
Showing posts from November, 2019


TWITTER JACK: I'M LEAVING USA FOR 2020... (First column, 3rd story, link ) Drudge Report Feed needs your support!   Become a Patron

Trump is expected to discuss China, Russia challenges with NATO leaders next week - CNBC

Trump is expected to discuss China, Russia challenges with NATO leaders next week    CNBC

US Arrests Ethereum Developer For Training North Koreans To Evade Sanctions

US Arrests Ethereum Developer For Training North Koreans To Evade Sanctions Authored by Joeri Cant via, Today, United States prosecutors announced the arrest of Virgil Griffith, who allegedly traveled to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) to deliver a presentation on how to use cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to circumvent sanctions. image courtesy of CoinTelegraph According to the November 29  announcement , the 36-year-old Griffith was arrested at the Los Angeles International Airport, and will be charged with conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). The charges carry a maximum term of 20 years in prison. U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman stated: “As alleged, Virgil Griffith provided highly technical information to North Korea, knowing that this information could be used to help North Korea launder money and evade sanctions . In allegedly doing so, Griffith jeopardized the sanctions that both Congress and

Beware The 'Unholy Alliance' Of trump & Powell

Beware The 'Unholy Alliance' Of Trump & Powell Authored by Sven Henrich via, Some things can’t be proven, but they can be observed. Correlation is not necessarily causation, but when the evidence keeps mounting so does credulity. And the cumulative evidence increasingly points to an unholy alliance between Donald Trump and the US Federal Reserve with the Fed succumbing to political pressure and delivering Donald Trump what he needs most : A soaring stock market to ward off political problems and to help ensure a 2020 re-election. Fantasy talk? Let’s examine the evidence and take a closer look at the historicity of it all. Nobody has done it and I sense it needs to be done for all to see and judge for themselves. May as well be me doing the legwork here. It all began in October of 2018. The S&P 500 had made new all time highs in September of 2018. The $DJIA made an all time new high in early October 2018. Things were going well. The US tax cuts rewarde

KGB says Henry Kissinger Gets It... US "Exceptionalism" Is Over

Henry Kissinger Gets It... US "Exceptionalism" Is Over Via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made prudent remarks recently when he said the United States is no longer a uni-power and that it must recognize the reality of China as an equal rival. The furor over a new law passed by the US this week regarding Hong Kong and undermining Beijing’s authority underlines Kissinger’s warning. If the US cannot find some modus vivendi with China, then the outcome could be a catastrophic conflict worst than any previous world war, he admonished. Speaking  publicly in New York on November 14, the veteran diplomat urged the US and China to resolve their ongoing economic tensions cooperatively and mutually, adding: “It is no longer possible to think that one side can dominate the other.” A key remark made by Kissinger was the following: “So those countries that used to be exceptional and used to be unique, have to get used to the fact that they ha

Flashback: Mike Bloomberg Says Taxing Poor People Will Help Them Live Longer

Flashback: Mike Bloomberg Says Taxing Poor People Will Help Them Live Longer For a taste of the nanny state which would unfold if left-wing billionaire Michael Bloomberg becomes president, look no further than comments he made in April, 2018 while speaking to the IMF's then-president Christine Lagarde - when he said  we need to tax poor people so they'll live longer .  Watch:  Speaking with then-IMF President Christine Lagarde, Bloomberg said (via Americans for Tax Reform ) :  Michael Bloomberg: “Some people say, well, taxes are regressive. But in this case, yes they are. That's the good thing about them because the problem is in people that don't have a lot of money.  And so, higher taxes should have a bigger impact on their behavior and how they deal with themselves. So, I listen to people saying 'oh we don't want to tax the poor.’ Well, we want the poor to live longer so that they can get an education and enjoy life .  And that's why you do want to do ex

There is the obligatory London pre-election shooting...

There is the obligatory London pre-election shooting... — Vinko News (@vinkonews) November 29, 2019 This is the moment police detained and shot a man on London Bridge — Edward Hardy (@EdwardTHardy) November 29, 2019

Crime in Progress review – the secret history of the trump-Russia investigation

Crime in Progress review – the secret history of the Trump-Russia investigation    The Guardian

Crime in Progress review – the secret history of the trump-Russia investigation

Crime in Progress review – the secret history of the Trump-Russia investigation    The Guardian

Russia Inquiry Review Is Expected to Undercut Trump Claim of F.B.I. Spying - The New York Times

Russia Inquiry Review Is Expected to Undercut Trump Claim of F.B.I. Spying    The New York Times Russia-inquiry review expected to undercut Trump's FBI spying claim: report    MarketWatch Justice Department's Internal Russia Inquiry Will Undercut Trump's FBI Spying Claim: Report    HuffPost Inspector General's report will CLEAR FBI of placing spies in Trump's campaign to probe Russia links    Daily Mail DOJ inspector general concludes there is no evidence the FBI spied on the Trump campaign: report    Salon View full coverage on Google News

Russia Inquiry Review Is Expected to Undercut Trump Claim of F.B.I. Spying - The New York Times

Russia Inquiry Review Is Expected to Undercut Trump Claim of F.B.I. Spying    The New York Times Russia-inquiry review expected to undercut Trump's FBI spying claim: report    MarketWatch Justice Department's Internal Russia Inquiry Will Undercut Trump's FBI Spying Claim: Report    HuffPost Inspector General's report will CLEAR FBI of placing spies in Trump's campaign to probe Russia links    Daily Mail DOJ inspector general concludes there is no evidence the FBI spied on the Trump campaign: report    Salon View full coverage on Google News


Queen 'to retire in 18 months' for Charles to become Prince Regent — Vinko News (@vinkonews) November 28, 2019 Royal expert dismisses claims the Queen has died as 'vicious rumours' (via @thejournal_ie ) — Vinko News (@vinkonews) December 2, 2019 Royal expert responds to rumours the Queen is dead — Vinko News (@vinkonews) December 2, 2019

China accuses USA of 'sinister intentions' after Trump signs bills supporting Hong Kong protesters...

Grateful to @POTUS for signing our bipartisan legislation to stand up for the brave people of Hong Kong and hold Beijing accountable. The United States of America stands with Hong Kong. — Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) November 28, 2019 China accuses USA of 'sinister intentions' after Trump signs bills supporting Hong Kong protesters...   (First column, 1st story, link )

Labour accuses UK PM of plot to 'sell' NHS to trump...

Labour accuses UK PM of plot to 'sell' NHS to Trump... (First column, 11th story, link )

trump on Americans' reaction to impeachment: “Everybody said that’s really bullshit.” Florida rally crowd now chanting "Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!"

Trump on Americans' reaction to impeachment: “Everybody said that’s really bullshit.” Florida rally crowd now chanting "Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!" — Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) November 27, 2019

Former Deutsche Bank executive Tom Bowers who signed off on trump loans "hanged himself" in Malibu last week

Image In case you missed the breaking news from late last night: A former Deutsche Bank executive who signed off on Trump loans hanged himself in Malibu last week: — Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) November 27, 2019 I've learned that Tom Bowers, a former senior @DeutscheBank executive, died last week at 55 in Malibu, Calif. I knew him. It's very sad. — David Enrich (@davidenrich) November 26, 2019 Former Deutsche Bank Exec Connected to Trump Loans "Dies by Suicide" in Malibu via @LAMag — Vinko News (@vinkonews) November 28, 2019 During the past few years we extensively covered a bizarre surge in banker suicides, pointing out the  various conspiracy theories  linking various high-level bank executives and inside scandals at the very highest levels across fina

trump pays people to attend his rallies just like he pays for millions of fake twitter followers

Trump pays people to attend his rallies just like he pays for millions of fake twitter followers, pays to silence women, pays for congressional support. — Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) November 27, 2019

trump pays people to attend his rallies just like he pays for millions of fake twitter followers

Trump pays people to attend his rallies just like he pays for millions of fake twitter followers, pays to silence women, pays for congressional support. — Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) November 27, 2019

Murdoch threatens civil war: "The executive branch has a much bigger police force than the Capitol Police serving the United States Congress"

Fox guest dismisses congressional threats about Trump's obstruction of inquiries: "The executive branch has a much bigger police force than the Capitol Police serving the United States Congress" — Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) November 27, 2019 Not gonna lie, a shootout between the Capitol Police and the Secret Service on the National Mall would liven up impeachment inquiry storyline. — Travis View (@travis_view) November 27, 2019

trump says "Slock Rocket" instead of stock market...

Umm the President is slurring at his rally... Slock Rocket — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) November 27, 2019 “I’m working my ass off” — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) November 27, 2019

trump said in Sunrise, Florida he beat “Barack Hussein Obama”

Trump just said he beat “Barack Hussein Obama” A lot of people will say he’s deranged, an idiot that doesn’t remember he ran against Hilary. But that’s not what’s happening. This is meant to stoke the racism of his base. — Joshua Potash πŸ†˜ (@JoshuaPotash) November 27, 2019 I’m at the Trump rally in Sunrise and these people are cult level crazy. Seeing their adoration is beyond mere politics. The branding is ubiquitous. #Cult45 — Chris Sampson (@TAPSTRIMEDIA) November 26, 2019 🀦🏼‍♀️Trump thinks he ran against Obama. The crowd cheering for his statement are just as demented as he is. — π•Šπ•”π•™π•£π• π••π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•–π•£'𝕀 ℂ𝕒π•₯𝕙-π•–π•£π•šπ•Ÿπ•– (@C_doc_911) November 27, 2019 Trump just delivered what will be his line re impeachment for the next 11 months - forces are out to get him because he’s “fighting for you” and he’s “exposed” a corrupt system. — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) November 27, 2019 POTUS was a mess at his rally tonight. B

trump praising Florida's governor @RonDeSantisFL: "I always thought Ron was a little heavy. I always thought he was a little overweight... But then one day I patted him on the shoulder and I go, whoa, that's a lot of muscle there. And then I see him without a shirt. And this guy is strong!"

Trump praising Florida's governor: "I always thought Ron was a little heavy. I always thought he was a little overweight... But then one day I patted him on the shoulder and I go, whoa, that's a lot of muscle there. And then I see him without a shirt. And this guy is strong!" — Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) November 27, 2019 The Times is a great paper, but this line is not true: "Support for (E-Verify) program has become established doctrine for the GOP." If it was "doctrine," it'd be law by now. Instead, they scream about immigrants, but let companies exploit illegal labor. — Scott Maxwell (@Scott_Maxwell) November 26, 2019 #DirectorOfButtLicking is the latest trend topic inspired by the lying moron, Devin Nunes...and no one has to wonder why. πŸ„πŸ§πŸ€”πŸ˜ πŸ„ #DevinNunesGotCaught #DevinNunesIsAnIdiot #DevinNunesIsATraitor #DevinNunes — A.Silver-MeMEs & GIFs (@SilverAdie) November 27, 2

How Russian President Vladimir Putin Emerged as a Winner in President Donald Trump's Impeachment Hearings - TIME

How Russian President Vladimir Putin Emerged as a Winner in President Donald Trump's Impeachment Hearings    TIME

Company Stock Prices Fall When Women Are Added To Boards Of Directors

Company Stock Prices Fall When Women Are Added To Boards Of Directors Turns out that many companies who seek to embrace equality by any means could actually be doing their shareholders a disservice. But hey, we thought equality of outcome was a guaranteed fast track to utopia! What happened? In fact, many companies experience stock price declines when women are added to the board of directors, Bloomberg points out. An analysis of 14 years of market returns across almost 1,900 companies recently revealed that when companies appoint female directors, they experienced two years of stock declines. Companies saw their stock fall by an average of 2.3% just from adding one additional woman to their board. Kaisa Snellman, an assistant professor of organizational behavior at INSEAD business school and a co-author of the study said: "Shareholders penalize these companies, despite the fact that increased gender diversity doesn’t have a material effect on a company’s return on assets. Nothi