
Showing posts from May, 2021

Russia's state TV: "Now that Tulsi Gabbard is gone, all we have left is Rand Paul."

Panelists on #Russia 's state TV bemoan the lack of pro-Russian Congressmen/Senators: "Now that Tulsi Gabbard is gone, all we have left is Rand Paul." — Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) May 29, 2021 What madness. Russia's FM Lavrov said Putin will raise issue of Capitol terrorist attack with Biden at the summit because Kremlin is concerned w "persecution of those accused." This is gaslighting on another level considering Russia jailed 15,000 peaceful protesters for standing — Olga Lautman (@OlgaNYC1211) May 31, 2021

6 Republican Senators voting against fascists: Cassidy Collins Murkowski Portman Romney Sasse

Republican Senators voting against fascists: Cassidy Collins Murkowski Portman Romney Sasse — Vin Holton (@vinholton) May 28, 2021 GOP LOGIC: Seven GOP senators voted P45 guilty in his 2nd impeachment trial. But only four GOP senators voted to form a commission to figure out WTH happened. What will the GOP do next? Vote to fund NASA, but keep insisting that the moon is a pancake? — $HOKKer Carlson ᵖᵃʳᵒᵈʸ (@SuckerCarlson) May 28, 2021 ☹️ — Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) May 28, 2021 Democrats continue to bring a stuffed animal to a knife fight — Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) May 28, 2021 BREAKING: The January 6th Commission failed to reach 60 votes in the Senate, falling short 54-35. Democrats MUST go forward without GOP. — BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) May 28, 2021 Brian Sicknick’s mother Gladys at the Capitol: "Usually I'm staying in the background and I just coul

Giuliani son frowns and spews into the camera like Mussolini...

Andrew Giuliani’s first ad in his campaign for Ny Governor looks like to cost $5 and was designed and filmed by Rudy. — Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 24, 2021 Andrew Giuliani might be the worst political candidate in US history, and I’m so here for every single minute of it. From @ScooterCasterNY — Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 26, 2021 #FoundOnRudysPhone evidence — Martha Mitchell💛 (@MarthaVotesBlue) May 22, 2021 Andrew Giuliani sued Duke after he was cut from their golf team. It was thrown out. He spent 4 years at the WH making $100k as ‘Sports Liaison’, ordering McDonalds. Claims to have five decades of experience at thirty five. No wonder they think trump won - they can’t do math. — Hoodlum 🇺🇸 (@NotHoodlum) May 21, 2021 Is Andrew Giuliani counting this as part his 32 years of experience in politics and public service? Video: SNL

Dennis Prager is very unhappy that he can no longer say the N-Word

Dennis Prager is very unhappy that we have made it so he can no longer say the N-Word — Right Wing Cope (@RightWingCope) May 25, 2021

Tim Gionet aka "Baked Alaska" stormed the Capitol and now he's hurling slurs at frontline workers over face masks

Tim Gionet aka "Baked Alaska" stormed the Capitol and now he's hurling slurs at frontline workers over face masks — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) May 21, 2021 Trump-loving GOP legislator loses voting and speaking privileges after Nevada mask stunt — Morgan Fairchild (@morgfair) May 23, 2021 Racist anti-masker in Illinois gets denied at a hot dog stand and refuses to leave — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) May 22, 2021

Watch Rosenstein stare for 17 seconds with no blinking while Bill Barr is lying about trump Russia

Watch Rod Rosenstein while Bill Barr is lying. 17 seconds of no blinking and very little movement #maddow — Grant Rich (@grantra) May 26, 2021 The Department of Justice had an opportunity to come clean, turn over the memo, and close the book on the politicization and dishonesty of the past four years. Last night it chose not to do so. — Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) May 25, 2021 Little did we know at the time that Rosenstein didn’t resign in protest because he HELPED Barr lie about the Mueller findings. — Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) May 25, 2021 Unredacted: The memo was crafted - at Bill Barr's request - to "recommend" that Barr make a judgement call about Mueller's report. Why? Because the underlying motivation behind the memo was, "getting a jump on public relations." — ClearingTheFog (@clearing_fog) May 25, 2021 Tea disagrees 100% wi

Father in Kentucky sobbingly promises daughter $2,000 to not get vaccinated

Father in Kentucky sobbingly promises daughter $2,000 to not get vaccinated — Marjorie Gaylor Queen (@Tim_Tweeted) May 26, 2021 William Shakespeare - the first man in world to get Covid jab - dies aged 81 — Sunstone (@sunstonen) May 25, 2021 Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church claimed in his service today that “political elites” are faking getting the vaccine and are really just injecting “sugar water” to fool the public. — Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 24, 2021 Hotel owner in Michigan calls a mother a "dumb Democrat" and kicks her out because the bathroom was flooding — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) May 26, 2021 Alabama pastor sentenced to 15 years in prison for raping children released after 5 years — Dr. Cole McKinnon (@DrMcKinn) May 21, 2021 Fox Corp Boss, the British Spy Lachlan Murdoch Says Tucker Klansma

Prophetess" Donna Rigney claims that God will soon restore trump to the White House to foster the coming "Great Awakening" that will sweep the globe

"Prophetess" Donna Rigney claims that God will soon restore Trump to the White House to foster the coming "Great Awakening" that will sweep the globe. — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) May 26, 2021 “Jesus Died for You. Trump lives for you.” Uh... what? — 🇺🇸🇺🇸Democrat PATRIOT 🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@serena_patriot) May 25, 2021 End Times prepper pastor Jim Bakker claims that "cancel culture" was responsible for him being unjustly convicted of fraud and sent to prison in the 1980s. — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) May 25, 2021 Alabama pastor sentenced to 15 years in prison for raping children released after 5 years — Dr. Cole McKinnon (@DrMcKinn) May 21, 2021

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse details the decades-long Republican conspiracy to capture the Supreme Court

Tune in now for the first of my speeches tracing the decades-long special-interest scheme to capture the Supreme Court. Today, I look at where this all began. — Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) May 25, 2021 Senate Republicans plan on using the filibuster for the January 6th Commission. The Republican Party supports insurrection. — Aaron Parnas (@AaronParnas) May 26, 2021 Michael Steele: GOP is 'convulsing with conspiracy theories' — and it's a 'death trap' for democracy — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) May 25, 2021

Head of Israeli intelligence (Mossad) was in talks to join Steve Mnuchin’s investment firm

JFC: Head of Israeli intelligence (Mossad) was in talks to join Steve Mnuchin’s investment firm GET IT YET? — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) May 26, 2021 "The Mossad has been working closely with Qatar in recent years on the issue of Gaza. This work continued during the recent crisis, with the Israeli spy agency passing messages to Hamas via Qatar." Wrap your mind around this one. — Enid Selma Peabody (@Flywoman1950) May 26, 2021 To the people out there who still don't get what Jews face on social media... This is the vitriol that Marjorie Taylor Greene enables. I'm letting Twitter know about this one. — Jake Lobin (@JakeLobin) May 26, 2021 🇮🇳🇮🇱 India's extensive cooperation with Israel in irrigation, water management, and boosting seed yields seems to have paid off big . . . — Prof. Michael Tanchum (@michaeltanchum) May 27, 2021 Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin made multiple

Kansas Republican Mark Samsel kicked a 15 year old student in the nuts because God told him to do it...

Kansas State Rep. Mark Samsel (R) kicked a 15 year old student in the nuts while substitute teaching an art class because … God told him to do it. And Samsel was serious when he said that. #wtpBLUE #FreshVoicesRise — Jennifer Bennon (@jennobenno) May 26, 2021 Hear what Kansas Republican Mark Samsel said to Wellsville students while substitute teaching — Sunstone (@sunstonen) May 27, 2021

Whites buy land, make camp by shut Oregon irrigation canal

Whites buy land, make camp by shut Oregon irrigation canal — Sunstone (@sunstonen) May 26, 2021 Right-wing agitator Ammon Bundy enters Idaho governor race — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) May 22, 2021

'Greater Idaho' one step closer as 5 more White counties voted to explore leaving Oregon for Idaho

According to #Russia 's state media, life is hell here in the U.S. The streets in democratic states are policed by gangs, police are gone. Oregon, Washington and California want to join "Greater Idaho." Everything is bad and getting worse. — Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) June 6, 2021 'Greater Idaho' took one step closer to being a real thing as 5 more White counties voted to explore leaving American Oregon for Confederate Idaho — Sunstone (@sunstonen) May 26, 2021 Disgruntled Confederates in Ohio vote in favor of Secession. What’s next? — Sunstone (@sunstonen) May 21, 2021 Right-wing agitator Ammon Bundy enters Idaho governor race — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) May 22, 2021 Seriously. A guy banned from the Idaho capitol grounds is runnin' for governor. This is how depraved the Republican party has become. — Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA)

DOJ Wants Republican trumpist Steve Wynn to Register as Foreign Lobbyist for Communist China…

DOJ Wants Republican trumpist Steve Wynn to Register as Foreign Lobbyist for Communist China… "Prosecutors are preparing to sue casino mogul Steve Wynn, citing his push to get the U.S. to expel a Chinese businessman" — Vin Holton (@vinholton) May 26, 2021

Tennessee anti-vaxxer arrested after plowing car through vaccination site

If you’re okay not getting vaccinated and potentially spreading COVID and killing people, then don’t get it. But driving your car through a vaccination site to stop and potentially kill others who are getting vaccinated? Special kind of crazy. #DemVoice1 — Natalie (@Nat4Democracy) May 27, 2021 Tennessee anti-vaxxer arrested after deliberately plowing car through vaccination site — Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) May 26, 2021

Republican candidates for NYC Mayor spent debate yelling at each about about who loves trump the most

In a preview of the 2022 GOP primaries, Republican candidates for NYC Mayor spent most of tonight’s debate yelling at each about about who loves Trump the most. — Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 27, 2021 — Stacy Jannis (@StacyJannis) May 27, 2021 Mirror mirror on the wall, whose the most fascist of them all: OAN Desperately Insists Newsmax Is A 'Left-Leaning Organization' | @crooksandliars — Progressive Push (@progressivepush) May 24, 2021

Arrested insurrectionist visited TedCruz's house -- and brought 11 molotov cocktails to Jan. 6 terrorist assault

A few weeks before Lonnie Coffman brought an assault rifle, a handgun, and 11 mason jar bombs to the Capitol, he visited Ted Cruz's DC home and called his office. "Kremlin Cruz" used his platform to destabilize US democracy and he should be charged with stochastic terrorism. — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) May 25, 2021 Arrested insurrectionist visited #TedCruz 's house -- and brought 11 molotov cocktails to Jan. 6 riot: report #KremlinCruz #MOG — Michael O'Grady (@mog7546) May 25, 2021 #ToadCruz runs a domestic terror network — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) May 27, 2021 🔥 @tedcruz ADMITS that he led the fight to overthrow the election. That’s why he and co- conspirators do NOT want a January 6 commission… — Venture Capital (@kelly2277) May 26, 2021 That's the guy who had Ted Cruz and Sean Hannity's phone numbers on him... ht

Texas has so many additional taxes that its burden is actually higher than California's for middle-class people

Texas has so many additional taxes that its burden is actually higher than California's for middle-class people. California's taxes on rich people are significantly higher than Texas. That's actually why GOP commentators whine about CA taxes — Matthew Sheffield (@mattsheffield) May 23, 2021

A Belarusian Currency Trader Is Buying Up Vermont

This Belarusian Currency Trader Is Buying Up Tiny Vermont — Blu Intell (@bluintell) May 23, 2021 A Belarusian currency speculator named Pavel Boguslavovich Belogour is buying up huge swaths of tiny Vermont—thousands of acres of the Green Mountain State, and even patches of land over the border in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. At first, Belogour, who goes by “Paul,” was received as something of a novelty. An idiosyncratic character with long hair and scant online footprint, he had amassed a small fortune in the largely unregulated world of foreign exchange trading—and then came to Vermont to spend it in eccentric ways. He bought a maple sugar farm, an entire marina, and a plot of undeveloped wood, where he planned to build, among other things, a Viking-themed “luxury hideaway,” which he describes as “the Disney of the North.” “His choices of what to invest in are certainly eclectic, I would say,” Brattleboro Selectboard member Tim Wessel told The Daily Be

trump aide ordered to pay $42K over lawsuit about slipping abortion pill to pregnant stripper

Trump aide ordered to pay $42K over lawsuit about slipping abortion pill to pregnant stripper Delgado's legal team alleges that #JasonMiller —prior to his high-profile extramarital romance—carried out an affair with a woman he met at strip club. #MOG — Michael O'Grady (@mog7546) May 22, 2021 “Miller surreptitiously dosed her with an abortion pill without her knowledge, leading, the woman claims, to the pregnancy's termination and nearly her death." @JasonMillerinDC Murderer. — TheSadTruth💙 (@ReportsDaNews) May 24, 2021

21 Confederate states now canceling federal unemployment benefits

Breaking: Now 23 STATES reject Government handouts: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joins the Republican revolt against $300 unemployment benefit because it makes it 'impossible for businesses to fill jobs' — The Truthful American 📰 (@TTA_NewsNetwork) May 26, 2021 21 states now canceling federal unemployment benefits: Indiana, Oklahoma, and Texas are the latest states to join the wave of others opting out of pandemic-era unemployment programs next month that will slash benefits for 3.6 million workers. - All GQP Governors — Dr. Jeff Rabinowitz (@rxjef77) May 23, 2021 Breaking: Now 23 STATES reject Government handouts: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joins the Republican revolt against $300 unemployment benefit because it makes it 'impossible for businesses to fill jobs' — The Truthful American 📰 (@TTA_NewsNetwork) May 26, 2021 Lol the same Repu

Republican Shaman's Attorney "Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.”

Republican Shaman's Attorney "Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.” QAnon Shaman’s attorney: ‘These are people with brain damage’ — The American Dialogue (@AmericaDialogue) May 20, 2021 Republican Shaman's Attorney "Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.” — GQP Watch (@gqpwatch) May 19, 2021 Republican Shaman's attorney: ‘These are people with brain damage’ — GQP Watch (@gqpwatch) May 20, 2021 Republican Shaman’s lawyer likens trump propaganda to Hitler and blames trump for Capitol assault — GQP Watch (@gqpwatch) May 20, 2021 There's a potential TROVE of evidence in each US Capitol riot prosecution In case of Q-Anon Shamon Jacob Chansley, feds say they have: *Nine* DC poli

the disinformation machine: How far-right media brainwash millions daily

Inside the disinformation machine: How far-right media brainwash millions daily This is an adapted excerpt from #ShadowNetwork , now available in paperback. READ IT! — Ron Rabatsky (@ExposingALEC) May 17, 2021 You'd think Christians could tell Christ from Anti-Christ traits. So how did Pride, greed, arrogance, wrath, envy, selfishness get attributed to God's Divine Plan? Brainwashing broadcast networks. — CEO Shannon McCallister #MentalEngineer #LawNerd (@SBMcCallister) May 19, 2021

Fundamentalist Mormon Matthew Lohmeier kicked out of Space Force after raving that Marxists are taking over military

You are the poster boy for why time-in-grade promotion is a broken system that elevates talentless morons. — The Humungus (@TineaBarba) May 17, 2021 Fundamentalist Mormon Commander Matthew Lohmeier kicked out of Space Force after raving that Marxists are taking over military — Blue News (@bluenewsus) May 17, 2021 Space Force Commander Demoted Over Book Claiming ‘Neo-Marxist Agenda’ And Critical Race Theory Infiltrating Military — Blue News (@bluenewsus) May 17, 2021 Space Force Commander Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier fired after blasting diversity and inclusion training in the military as “critical race theory rooted in Marxism”. I guess the Space Force Commander never watched Star Trek. — Mike Sington (@MikeSington) May 16, 2021 Did Bishop Garrison have a role in the firing of his fellow West Point Alumn Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier? — Darren J. Beattie 🌐 (@DarrenJBeattie) May 16, 20

VIDEO: Republican child star Rick Schroder harasses a Costco employee over face masks

Former child star Rick Schroder harasses a Costco employee over face masks — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) May 16, 2021 Republican child star calls for Costco boycott over masks Ricky Schroder confronts Costco employee over mask requirement in viral video: 'You're just going to listen to their rules?' — Blue News (@bluenewsus) May 17, 2021 Ricky Schroder confronts Costco employee over mask requirement in viral video: ‘You’re just going to listen to their rules?’ — Blue News (@bluenewsus) May 17, 2021 Ricky Schroeder admits he won't wear a mask until it fits over the Silver Spoon stuck in his mouth! — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) May 16, 2021 I salute you Jason, you handled that so well. It's not easy to deal with nasty people when you're just trying to do your job. Let's make #JasonAtCostco trend not the other guy.

Man arrested for wife's murder now accused of voting trump in her name

‘I Wanted Trump to Win’: Husband Charged in Wife’s Murder Also Used the dead woman's Name to Vote — Blue News (@bluenewsus) May 15, 2021 A Colorado man charged with murdering his wife submitted her absentee ballot in the 2020 elections. He thought “other guys” were cheating so he would “give [Trump] another vote” - — Reid Wilson (@PoliticsReid) May 14, 2021 1/2 🔴A Trumpian Double🔴 Alleged murder by this guy of his wife topped off with voter fraud for Trump. Is this one of Donnie's "very fine people?" by @pbmelendez in @thedailybeast — Don Lewis (@DonLew87) May 14, 2021 Man arrested in wife's murder now accused of voting for Trump in her name — Jon Cooper 🇺🇸 (@joncoopertweets) May 15, 2021 Husband arrested in connection with wife’s disappearance cast her mail-in ballot for Trump: report — Ming Solenya Nalvany (@MingGao26) May 14, 20

CNN, MSNBC Guest Who Blasted Israeli ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Forced Out of Home in Israel

CNN, MSNBC Guest Who Blasted Israeli ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Forced Out of Home in Israel — West News (@westnewsusa) May 14, 2021 ‘Wonder Woman’ Star Gal Gadot, an Israeli Soldier, Gets Backlash for Statement on Israel-Palestine Violence — West News (@westnewsusa) May 13, 2021 I hope everyone sees what’s happening here. — ClearingTheFog (@clearing_fog) May 13, 2021 Trevor Noah Has a Message for gop backer Israel: ‘What Is Your Responsibility?’ — West News (@westnewsusa) May 13, 2021 Americans can't figure out why Israelis are fighting with Palestinians when Trump and Kushner achieved 'peace' in the Middle East — #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) May 17, 2021

American Taliban: Liz Cheney says she would not vote for a Democrat EVER

Liz Cheney says she would not vote for a Democrat ever — Acyn (@Acyn) May 13, 2021 Liz Cheney was into birtherism. She’s a neoconservative and discriminates against gay people. Stop it with this heroism nonsense. Man alive. — Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) May 13, 2021 OH SHE'S PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL IMMEDIATELY, ISN'T SHE MSM? — West News (@westnewsusa) May 13, 2021 Liz Chaney refuses to connect the Big Lie to voter suppression laws in the states. There are no defenders of voting rights in the GOP. Excellent journalism by @jonathanvswan . — Marc E. Elias (@marceelias) May 23, 2021 Today in an interview, GOPer Liz Cheney refused to connect her cult’s big lie to voter suppression, meaning she is just like Orange Twitler even though she claims to be against him. This should surprise no one as she is the mild version of repugnance. She’s no hero. — Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) May 24, 2021

Newsmax Republican propaganda: "If you are Jewish and you are a Democrat and you are living in America today, how do you support an administration that turns its back on your home country?"

Newsmax host: "If you are Jewish and you are a Democrat and you are living in America today, how do you support an administration that turns its back on your home country?" — Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) May 13, 2021 If only there were an applicable historical parallel... — Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) May 13, 2021 Breaking news: Slender Man fails to bring peace to Middle East. — M-A.StayFuckin’Legit🖕🇨🇦☘️🔥 (@BagdMilkSoWhat) May 14, 2021 CNN, MSNBC Guest Who Blasted Israeli ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Forced Out of Home in Israel — West News (@westnewsusa) May 14, 2021 Newsmax Host Off Air This Week After Calling Israel the ‘Home Country’ of American Jews — West News (@westnewsusa) May 13, 2021

Giuliani son tells Russian state TV that people don't want to live in America

Andrew Giuliani just went on ‘RT’ (Russian government-controlled TV) to rip the U.S. government, saying “people don’t want to live in a country where you are going to have a Justice Department” that persecutes people. — Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 14, 2021 Giuliani's son tells Russian state TV people don't want to live in America after FBI raided his dad. — Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) May 14, 2021 ⚡️SCOOPS: A former Blackwater employee connected to Erik Prince provided security for Rudy Giuliani during his December 2019 trip to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter. — Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) May 6, 2021 Rudy Giuliani has hired 2 lawyers that represented Harvey Weinstein. Making me immediately wonder wtf they found on his phone and laptop. 😂 — TheSadTruth💙 (@ReportsDaNews) May 13, 2021 Giuliani hires attorneys who defended Weinstein

Israeli flag is flying over Hitler's homeland of Austria!

By flying the Israeli flag from his office, Kurz is trying to shift the discussion away from the corruption probes enveloping his government. But given the parallels between the allegations Kurz faces and Netanyahu’s legal travails, it’s a bit of an odd tactic. — Matt Karnitschnig (@MKarnitschnig) May 14, 2021 Heute wurde als Zeichen der Solidarität mit #Israel die israelische Flagge am Dach des Bundeskanzleramtes gehisst. Die terroristischen Angriffe auf Israel sind auf das Schärfste zu verurteilen! Gemeinsam stehen wir an der Seite Israels. — Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz) May 14, 2021 If only there were an applicable historical parallel... — Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) May 13, 2021 Israelis goes on the rampage destroying Palestinian owned businesses. #Africa4Palestine — #Africa4Palestine (@Africa4Pal) May 13, 2021 Newsmax host: "If you are Jewish and you are a D

Active-duty Marine Major Christopher Warnagiris, based at Quantico, was arrested in Virginia for assaulting federal officers at the Capitol

BREAKING: Active-duty Marine Major Christopher Warnagiris, based at Quantico, was arrested in Virginia for assaulting federal officers at the Capitol. — Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) May 13, 2021 Just in: US Marine Maj. Christopher Warnagiris arrested in Quantico for assaulting federal officers on Jan. 6 as he helped Trump insurrectionists breach the Capitol — the first case against an active-duty service member. — Hugo Lowell (@hugolowell) May 13, 2021 NEW: Feds say active duty US Marine from Virginia pushed police & forced open a US Capitol door in the opening wave of the mob on Jan 6. Feds questioned military command of Chris Warnagiris .. showed them these pictures... and then arrested Warnagiris — Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) May 13, 2021 !! ALERT - US Marine Corps commissioned officer arrested & charged in US Capitol Insurrection. Feds say 40 y/o Chris Warnagiris of Woodbridge, Va pushed through police &a