
Showing posts from October, 2020

A neighbor reports that AG William Barr's house in McLean is being picketed by Trump supporters who believe he's not doing enough to lock up Joe Biden

It's come to this: A neighbor reports that AG William Barr's house in McLean is being picketed by Trump supporters who believe he's not doing enough to lock up Joe Biden — Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) October 31, 2020 The protest was organized by Ohio-based radical right-wing activist Dave Daubenmire. This is Dave Daubenmire: — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) November 1, 2020 Bill Barr has people outside his house and a white horse. How did the white horse get there and why? — Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) October 31, 2020

While harassing the Biden bus in Texas yesterday, the trump convoy included a HEARSE

The Biden campaign says it had to cancel a campaign event in Texas yesterday after Trump supporters tried to run a campaign bus off the road. And then the president tweets this... — Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) November 1, 2020 While harassing the Biden bus in Texas yesterday, the Trump convoy included a HEARSE. This image really sums up the two campaigns. — Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) October 31, 2020 Another edition of Meet The Deplorables 👇 “They outnumbered police 50-1, and they ended up hitting a staffer’s car.” — Democratic Coalition (@TheDemCoalition) November 1, 2020 I LOVE TEXAS! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2020 OMG🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 1, 2020 We had a message for Kamala Harris today from Houston: Don’t come here and threaten 250,000 jobs. We noticed. We aren’t going to let you win. #texas

hyper-partisan information is riling up pro-militia communities online ahead of election day

My latest: I took a look at how misleading hyper-partisan information is riling up pro-militia communities online ahead of election day and how it fits into the movement's already garbage media diet. — Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) October 30, 2020

Brett Favre wants four more years...

Lots of white in this room. History of poor decisions. Wants four more years. 0/10 @BrettFavre — Room Rater (@ratemyskyperoom) October 30, 2020

Adelson paid out $26.4 million to the GOP, That makes him No.1 among all S&P 500 index bosses when it comes to political spending

Sheldon Adelson shelled out $26.4 million of his own money to the GOP, according to a MarketWatch analysis of the latest processed Federal Election Commission data. That makes him No.1 among all S&P 500 index bosses when it comes to political spending. — MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) October 31, 2020

Zuckerberg charged Biden DOUBLE what he charged trump to advertise in swing states...

BREAKING: Facebook charged the Biden campaign DOUBLE what they charged the Trump campaign to advertise in swing states. [All cartoons for @friendscb ] — Michael de Adder (@deAdder) October 30, 2020

Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin posed on the Idaho capitol steps with two members of a militia flashing white power symbols

Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin is the Tea Party asshat who posed on the Idaho capitol steps with two members of a militia flashing white power symbols. When she isn’t waving around her bible, she’s dryhumping Trump’s leg and voting to take away seniors’ healthcare. — The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) October 30, 2020

Report: Brett Favre Tricked Into Recording Video With Anti-Semitic Messages

Report: Brett Favre Tricked Into Recording Video With Anti-Semitic Messages – WCCO | CBS Minnesota — Robert holgate (@415holgate) October 30, 2020

trump issues "Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens, 2020"

The White House press office emailed this out about an hour ago. Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens, 2020 — Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) October 31, 2020 Get in every last bit of racism and xenophobia before the election: Trump declares Nov 1 will be the "National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens.” — Amy Siskind (@Amy_Siskind) October 31, 2020

How a fake persona laid groundwork for Hunter conspiracy deluge...

Swiss security analyst behind a bombshell Hunter Biden folio turns out to be an AI-generated fake — Daily Kos (@dailykos) October 31, 2020 How a fake persona laid groundwork for Hunter conspiracy deluge... (Third column, 4th story, link ) Related stories: 'Typhoon Investigations'... The Rudy documentary that never happened: How the October surprise flopped...

how trump impeachment lawyer Jay Sekulow's group has sent millions of dollars to an affiliate in Moscow run by an activist tied to Putin's regime

JUST POSTED: @MotherJones and @openDemocracy investigate how Trump impeachment lawyer Jay Sekulow's group has sent millions of dollars to an affiliate in Moscow run by an activist tied to Putin's regime. — David Corn (@DavidCornDC) October 30, 2020 Revealed: Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow runs the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) which has donated $3.3 million to a Russian evangelical org with close Kremlin ties, an @openDemocracy and @MotherJones investigation reveals, by @tahovhannisyan — Wendy Siegelman (@WendySiegelman) October 30, 2020

Trump Vs. Biden: How Russia Sees The U.S. Election - NPR

Trump Vs. Biden: How Russia Sees The U.S. Election    NPR

Glenn Beck claims to have received a terrifying prophetic dream/vision in which he was shown that the 2020 election is a battle against "Satan himself"

Glenn Beck claims to have received a terrifying prophetic dream/vision in which he was shown that the 2020 election is a battle against "Satan himself." — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) October 30, 2020 Cancel culture seems not to be very good at canceling. — Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) October 30, 2020

the Lieutenant Governor of Idaho is driving around with a gun and a Bible protesting COVID19

Just saying, this is the most Taliban thing I’ve ever seen and I spent years in Afghanistan. — Patrick Skinner (@SkinnerPm) October 30, 2020 Just the Lieutenant Governor of Idaho, driving around with a gun and a Bible protesting #COVID19 restrictions — Reid Wilson (@PoliticsReid) October 29, 2020 It’s a pandemic, her state is filled with sick people and she’s driving around with a gun and the Bible like an idiot. — Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) October 30, 2020 American Jihadists. — Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) October 30, 2020

Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over anti-Semitism

As someone of Jewish heritage myself, this speech by activist and former ANC MP @AndrewFeinstein reflects my despair that anti-Semitism is being turned into a factional weapon when anti-Jewish racism is such a serious and dangerous threat to the lives of Jews across the world. — Marcus Strom (@strom_m) October 31, 2020 Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over anti-Semitism — Colby News (@colbynews) October 29, 2020 Labour to investigate complaints of antisemitic messages after EHRC report — Nino Brodin (@Orgetorix) October 30, 2020 Starmer and Labour right orchestrated ‘antisemitism’ attacks against Jeremy Corbyn… via @Dorset_eye — Tom London (@TomLondon6) October 31, 2020

Kushner an Even Bigger Idiot Than Previously Thought

Report: Jared Kushner an Even Bigger Idiot Than Previously Thought (And Yes, That’s Saying Something) | Vanity Fair - via @shareaholic — jamie (@gnuman1979) October 29, 2020 Just Jared Kushner on Tape confessing that they did a hostile takeover of the GOP and turned it into a Trump cult — (@MeidasTouch) October 29, 2020

Tell me how you reform this...

I’m a white guy. I’m pro Cop. But this is sickening. White people like me have to acknowledge this fucking truth: Cops don’t treat black lives the same way they treat white lives. They. Just. Don’t. And NOTHING is going to change until we white people acknowledge this truth. — Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) October 29, 2020

trump supporter in Maryland gets aggressive with kids half his age

Trump supporter in Maryland gets aggressive with kids half his age — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) October 29, 2020 For more context, this whole incident was pre-meditated to start a fight on video so he can move up the Proud Boy ranks. — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) October 29, 2020

"The Chechen teen who decapitated a teacher in France was reportedly training at a “largely-Chechen” MMA facility in Paris that has now been identified by French police as a “hotbed for potential extremists”

"The Chechen teen who decapitated a teacher in France was reportedly training at a “largely-Chechen” MMA facility in Paris that has now been identified by French police as a “hotbed for potential extremists.”" — Justin "Rabbit Hole J. Cole" Coleman (@DemopJ) October 29, 2020

Russian in Cyprus Was Behind Key Parts of Discredited Dossier on Trump - The Wall Street Journal

Russian in Cyprus Was Behind Key Parts of Discredited Dossier on Trump    The Wall Street Journal

“[A pillar of Trump’s plan is] deconstruction of the administrative state.” Steve Bannon - felon, foreign agent, & self-described “Leninist” - 2/23/2017

“[A pillar of Trump’s plan is] deconstruction of the administrative state.” Steve Bannon - felon, foreign agent, & self-described “Leninist” - 2/23/2017 — Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) October 26, 2020

White Mississippians are now the primary drivers of COVID19 infections & deaths

NEW: White Mississippians are now the primary drivers of #COVID19 infections & deaths. It's a stunning reversal. Early on in the pandemic, Black Mississippians accounted for ~60-70% of cases & deaths. Now, cases are growing 2x as fast among white people. — Ashton Pittman (@ashtonpittman) October 16, 2020

Kamala Laughing in CBS reporter's face after being asked if she's a socialist

What on earth was that question? Laughing in the reporter's face was absolutely the appropriate response — Edward Hardy (@EdwardTHardy) October 26, 2020 I'd rather be a Socialist than a drugged-up, draft dodging, pedophile fascist cult leader. — ((( Fredi-Fredàé )))😷Survive 📢Resist Ω🌊VoteBlue (@freddyatton) October 29, 2020

Rand Paul has new ideas on how waiters could keep serving him

NEW: Rand Paul tells VA crowd that cloth masks "don't work" and says how he'd run a restaurant in COVID: "I'd have a whole wing for senior citizens or for anybody who is worried about getting sick, and I would say, all my servers have already had it" — Sam Brodey (@sambrodey) October 26, 2020

Fists And Rocks Fly As Jewish trump Caravan And Counter Protesters Clash In Times Square

Fists And Rocks Fly As Jewish trump Supporters And Counter Protesters Clash In Times Square — Colby News (@colbynews) October 26, 2020 "Jews for Trump" is like LGBT for Amy Cultist Barrett; Blacks for the KKK; snowmen for heat waves; vegans for Carls Jr; foodies for Arby's. This Jew is #JewsForBiden — Howard ✡ (@HowardA_Esq) October 26, 2020 “Jews for Trump” is like “Gays for Pence” or “Delicious Human Babies for Stephen Miller.” — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) October 26, 2020

Majority of Israelis prefer trump over Joe Biden

Majority of Israelis prefer trump over Joe Biden - poll - The Jerusalem Post — Colby News (@colbynews) October 27, 2020

trump reveals that Putin, Xi and Kim Jong Un all want him to beat Biden

Trump tells crowd Putin, Xi and Kim Jong Un all want him to beat Biden — Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) October 26, 2020

Seeking power in Jesus’ name: trump sparks a rise of Patriot Churches

Seeking power in Jesus’ name: trump sparks a rise of Patriot Churches — Colby News (@colbynews) October 27, 2020

'60 Minutes' Anchor Lesley Stahl's Family Gets Death Threat Following interview that diva trump fled

I gotta say... the Toddler-in-Chief did quite well on #60Minutes for his age, no? — Morgan J. Freeman (@mjfree) October 26, 2020 '60 Minutes' Anchor Lesley Stahl's Family Gets Death Threat Following trump Interview via @ @PopCulture — Colby News (@colbynews) October 27, 2020 My god he is such a fucking baby — Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08) October 26, 2020 CBS hires 24-hour security for Lesley Stahl after she receives death threats following Trump interview — Thomas Kaine (@thomaskaine5) October 27, 2020

The Plot to Kidnap Me

Turns out ⁦ @GovWhitmer ⁩ can write — Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) October 27, 2020

terrorist ads by the trump "campaign"

M-A-G-A! 🇺🇸 — Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) October 27, 2020 trump "campaign" ran a Facebook ad implying he won the election, which is supposed to be against Facebook’s rules — Colby News (@colbynews) October 27, 2020 This Biden rally is dark and divisive. — Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) October 27, 2020

Kushner on blacks: trump "wants them to be successful more than that they want to be successful"

Jared Kushner on the Black community: "President Trump's policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they're complaining about, but he can't want them to be successful more than that they want to be successful." — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 26, 2020 And THIS is the guy that we're supposed to trust to help black people? That platinum plan is starting to appear closer to a fake buss down chain from the swap meet. This robot ain't checking for us. Don't believe this weirdo. #Brows — Claudia Jordan (@claudiajordan) October 27, 2020 Now let me tell you what Jared did to get in to Harvard. His parents paid millions of dollars to get him there. So I won’t take lectures about who wants to succeed more from a man who couldn’t do it without $$ from his parents. — Ruben Gallego (@RubenGallego) October 26, 2020 Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner went to p

the flag used with fascist abandon

I would really like to see the flag not used with fascist abandon again. — Schooley (@Rschooley) October 27, 2020 Justice Barrett has her own Evita moment. Telling that her new colleagues (except Clarence Thomas) did not attend what looked like a Trump preelection rally. — Susan Glasser (@sbg1) October 27, 2020 The lawyer’s prayer to St. Thomas More: “... stand always beside me so that today I shall not, to win a point, lose my soul.” — Barb McQuade (@BarbMcQuade) October 27, 2020 Am I a bad person for wishing they'd all get COVID? — Khashoggi’s Ghost (@UROCKlive1) October 27, 2020 THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW This is on NATIONAL TELEVISION and the guy directly next to her was TRUMP'S WHITE HOUSE ATTORNEY. — Don Winslow (@donwinslow) October 26, 2020

trump told these people to stand by

Trump told these people to stand by — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) October 27, 2020

operatives Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman have been indicted AGAIN for voter intimidation, this time in Ohio

Blundering conservative operatives Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman have been indicted AGAIN for voter intimidation, this time in Ohio. Wohl also faces charges in Michigan and California, and they're both under FBI investigation. — Will Sommer (@willsommer) October 27, 2020 BREAKING: JACOB WOHL AND WHAT'S-HIS-NAME HIT WITH *SECOND* SET OF FELONY CHARGES IN *OHIO* FOR FRAUD AND *BRIBERY* IN THE ELECTION 😂🤣🖕😂 — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) October 27, 2020

Putin rejects Donald Trump’s criticism of Biden business links - Al Jazeera English

Putin rejects Donald Trump’s criticism of Biden business links    Al Jazeera English Putin rejects Donald Trump's criticism of Biden family business    Reuters Tumult at home, ailing alliances abroad: Why Trump’s America has been a ‘gift’ to Putin    The Washington Post Despite setbacks, Russia still leans towards Trump: analysts    FRANCE 24 Russia Relations Unlikely To Improve, Regardless Of U.S. Election Outcome    Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty View Full Coverage on Google News

Erik Prince was involved in a Roger Stone project to suppress the black vote in 2016. It was called “Project Clintonson”...

NEW: With help from ⁦ @AndyKroll ⁩, I was able to report in my Rolling Stone feature on Erik Prince can that the founder of Blackwater was involved in a Roger Stone project to suppress the black vote in 2016. It was called “Project Clintonson” — Seth Hettena (@seth_hettena) October 25, 2020

Panic grows inside Downing Street as polls point to Biden victory

Concerns grow inside Downing Street as polls point to Biden victory — Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) October 25, 2020

Dominic Raab was a member of a secret Facebook group called the Ultras that advocated bringing back workhouses for the poor

Dominic Raab was a member of a secret Facebook group called the Ultras that advocated bringing back workhouses for the poor.🍥 — TRUST🍥 (@ReclaimTRUST) October 26, 2020

Putin firmly rejects trump's criticism of Biden family business

Putin firmly rejects trump’s claims that Hunter Biden’s behaviour ‘criminal’ via @YahooNews — Colby News (@colbynews) October 26, 2020 Putin rejects Donald Trump's criticism of Biden family business — Michael McFaul (@McFaul) October 25, 2020

Jeffrey Epstein and Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband were coinvestors in an exclusive private-equity fund

Jeffrey Epstein and Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband were coinvestors in an exclusive private-equity fund via @businessinsider — Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) October 26, 2020

Crazy trumpanzees take over the Palm Springs area causing chaos as they block the streets

Crazy Trumpanzees take over the Palm Springs area causing chaos as they block the streets — Stone (@stonecold2050) October 25, 2020

Don Jr's head vibrates at ever faster frequency: “The FBI has done all they can to hurt Donald Trump”

Don Jr: “The FBI has done all they can to hurt Donald Trump.” I’m so fucking sick of this entire family. I can’t wait for them to lose. — Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) October 24, 2020 Sending Donald Trump Jr to Fox News to peddle the same talking points that his father used during his failed debate performance is a weird strategy — Edward Hardy (@EdwardTHardy) October 24, 2020

Levin: trump the most pro-Jewish president ever

Donald Trump the most pro-Jewish president — Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) October 23, 2020

Maskless trump Fan Blocks Masked Biden Supporter at Florida Poll: 'He's Asking for Trouble, Let's Give it to Him'

Maskless Trump Fan Blocks Masked Biden Supporter at Florida Poll: 'He's Asking for Trouble, Let's Give it to Him' via @mediaite — Colby News (@colbynews) October 24, 2020

trump supporter pulled a gun on a girl who was counterprotesting at a trump rally in Woodinville, WA

Make him famous. — The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) October 25, 2020 Earlier today a man pulled a gun on children protesting a Trump rally in Woodinville, WA. Thanks to anonymous tips and the man’s own girlfriend, he’s been identified as Bellevue resident Jonathan Moreno (5/24/1989). — WANaziWatch (@WANaziWatch) October 25, 2020 Guarantee he's done this before. His behavior will escalate. Interviewing his former and current partners will reveal other signs of Impulse Control Disorder. Red lights flashing. Sirens blaring. — Dr. Jack Brown (@DrGJackBrown) October 25, 2020 Jonathan Moreno of Bellevue WA — Rocket J Squirrel 🌊 (@RocketJSkwerel) October 25, 2020

trump voted for Loomer

In case there was any doubt, this confirms that Trump voted for Laura Loomer — Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) October 24, 2020

One of trump's final acts of chaos: terrorizing Federal government civil servants, firing them and punishing whistleblowers

One of Trump's final acts of chaos: terrorizing Federal government civil servants, firing them and punishing whistleblowers. PRISON. FOR ANYONE CONNECTED. — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) October 25, 2020 Those involved in the criminal enterprise known as the ‘Republican Senate’ are criminally liable for betraying the United States. Their privilege will no longer protect them. If we get our country back, today’s Nazis will be held accountable, including terrorist Steve Bannon. — Alexandra Chalupa (@AlexandraChalup) October 24, 2020 Another reason to fear a second Trump term: a sweeping executive order that allows him to impose loyalty tests on government employees. — Jim Roberts (@nycjim) October 24, 2020 It's time to fire this egomaniac. — chris marshall (@dbcdthumper5) October 24, 2020

White supremacists have committed a majority of the terrorist attacks in the U.S.

White supremacists and other like-minded groups have committed a majority of the terrorist attacks in the U.S. this year, according to a report by a security think tank that echoed warnings made by the Department of Homeland Security this month. — The New York Times (@nytimes) October 24, 2020

Brexit Queen's newspaper: "California in recent years has been a petri-dish experiment for another America – the Democrats’ America"

"California in recent years has been a petri-dish experiment for another America – the Democrats’ America" — The Telegraph (@Telegraph) October 25, 2020

Imperial official Rishi Sunak 'barred for life' from pub in his constituency over vote against free school meals

Inject this into my veins. — Mike 'The Abomination' Stuchbery 💀🍷 (@MikeStuchbery_) October 25, 2020 EXTRAORDINARY process by which a group of well-paid MPs, who get subsidised meals, expenses, a daily allowance and just gave themselves a big raise, can vote to deny the poorest kids a meal and SOMEHOW still come out of it earnestly believing they‘re the REAL victims in all this. — Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) October 24, 2020 The attacks on Rishi Sunak are stepping up a gear... this attack ad is brutal — John Stevens (@johnestevens) October 26, 2020

The Glue of the "United Kingdom" Is Slowly Dissolving - Bloomberg

The Glue of the United Kingdom Is Slowly Dissolving - Bloomberg — Eddie Du (@Edourdoo) October 25, 2020

If Nancy Pelosi had bruises & open sores on her face & necrotic hands w weeping wounds, the MSM would be on fire Speaker Pelosi's haircut was covered for 2 wks

If Nancy Pelosi had bruises & open sores on her face & necrotic hands w weeping wounds, the press would be on fire Speaker Pelosi's haircut was covered for 2 wks Mitch McConnell is lying about his health as he holds up the stimulus during a pandemic & goes after our healthcare — ☇RiotWomenn☇ (@riotwomennn) October 25, 2020 — DAWG (@88SEATTLE61) October 24, 2020 Under the Russian mafia’s leadership in Kentucky, most notably Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, the state is represented by the most powerful Senator in the U.S. and yet it’s dirt poor. Who is really funding a small fortune to help them steal power? Putin via financier Deripaska. — Alexandra Chalupa (@AlexandraChalup) October 23, 2020

For centuries, the "Blood Libel" theory held that Jews steal Christian children and consume their flesh and blood in Satanic rituals. QAnon basically just replaces "Jews" with "Democrats"

For centuries, the "Blood Libel" theory held that Jews steal Christian children and consume their flesh and blood in Satanic rituals. QAnon basically just replaces "Jews" with "Democrats." It's so popular because it recycles the same tropes. — Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) October 25, 2020 The Republican Party is officially backing QAnon now: The National Republican Congressional Committee donated $5,000 to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s campaign for Congress in Georgia on September 25, the maximum amount the committee can donate. — Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) October 24, 2020

Ivanka celebrates 11 years of Jewish Orthodoxy

As an Orthodox rabbi, I am compelled to vote Trump out. He stands against everything we believe in | Daniel Landes | Opinion — (@haaretzcom) October 25, 2020 11 incredible years... with forever to go! ❤️ Happy anniversary my love! — Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) October 25, 2020 Hey @ananavarro , if your followers want to read my @VanityFair story, which the Kushner billboard quotes, it's here: @ProjectLincoln — Katherine Eban (@KatherineEban) October 24, 2020 You know who won’t be working in Biden’s administration? Hunter Biden. Nepotism is for Republicans. — Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) October 24, 2020

GOPer threatens to quit party on live TV over QAnon Republicans ‘who think Lord of the Rings is a documentary’

GOPer threatens to quit party on live TV over QAnon Republicans ‘who think Lord of the Rings is a documentary’ — Thomas Kaine (@thomaskaine5) October 25, 2020

Peter Strzok: My legal notes have been ‘altered’ by Mike Flynn’s defense team

Peter Strzok: My legal notes have been ‘altered’ by Mike Flynn’s defense team — Blue Storm (@AShoutOutfromMN) October 25, 2020

Ethiopia accuses trump of ‘incitement of war’ over remarks that Egypt will ‘blow up’ disputed dam

Ethiopia accuses Trump of ‘incitement of war’ over remarks that Egypt will ‘blow up’ disputed dam — Kenny_ANTI_gop (@Hope012015) October 25, 2020

April 2018 Boris Johnson spent a night at one of Evgeny Lebedev's Italian parties. He went without his security detail & met Evegeny's father a KGB officer. Next morning he was seen disheveled at Perugia airport

April 2018 Boris Johnson spent a night at one of Evgeny Lebedev's Italian bunga bunga parties. He went without his security detail & met Evegeny's billionaire father an ex-KGB officer (no such thing as a retired KGB agent). Next morning he was seen disheveled at Perugia airport. — Nick Reeves 3.5% #FBPE (@nickreeves9876) October 25, 2020 Boris Johnson condemned for ‘appalling’ Tory alliance with neo-Nazi and anti-Muslim parties across Europe — Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) October 25, 2020

The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely stunning

The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely stunning — Andrea Chalupa (@AndreaChalupa) October 25, 2020

Professor Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted the outcome of every U.S. presidential election since 1984, says trump will lose the election

ICYMI: Professor Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted the outcome of every U.S. presidential election since 1984, says President Donald Trump will lose the election — Reuters (@Reuters) October 25, 2020

Boris will wait for US election result before sovereign no-deal Brexit decision

Boris will wait for US election result before no-deal Brexit decision — Colby News (@colbynews) October 25, 2020

trumpist Levin is accusing Cuomo of anti-Semitism, especially against Orthodox Jews

This is one of the reasons Cuomo is targeting the Orthodox Jewish community. Because they support Trump. The other is he’s proven to be an anti-Semite. — Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) October 25, 2020

NYPD officers in Flatbush were screaming “Trump 2020” over and over again on their patrol car’s speaker

NYPD officers in Flatbush were allegedly saying “Trump 2020” over and over again on their patrol car’s speaker tonight. They stopped when someone started filming but couldn’t resist one more — in violation of the NYPD’s policy against endorsing candidates on duty. — talia ‘stop filming faces’ jane (@itsa_talia) October 25, 2020 NYPD blasting “Trump 2020. Put it on Facebook.” Serve and Protect? — Frank Giugliano (@nyccookies) October 25, 2020 NYPD Officer Suspended Without Pay After Being Caught On Video Screaming 'Trump 2020' Over Patrol Car's Loudspeaker — Colby News (@colbynews) October 27, 2020

"As an Orthodox rabbi, I am compelled to vote Trump out. He stands against everything we believe in"

As an Orthodox rabbi, I am compelled to vote Trump out. He stands against everything we believe in | Daniel Landes | Opinion — (@haaretzcom) October 25, 2020

Brexit Queen ALLOWS Prince Andrew Epstein to return to his "royal duties"

There is credible evidence that this man is guilty of child rape He should be arrested and face the justice system He is a symbol of the putrid, stinking CORRUPTION at the top of British society — Tom London (@TomLondon6) October 25, 2020

Billionaire's Firm Faces Growing Investor Revolt Over Epstein Ties...

Billionaire's Firm Faces Growing Investor Revolt Over Epstein Ties... (Second column, 3rd story, link ) Related stories: Operation underway to spring Ghislaine Maxwell from jail...

Trump is playing up China's threat to the 2020 election. But the evidence shows Russia is the real danger - CNN

Trump is playing up China's threat to the 2020 election. But the evidence shows Russia is the real danger    CNN

For many conservative Mormons, trump too off-putting...

For many conservative Mormons, president too off-putting... (First column, 6th story, link ) Related stories: Thousands of Witches to cast 'spell' on Trump for Halloween... Prominent pastor warns evangelicals of 'nation-corrupting' sins...

GOP Pollster Frank Luntz: If trump Wins, The Political Polling Industry is ‘Done’

GOP Pollster Frank Luntz: If Trump Wins, The Political Polling Industry is ‘Done’ — Mediaite (@Mediaite) October 24, 2020

Kushner friend Kurson arrested on cyberstalking charges

Kushner friend arrested on cyberstalking charges — Yong Khor (@YongKhor1) October 24, 2020 "To cover his tracks, he used aliases like “Jayden Wagner” and “Eddie Train.”" — Robert Young Pelton (@RYP__) October 24, 2020

Yair Netanyahu: The rise of the son...

Yair Netanyahu: The rise of the son... (Third column, 10th story, link )

Donald Trump on Morning Joe and Mika: “I love China”

Donald Trump: “I love China” — Patrick (@TrickFreee) October 24, 2020

Attendee at trump’s Florida Rally Makes a ‘White Power’ Sign

Attendee at Trump’s Villages Rally Appears to Make ‘White Power’ Sign via @thedailybeast — Yong Khor (@YongKhor1) October 24, 2020 The guy who flashed the white power sign behind Trump at his rally in FL was wearing a Proud Boys hat (laurel wreaths) the folks placed behind Trump are handpicked by his campaign aides. It was no accident. The racism is a feature not a bug. Vote. @realDonaldTrump — NoelCaslerComedy (@CaslerNoel) October 24, 2020 Congrats, jackass. You’ve tweeted a photo of Trump pointing towards a couple throwing White Power signs back to him #RacistDicks — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 24, 2020 — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 24, 2020

trump coos to Netanyahu: “Do you think Sleepy Joe could have made this deal, Bibi, Sleepy Joe?”

Trump: “Do you think Sleepy Joe could have made this deal, Bibi, Sleepy Joe?” Israeli PM Netanyahu: "Uh ... well ... Mr. President, one thing I can tell you is we appreciate the help for peace from anyone in America." — The Recount (@therecount) October 23, 2020 Hey @realDonaldTrump , Bibi doesn’t need you. He just needs your boss Putin. You’re nothing in all of this. But I guess you just found that out. — Snowbird🍁 (@Snowbirdsix1000) October 24, 2020

Former Mueller deputy predicts trump will pardon himself if he doesn't win reelection

Former Mueller deputy predicts Trump will pardon himself if he doesn't win reelection — HeidiLeeStockenstrom (@HLStockenstrom) October 24, 2020 Ex-Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann: "I suspect strongly that if the president does not win reelection, that he is going to pardon a lot more people related to the Trump Organization, his family, people who work there, and even himself." — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 27, 2020

Presidential historian Meacham describes trump supporters as "anguished" whites with "lizard brain"

Presidential historian Meacham describes Trump supporters as "anguished" white guys with "lizard brain" — The Hill (@thehill) October 24, 2020

trumpist agitators were responsible for shooting up and burning a Minnesota police precinct during George Floyd protests; shouted “justice for Floyd” as they destroyed it. trump, Fox News exploited the incident...

Feds say far-right group coordinated attack on Minneapolis police precinct during protest — The Hill (@thehill) October 24, 2020 Feds say Boogaloo Bois member helped burn and loot the Minneapolis police precinct as part of a coordinated attack from the far-right group trying to ignite an American civil war. — Andrew Ba Tran (@abtran) October 23, 2020 NEW: Right-wing agitators were responsible for shooting up and burning a Minnesota police precinct during George Floyd protests; shouted “justice for Floyd” as they destroyed it. Trump, Fox News pointed to the incident as evidence of violent protestors. — Robert J. DeNault (@robertjdenault) October 23, 2020 If the killer of federal agents in Oakland was working together with - and financing- the guy who set the 3rd precinct in Minneapolis on fire... it would seem that should be getting a bit more media attention, no?

trumpist CNN President Jeff Zucker Faces Removal

Why hasn’t CNN mob boss Jeffrey Mother-Zucker fired his pervert Master-debater Jeffrey Toobin? What say you, Fake Tapper, Fredo Cuomo, Wolfe Blitzed, and Dopey Lemon? — Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) October 24, 2020 trumpist CNN President Jeff Zucker Faces Removal ? — Colby News (@colbynews) October 24, 2020

White supremacists terrorist threat to the US: 'It is serious and intense'

White supremacists pose a domestic threat to the US. @rethinkintel speaks to @guardian about this. — Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) October 21, 2020

Republican Madison Cawthorn created a website that attacked a journalist for leaving academia “to work for non-white males, like Cory Booker, who aims to ruin white males running for office”

Madison Cawthorn, a Republican candidate for the House from North Carolina, created an attack website accusing a journalist of leaving a job in academia “to work for non-white males, like Cory Booker, who aims to ruin white males running for office.” — The New York Times (@nytimes) October 23, 2020 Madison Cawthorn created a website that attacked a journalist for leaving academia “to work for non-white males, like Cory Booker, who aims to ruin white males running for office.” — Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) October 23, 2020 It's just stunning and heartbreaking how Donald Trump has mainstreamed overt racism within today's Republican party. — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) October 23, 2020 GOP House Candidate Sounds Racist Dog Whistle in Attack on Journalist via @YahooNews — Colby News (@colbynews) October 24, 2020 Cawthorn is the same as Pence. Funded & "groomed" for can