
Showing posts from January, 2023

CNN's Republican agitator Matt Schlapp accused of groping a male staffer...

CNN's Republican agitator Matt Schlapp accused of groping a male staffer... The staffer said the incident occurred the night of Oct. 19, when Schlapp “groped” and “fondled” his crotch in his car against his will after buying him drinks at two different bars... Matt Schlapp is being accused of “sustained and unwanted and unsolicited” sexual contact after allegedly groping a Herschel Walker staffer’s crotch in October... CONFIRMED SPEAKER: Steve Bannon will be speaking at CPAC DC 2023. March 1st-4th more information at — Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) January 27, 2023 CONFIRMED FEATURED SPEAKER: President Donald J. Trump Get your tickets now at — Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) January 19, 2023 Democrats: It's time we go on offense with the MAGA Party and their phony 'grooming' claims. This is yet another report of a High Donor, anti-LBGTQ closeted Gay, MAGA activist Perver

Montana Republican wants to revisit idea of reservations

A white state lawmaker in Montana is questioning whether land set aside long ago for Native Americans should exist anymore. Montana Republican wants to revisit idea of reservations — Republican musk🇺🇸 (@republicanmusk) January 8, 2023 'Ending Native American Reservations' So Offensive Even Montana Republican Stands Down by @DoktorZoom — Wonkette (@Wonkette) January 12, 2023

Republican Black/Latino Jew-ish gay man George Santos gives a white supremacist sign whilst voting for McCarthy

Republican Black/Latino Jew-ish gay man George Santos gives a white supremacist sign whilst voting for McCarthy Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 5, 2023 What does it matter now? Congressman-Elect George Santos, Who Lied About His Ethnicity, Jobs And Education, Also Promoted A Racist Agenda — Yes It's ME! Dame 💯 🇺🇲 (@YesItsM97576245) January 5, 2023 Disgusting on so many levels We’ve seen this before. It’s no accident. — Senator Bob Duff, Majority Leader, Connecticut (@senatorduff) January 7, 2023 The more you know... #RepublicanClownShow #WhiteSupremacy — 🌲 CJ 🌲 (@MainahCJ) January 8, 2023 Black/Latino Jew-ish gay man identifies as a white supremacist. — Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) January 8, 2023 Newly elected freshman Rep. George Santos (R-NY) makes gestures with his hands as he casts his vote for House Republican Leader

White Republican states lead assault on drag performances, bathroom use, LGBTQ discussions in schools and gender transitions

More than two dozen bills seeking to restrict transgender health care access have been introduced across 11 states — Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia — for the legislative sessions beginning in early 2023... LOCK THEM UP — George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) January 7, 2023 At least two dozen bills seeking to restrict transgender health care access have been pre-filed in nine states. Other proposals target drag performances, bathroom use, LGBTQ discussions in schools and gender transitions. — The Associated Press (@AP) January 8, 2023 A terrifying bill was just dropped in the late night hours in Oklahoma that would medically detransition all trans people up to age 26. I called this would happen months ago - states are moving towards outright elimination. Subscribe to support my work. — Erin Reed (@ErinInTh

Russian trump complains about Ashli Babbitt’s mother getting arrested and says Ashli was shot by “a lunatic” for “no reason"

Russian trump complains about Ashli Babbitt’s mother getting arrested and says Ashli was shot by “a lunatic” for “no reason" Cry Harder — M-A.Stay’Legit ™️🇨🇦🇩🇪 (@BagdMilkSoWhat) January 7, 2023 Trump tonight complains about Ashli Babbitt’s mother getting arrested yesterday, and says Ashli was shot by “a lunatic” for “no reason .. We’re not gonna let this go on .. What they’ve done to (J6) protesters.” — Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) January 8, 2023 She was a domestic terrorist who was killed while trying to take over our government. I can't stress the "was" part enough. — Ehren (Ry's fave) (@CampArlington) January 8, 2023 Impaired grandpa at Mar-a-Lago tonight cheering up his guests by talking about imminent nuclear war and saying that Biden “convinced Putin to go into Ukraine.” — Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) January 8, 2023