
Showing posts from December, 2020

“Kelly Loeffler campaigned with a Klansman. Kelly Loeffler campaigned with a Klansman.” Jon Ossoff

"Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a Klansman" -- an incredible mic drop from Jon Ossoff — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 30, 2020 holy shit — Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) December 30, 2020   FOX News walked up rolling live, and I appreciated the free air time! Also, Kelly Loeffler campaigned with a klansman. — Jon Ossoff (@ossoff) December 31, 2020 “Kelly Loeffler campaigned with a klansman. Kelly Loeffler campaigned with a klansman.” Jon @Ossoff . — COMMON (@common) December 31, 2020 dont go on fox but if you get a fox mic thrown in your face, say shit like this — Oliver Willis (@owillis) December 31, 2020 Fox News catches up with Jon Ossoff on the campaign trail and asks him about Raphael Warnock's "allegations of wrongdoing." Ossoff takes the opportunity to call out Kelly Loeffler for "campaigning wi

Watch Confederate Statue Mitch McConnell calmly say he won't give $2,000 "into the hands of Democrat rich friends who don't need the help."

  JUST IN: Sen. Mitch McConnell signals Senate will not take up #CASHAct : "The Senate is not going to be bullied into rushing out more borrowed money into the hands of Democrat rich friends who don't need the help." — The Hill (@thehill) December 30, 2020 he’s an awful, awful person — Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 30, 2020 “The Senate’s not going to be bullied into rushing out more borrowed money into the hands of Democrat rich friends who don’t need the help.” - @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell, explaining why Republicans are blocking $2,000 stimulus checks for ordinary Americans — Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) December 30, 2020 When will republicans stop attacking American democracy? — Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) December 30, 2020 Chao sisters are the worst. — Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) December 30, 2020 Mitch McConnell wants us to die

Loeffler, bride of Sprecher, thinks Georgians say “y’all” every 3rd word because she’s an out of touch radical billionaire who has been campaigning with a klansman

  Kelly Loeffler thinks Georgians say “y’all” every 3rd word because she’s an out of touch radical billionaire who has been campaigning with a klansman. #RadicalKelly — Captain Jordy (@J_Mei21) December 31, 2020 This is who @KLoeffler campaigned with. — Reverend Raphael Warnock (@ReverendWarnock) December 31, 2020

Rafael Cruz Keeps All The Money He Raises For His 'Keep Georgia Red Fund'

Unless you read the fine print in those Facebook ads Sen. Ted Cruz is running for his "Keep Georgia Red fund," you won't know that all the money goes to Cruz and none to Georgia's two GOP Senate candidates in a runoff on Tuesday. — Crooks and Liars (@crooksandliars) December 31, 2020

Brexiteer Marco Gino François Insults the Scottish People in Worst Way Possible!

Brexiteer Marco Gino François Insults the Scottish People in Worst Way Possible! Cc @Robespi33645685 @Ianblackford_MP @joannaccherry — Vin West (@VinkoWest) December 30, 2020 The proceedings went into the early hours but it was important that those in the Commons know that this isn't over for Scotland. Europe, we will be back 🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 My point of order 👇 — Ian Blackford (@Ianblackford_MP) December 31, 2020 Mr Blackford said Scotland had been "ignored" by the Conservative government, and added that Scots should have the right to determine their own future as an independent country. — The Herald (@heraldscotland) December 27, 2020 English PM Johnson's father applying for French citizenship — GOP Filth (@gopdirt) December 31, 2020 The UK will become the only country in the world to which it will not ship goods. The firm explained that this was because th

"Howard Rubenstein, who for decades protected the images of New York celebrities and power brokers from George Steinbrenner to trump, has died. He was 88."

"Howard Rubenstein, who for decades polished and protected the images of New York celebrities and power brokers from George Steinbrenner to Donald Trump, has died. He was 88." — Justin "Rabbit Hole J. Cole" Coleman (@DemopJ) December 30, 2020

Israel gives hero's welcome to their US spy Jonathan Pollard

Israel gives hero's welcome to their US spy Jonathan Pollard — Vin West (@VinkoWest) December 30, 2020 Netanyahu‘s Israel is not an ally of the U.S.. His personal welcome party for an American traitor is proof of this. Until this situation changes, the U.S. should wind down foreign aid to Israel and cease any/all advocacy on the UNSC. We all make choices in life. It’s him or us. — Counterchekist (@counterchekist) December 30, 2020 Israeli spy, who stole secrets from the United States, is flown back to Israel by the top donor to the GOP, and joyfully greeted by the Israeli PM. These dual citizens really love America. How dare we question their allegiance — Apolitical (@apolitical367) December 30, 2020 “We are ecstatic to be home at last after 35 years and we thank the people and the Prime Minister of Israel for bringing us home,” Pollard said. — JTA | Jewish news (@JTAnews) December 30, 2020

Republicans Are Now Quoting Stalin To Support Their Coup For trump

Come January 6th: (Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. - Stalin) "Come January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence will be presented with the sealed certificates containing the ballots of the presidential electors. 1/4 — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 27, 2020 Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll · Dec 27, 2020 Come January 6th: (Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. - Stalin) "Come January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence will be presented with the sealed certificates containing the ballots of the presidential electors. Republicans Are Now Quoting Stalin To Support Their Coup For Trump via @politicususa — GStuedler🇺🇸🇧🇧💙 (@gstuedler) December 28, 2020

Gohmert thinks Pence selects the president, will sue Pence to force him to make trump president

Louie Gohmert is a fascist. — A Worried Citizen (@ThePubliusUSA) December 28, 2020 Well, some have officially lost it. — Adam Kinzinger (@RepKinzinger) December 28, 2020 JUST IN: Rep. Louie Gohmert is suing Vice President Pence in an effort to overturn the electoral college on January 6th. — Travis Akers (@travisakers) December 28, 2020 There will be no fight. According to the Constitution, @VP Pence is only empowered to open the envelopes & count the votes. There is no provision for hosting discussion or objections. Nobody has the floor but him & anyone speaking is out of order & not to be recognized. — Puesto Loco™ (@PuestoLoco) December 28, 2020 What would the book about Louie Gohmert be titled? — Mystery Solvent (@MysterySolvent) December 28, 2020 Lol. — Justin "Rabbit Hole J. Cole" Coleman (@DemopJ) December 28, 2020 VP Pence has been sued by Rep.

Anti-Masker Kevin and his family gets kicked out of Walmart

  Anti-Masker Kevin and his family gets kicked out of Walmart. — gregarious (@mistergeezy) December 27, 2020

Proud Boys are requesting safety gear and protective equipment on givesendgo, a free Christian fundraising site. They’ve already raised $12,579

The Proud Boys are requesting safety gear and protective equipment on givesendgo, a free Christian fundraising site. They’ve already raised $12,579. — Parlertakes🇺🇸 (@parlertakes) December 28, 2020

Pro-trump former governor Scott Walker LIES about meal while encouraging peasants to swarm restaurants...

Pro-trump former governor Scott Walker LIES about meal while encouraging peasants to swarm restaurants... — GOP Filth (@gopdirt) December 28, 2020

trump supporter in Massachusetts says "All Lives Matter" before spitting on people

Trump supporter in Massachusetts says "All Lives Matter" before spitting on people — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) December 28, 2020

Murdoch’s New York Post Accuses trump of ‘Insanity’ Months After Endorsing Him

Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post Accuses Trump of ‘Insanity’ Months After Endorsing Him via @thedailybeast — Yong Khor (@YongKhor1) December 28, 2020 Murdoch says: Give it up — for your sake and the nation's — GOP Filth (@gopdirt) December 28, 2020

Schwarzman just forked over $15 million to McConnell's Super PAC

"According to new campaign finance documents, Steven Schwarzman, a Wall Street CEO and close Trump confidant, just forked over $15 million to McConnell's Super PAC, and billionaire hedge fund manager Kenneth Griffin also wired $10 million to McConnell—all to be spent in Georgia." — Don Winslow (@donwinslow) December 20, 2020

Flynn worked for and got paid by NSO Group - the insidious Israeli hacking company

  Flynn seems to be claiming to be discussing intelligence matters with foreign governments. Which ones? What disinformation might he transmitting from them to the president, whom he saw Friday? What requests from Trump is he secretly conveying to foreign intelligence services? — Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) December 20, 2020 Perhaps it's a good reminder today that Flynn worked for and got paid by NSO Group - the insidious Israeli hacking company. — Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) December 20, 2020 @GenFlynn says we have direct evidence of foreign influence. We have foreign allies that have direct evidence and was watching the attack happened Nov 3. They’re willing to turn that information over to the President. — The Dirty Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) December 20, 2020

trump animals mock Biden visit to family grave on 48th anniversary of deadly car crash

trump animals mock Biden visit to family grave on 48th anniversary of deadly car crash — GOP Filth (@gopfilth) December 20, 2020

TRUMP AND THE COUP PLOTTERS MUST BE WARNED: Biden must tell them Friday's meeting to plan the military overthrow of the government was treasonous and will as of January 20th be prosecuted as such

TRUMP AND THE COUP PLOTTERS MUST BE WARNED: Biden must tell them Friday's meeting to plan the military overthrow of the government was treasonous and will as of January 20th be prosecuted as such. This means YOU, @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @RudyGiuliani and @RealDonaldTrump : — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) December 20, 2020 18 U.S.C. 2383 "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both..." — Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) December 20, 2020 NYT reported Trump discussed using military to overturn election results but it’s not the top story at NYT right now. it’s the 8th story — Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 20, 2020 Spies on Flynn-trump Coup Attempt by @talk_spy — GOP Filth (@gopfilth) December

Fox News forced to finally crack down on lunatic host Lou Dobbs

Murdoch dog Lou Dobbs Airs Segment Refuting Election Fraud Claims — Including His Own — In Wake Of Legal Threat via @Yahoo — GOP Filth (@gopfilth) December 20, 2020 Fox News forced to finally crack down on lunatic host Lou Dobbs via @PalmerReport — Trevor McKee Achilles (@MrTAchilles) December 19, 2020 Lou Dobbs has consistently raged over the past month that Trump was robbed of a second term by a rigged election, but he just debunked several election fraud accusations after technology company Smartmatic sent a legal demand for retractions. — Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) December 20, 2020

Real News: Russia hacked the Pentagon, intelligence agencies, nuclear labs and Fortune 500 companies. Fascist Media: Women doctors, should they be allowed to use their Dr. title in their names?

Real News: Russia hacked the Pentagon, intelligence agencies, nuclear labs and Fortune 500 companies. Conservative Media: Women doctors, should they be allowed to use their Dr. title in their names? — B̤̿it̺̕B͓̚ur͍̒neȑ🔥 :̤̈T̤̤̈̈Ï̤̤̈M̤̤̈̈Ë̤: (@bitburner) December 19, 2020

veterans groups have called for Dan Crenshaw's resignation over his alleged role in helping collect discrediting info about a female vet who said she was sexually assaulted

At least two veterans groups and more than a thousand ex-service members and Pentagon civilians have called for Dan Crenshaw's resignation over his alleged role in helping collect discrediting info about a female vet who said she was sexually assaulted. — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 19, 2020

Why the numbers behind Moscow Mitch McConnell’s "re-election" don’t add up

BUSTED? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell’s re-election don’t add up — Raw Story (@RawStory) December 18, 2020

QAnon and MAGA congresswoman-elect urges House Republicans to defy Electoral College results

QAnon and MAGA are America's top domestic terror threats. — Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) December 18, 2020

trump's chief ideologue Alex Jones fired David Knight after he raved that trump should have just shot only one person in the street!

Criticize Trump, get fired. Alex Jones fired David Knight after this morning’s show. — Cassandra Graham (@Cosmic_Mystery0) December 18, 2020

A Republican Houston hormone magnate convinced the country is on the verge of communist revolution financed a private surveillance network across the city

A Houston hormone magnate convinced the country is on the verge of communist revolution financed a private surveillance network across the city. More details on how an ex-cop chasing his boss's voter fraud claims allegedly pulled a gun on an innocent man: — Will Sommer (@willsommer) December 18, 2020

Scientist Virus truther from Florida Maintains pressure on Florida's Mussolini DeSantis, who sent state police to arrest her...

Florida Scientist Maintains pressure on Mussolini DeSantis... via @Yahoo — West News (@westnewz) December 18, 2020 Former Florida COVID data manager Rebekah Jones named technology person of the year by Forbes | — ALT-immigration 🛂 (@ALT_uscis) December 30, 2020

Jeffrey Rosen is trump’s new Talmud-quoting attorney general

Jeffrey Rosen is trump’s new Talmud-quoting acting attorney general via @timesofisrael — Vin West (@vinzwest) January 7, 2021   Jeffrey Rosen is trump’s new Talmud-quoting acting attorney general via @timesofisrael — West News (@westnewz) December 18, 2020

Flynn on Newsmax raving that trump could order "military capabilities" to swing states and "rerun an election in each of those states"

Here's Michael Flynn on Newsmax saying that Trump could order "military capabilities" to swing states and "rerun an election in each of those states." "People out there talk about martial law like it's something that we've never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 times." — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 18, 2020 Because Putin’s threatened to poison them all If they don’t. — Jude Green (@judemgreen) December 18, 2020 Flynn saying martial law is no big deal. Trump should send military to swing states to force an election re-do. A disgrace to the uniform, an enemy of the republic. — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 18, 2020

Pfizer CEO, Son Of Holocaust Survivors, Joins Israeli Embassy Hanukkah Lighting

Pfizer CEO, Son Of Holocaust Survivors, Joins Israeli Embassy Hanukkah Lighting — CUFI (@CUFI) December 18, 2020

Senator Ron Johnson's likely witting efforts to push Russian disinformation in America

Ron Johnson was one of the 8 who went to Russia on July 4, 2018 for what reason? We don't know. And now he gets all pearl clutchy at Gary Peters for accusing him of carrying disinformation. @RonJohnsonWI you are a Russian asset along with your 7 other pals. #TraitorRonJohnson — 🌵🌊 Trump Killed the Party of Lincoln 🌊🌵 (@SuaveMoose) December 17, 2020 Isn’t it funny how when @SenRonJohnson claims to not receive Russian disinformation the person who gave it to him, Telizhenko, is retweeting and showing his support for the Senator. Something just doesn’t add up here... 🤥 — Lev Parnas (@levparnas) December 17, 2020 If you haven't, please read this excellent piece by @AshaRangappa_ and @rgoodlaw about Senator Ron Johnson's likely witting efforts to push Russian disinformation in America. He's up for reelection in Wisconsin in 2022 and should be replaced if he runs. — Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 (@EvanMcMullin) December 17, 2

Baron Lebedev, of Hampton in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and of Siberia in the Russian Federation, was introduced in the House of Lords today

December 17, 2020. Lord Lebedev of Hampton & Siberia takes his seat in the House of Lords. — Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) December 17, 2020 Lord Lebedev of the KGB. — X Soviet (@XSovietNews) December 18, 2020 Spot the Russian influence in the UK. Boris Johnson's best friend. — X Soviet (@XSovietNews) December 17, 2020 Baron Lebedev, of Hampton in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and of Siberia in the Russian Federation, was introduced in the House of Lords today. — PARLY (@PARLYapp) December 17, 2020 🦅 Khabib scoops prestigious 'BBC World Sport Star' award MORE: — RT Sport (@RTSportNews) December 18, 2020

Epstein and Mnuchin associate Jean-Luc Brunel, arrested in France on sex trafficking charges, after trying to flee to Africa...

BREAKING: Jean-Luc Brunel, a French modeling agent and close ally and alleged pimp to late sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein, is in custody in Paris after attempting to board a flight to Dakar — The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) December 17, 2020 BREAKING: Modeling scout Jean-Luc Brunel, one of Jeffrey Epstein's accused recruiters, arrested on sex trafficking charges. — julie k. brown (@jkbjournalist) December 17, 2020 Jean-Luc Brunel, a former associate of deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, was charged on Friday, December 18, with the “rape of minors” and “sexual harassment.” women aged between 15 and 18, with one victim claiming he trafficked her to Prince Andrew — Bigfish (@trebillion) December 19, 2020

A federal grand jury has indicted six men in the conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

A federal grand jury has indicted six men in the alleged conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta, and Barry Croft each face up to life in prison if convicted. — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 17, 2020

trump Boys plan to ‘wreak havoc’ at Biden’s inauguration — while dressed in disguise

Proud Boys plan to ‘wreak havoc’ at Biden’s inauguration — while dressed in disguise: report — Malcolm Nance (@MalcolmNance) December 17, 2020 Trump terrorism. — Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) December 17, 2020 Drama in the Proud Boy universe... — Parlertakes🇺🇸 (@parlertakes) December 17, 2020 Alex Jones called for @JoeBiden to be removed from office "one way or another." This is the voice of the Republican Party today: Unhinged, fringe, inclined to violence, riven by conspiracy theory. The GOP is no longer a party of democracy. — The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) December 16, 2020 #BidenWillNeverBePresident is the rally cry of the modern anti-American traitor. They are unable to put country above their idiot cult. Which is why... “Trump Supporters Have Forfeited the Right to Call Themselves Patriots” by @BleedingMarine — Bleeding Heart Liberal Marine

Mormon Glenn Beck tells Rudy Giuliani: "Please tell the President he should pardon his family...They are going to kill that family..."

I’m sure @NewYorkStateAG will be super interested in this, @RudyGiuliani 🙄 #TrumpCrimeSyndicate — Tara Dublin Wishes You A Happy Chanukwanzmas 😷 (@taradublinrocks) December 17, 2020

BESTIAL: trump Blames Black Cities for His Loss and Accuses Them of Committing a ‘Severely Punishable’ Crime

Trump Loses It on Twitter and Blames Black Cities for His Loss and Accuses Them of Committing a ‘Severely Punishable’ Crime — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) December 14, 2020 Reupping my observation that there's a good description of a crowd, like Trump, his family, and flunkies, that needs 25 pardons to cover all their crimes from the last 5 years: Organized crime. — Dr. emptywheel (@emptywheel) December 17, 2020

"Facebook a terrible entity that is powering a resurgence of Nazism"

"Facebook a terrible entity that is powering a resurgence of Nazism" Prelude To A Storm 2 via @ZevShalev — West News (@westnewz) December 17, 2020

Iger and Katzenberg are in the mix for Biden ambassadorships

Bob Iger and Jeffrey Katzenberg are in the mix for Biden ambassadorship roles, sources say — The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) December 16, 2020 Plz no. — Justin "Rabbit Hole J. Cole" Coleman (@DemopJ) December 16, 2020 The fact that their credit to Katzenberg is "Former Quibi CEO" is kind of indicative that he hasn't done a lot recently to make this ambassador nomination look credible — The Merry Film Christmas (@FilmCriticMaybe) December 16, 2020

Loeffler as an Afghan dog

I will never stop fighting for @realDonaldTrump because he has never stopped fighting for us! — Kelly Loeffler (@KLoeffler) December 15, 2020 #Loeffler is a white supremacist. #LoefflerForPrison — Peter Zengota (@PeteRePete) December 13, 2020 Kelly #Loeffler about 'radical' ideologies #Glickman , historian at Cornell, asked the other day, "Does anybody else find it odd that Loeffler, who self-identifies as 'more conservative than Attila the Hun,' is trying to label her opponent an extremist?" — Bas Beekhuizen (@BBeekhuizen) December 8, 2020 📺 WATCH “Kelly has been an exceptional CHAMPION for Georgia’s workers & families.” Thank you, President @realDonaldTrump 🇺🇸 Chip in TODAY to help us keep this ad running: — Kelly Loeffler (@KLoeffler) December 16, 2020 Say it with me, @ReverendWarnock : Child abuse is bad, police officers aren’t thugs, Castro