn't give a damn about America #Bolton #China — Fata Morgana (@maladamus) June 17, 2020 What is happening in the #FloridaRecount right now reminds me of the hanging chads in 2000. Florida elections have long been a cesspool of corruption. Yes that is virulent bigot & warmonger John Bolton who was the GOP attorney in 2000. He&

Paymaster General Penny Mordaunt: Spend the aid budget on a NEW YACHT for the Brexit Queen

EXCLUSIVE in tomorrow's Daily Telegraph: Spend the aid budget on a successor to HMY Britannia, Paymaster General Penny Mordaunt tells PM Boris Johnson — Christopher Hope📝 (@christopherhope) June 17, 2020 Where are the £££millions ‘really’ going? When Moscow puppets like Cummings are involved it’s a good idea to watch the ££££. — ❄️ Snowbird🌸 (@Snowbirdsix1000) June 18, 2020 This government isn’t just murderously incompetent. It’s JUVENILE. Spending our money painting flags on a bloody plane. They should paint skull & crossbones instead; would express their brand better. — Dr Louise Raw (@LouiseRawAuthor) June 16, 2020 A Downing Street spokesman says children currently receiving free school meals will continue to do so following a campaign by Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford — Sky News Breaking (@SkyNewsBreak) June 16, 2020

A trump tactic in "NYC days" was to employ NYPD officers on his security detail so he could use cocaine and ‘hit on’ models in Nightclubs with impunity

A Trump tactic in NYC days was to employ NYPD officers on his security detail so he could use cocaine and ‘hit on’ models in Nightclubs with impunity. When his extra-marital ‘hobbies’ transgressed into assault, folks like Keith Schiller were there to intimidate the victims. — NoelCaslerComedy (@CaslerNoel) June 16, 2020

Barr is exonerating the Iranian money launderer tied to the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia

Barr pulling out all the stops to keep the Iranian money launderer tied to the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia from facing his guilty conviction by a jury. IMPEACH HIM. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) June 16, 2020

Putin takes an American hostage. Trump seems fine with that. - The Washington Post

Putin takes an American hostage. Trump seems fine with that.    The Washington Post

GOOGLE bans Russian propaganda ZEROHEDGE, FEDERALIST from ad platform over protest articles...

Streetwise Professor » How Do You Know That Zero Hedge is a Russian Information Operation? Here’s How — Colby News (@colbynews) June 16, 2020 Is Zero Hedge a Russian Trojan Horse? — Colby News (@colbynews) June 16, 2020 Zero Hedge was banned from Twitter for coronavirus lies via @businessinsider — Colby News (@colbynews) June 16, 2020 Question on @Quora : Is anti-American Soviet propaganda? — Colby News (@colbynews) June 16, 2020 Pretty much says it all about Flynn and The Federalist. Reminder: Besides pleading guilty to, in his own words, making "false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements," Flynn pushed Russian propaganda at least 25 times and 16 different online conspiracy theories. #likewar book — Peter W. Singer (@peterwsinger) April 2, 2019 Bernie Sanders, for all his flaws and eccentricities, is a genuine sympathetic

Former FBI Director William Sessions, who worked for Jewish/Russian mafia Boss Semion Mogilevich, has died on June 12, 2020

🔥Former FBI Director William Sessions, who worked for mafia boss Semion Mogilevich, died yesterday... I wonder how his son, @PeteSessions informed Mogilevich....🤔 @MingGao26 — Venture Capital (@kelly2277) June 14, 2020 You mean this @jeffsessions , @RepSwalwell ? #LevRemembers #RenameTheBases #RemoveTheStatues — Lev Parnas (@levparnas) June 14, 2020

trump: "Quarrels in faraway lands among people of whom we know nothing" is word for word Neville Chamberlain presenting the Munich accord, agreeing to Hitler's annexation of the Sudetenland

"Quarrels in faraway lands among people of whom we know nothing" is word for word Neville Chamberlain presenting the Munich accord, agreeing to Hitler's annexation of the Sudetenland. This statement is astonishing for a US President to make at West Point. — Gregory Brown (@GregBrownUNLV) June 13, 2020

Putin just revealed that he was a "key figure" in the takeover of Kosovo’s airport by Russian troops at the end of the 1999 war

#Putin said that he was a key figure in the takeover of #Kosovo ’s airport by Russian troops at the end of the 1999 war. I think that we will witness soon more tense standoffs between Russia and the West in Kosovo.Also, #Lavrov is visiting Serbia this week. — Ivana Stradner (@ivanastradner) June 15, 2020

spy Arnon Milchan, Oracle's Ellison and Len Blavatnik were all approached by Netanyahu to buy news outlets opposed to him

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz points out a few familiar names are popping up in Bibi's corruption trial Film producer turned spy Arnon Milchan, Oracle's Ellison and Len Blavatnik were all approached by BIBI to buy news outlets opposed to him. — Zev Shalev (@ZevShalev) June 14, 2020 'Trump Heights': Israeli settlement in Golan named after US president — DAWG (@88SEATTLE61) June 14, 2020 Drudge not loyal to Netanyahu... — Colby News (@colbynews) June 14, 2020 Thank you for the VIP invite, @realDonaldTrump . This is quite an honor—particularly since you and @GovRonDeSantis have been pretending not to know me for months! Should I bring my mask? Please send the details, and my guest will give you $10 at the door. #Levity #LevRemembers 🎉 — Lev Parnas (@levparnas) June 14, 2020

Why does the Queen need an arms dealer?

Why does the Queen need an arms dealer? Why did the Saudis turn to a child rapist to buy arms? Why did Israel arm Iran? With Chinese weapons? So secretive and beyond any law. And what did Trump do? @LincolnsBible @EricGarland @Narativlive — Zev Shalev (@ZevShalev) June 15, 2020 Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts hospitalized via @MailOnline — Colby News (@colbynews) June 14, 2020

Mnuchin thinks half a trillion of taxpayer money is "proprietary information"

More looting caught in the act! How can taxpayer money be "proprietary information"? Half a TRILLION dollars! How about defunding Trump's mafia? — Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) June 15, 2020 Amid Economic Crash, Kushner Tries To Kill Social Security, but not for the rich... — Colby News (@colbynews) June 15, 2020 A Goldman Sachs exec runs Treasury A private equity kingpin runs Commerce A pharma exec runs HHS A coal lobbyist runs the EPA An oil lobbyist runs the DOI A Raytheon lobbyist runs DOD A Verizon lawyer runs FCC And you wonder why stimulus funds become corporate handouts. — Public Citizen (@Public_Citizen) June 13, 2020

Federalist Society and the Republican Party are solely dedicated to maintaining white patriarchal supremacy and embedding theocracy in our laws

What’s really telling is how all the Federalist Society and conservative judicial hounds are all letting their masks slip today and admitting the Republican Party has been solely dedicated to maintaining white patriarchal supremacy and embedding theocracy in our laws. — Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) June 15, 2020 Let me get this straight: So-called "conservatives" who scream about "liberty," "freedom," and "small government" are pissed Neil Gorsuch, a conservative, sided with liberals in saying you can't be fired simply for being gay? #LGBTQ #SCOTUS #equality — Bryan Dawson (@BryanDawsonUSA) June 15, 2020 Hey @RandPaul , five black men found hanging...still THINK WE DON'T NEED THIS BILL?! — KT (@sloyoroll01973) June 16, 2020 — Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) June 15, 2020 As long as I live, I will never forgive Susan Collins for allowing Brett Kavanaugh to b